
MVHBC 2017 Site Build

Primary LanguageHTML


built on Django

requires Python 2.7 or Python 3

requires pip

Dev Environment Installation Instructions

Set up virtual env for isolated development Environment

Virtual Env

$ pip install virtualenv
$ cd dev_folder
$ virtualenv django

Once installed you can enter your virtual environment

$ cd django
$ source bin/activate
(django) MacBook-Pro-3:dev_folder [user]$

Install Django

From your virtualenv folder you can install Django

$ pip install django

Test your install by outputting the version from the python console

$ python

>>> import django
>>> django.VERSION

You should see the current version output, example: (1, 10, 6, u'final', 0)

Quit the console

>>> quit()

Clone the repo

From your virtual environment folder clone the repo of the project

$ git clone https://github.com/dwthomas77/mvhbc17.git

Database Setup

Set up the database for your project.

$ cd mvhbc17
$ python manage.py migrate

Run the webserver

You can now run the Django webserver and see the project serving from the virtual environment on a port of your localhost domain.

Start the development webserver

$ python manage.py runserver

go to localhost on your web browser


To run the application on a different port pass it as an argument after runserver

$ python manage.py runserver 4000
