
Primary LanguageJavaScript


General Tips

REACT is a way to handle whiteboard interview problems, and we’re going to get some preliminary practice: you’ll be doing these problems together in class throughout senior phase. We don’t have whiteboards in the video classrooms, of course, so use a text editor, or a drawing program, or even sketch on paper and hold the paper up to the camera to show the interviewer.

R - repeat the question to the interviewer. Ask questions if you aren’t sure about anything! Now is your time to make sure you understand the question.

E - examples: generate examples. Write them on the whiteboard (or in your text editor). Consider edge cases - empty inputs, unusual values.

A - approach: explain to the interviewer how you think you can solve the problem.

C - code: write your code on the whiteboard (or in our case, a text editor.) - You don’t have to run your code - it can even be pseudo-code. As long as you can explain your approach in detail.

T - test: walk through your code with your examples. Demonstrate in detail how it works. You may uncover bugs. Fix them!

Bottom Up

Useful for recursion and dynamic programming problems. dynamic programming problems: are problems where the solution is composed of solutions to the same problem with smaller inputs (as with multiplying the numbers 1..n1..n, above).



Avoiding Recursion

Because recursion can add to space complexity, assuming no Tail Call Optimization, we may want to avoid using recursion. To do so, we will want to take a bottoms up approach instead of top down.

// Too space intensive! O(N)
function product1ToN(n) {
  // We assume n >= 1
  return (n > 1) ? (n * product1ToN(n-1)) : 1;
// Yay! O(1)
function product1ToN(n) {
  // assuming n >= 1
  let result = 1;
  for (let num = 1; num <= n; num++) {
    result *= num;

  return result;


What is the blueprint for a recursive function?

  1. Function definition --- Our function should accept parameters. This way we can always test the value of these params to check whether or not we have reached the base case.
  2. Defining our base case --- What is the trivial case, where we already know the solution for the problem.
  3. *Make the problem smaller --- *Incrementing/decrementing our parameters which are passed into every recursive function call. If we don't do this, our problem will never be terminated, and we will hit an infinite loop.

Big O Space


Tail call optimization (TCO): where the compiler can optimize some recursive functions to avoid building up a tall call stack. The JavaScript spec recently allowed TCO. In general, best not to assume your compiler/interpreter will do this work for you. Note, the recursive call has to be the last line like below. It would take this from O(N) to O(1)

  function product1ToN(n) {
  // We assume n >= 1
  return (n > 1) ? (n * product1ToN(n-1)) : 1;

Dynamic Programming

Need to add to this

  • do the square problem