Recurring Charges Exercise


This application reads a list of charges on your credit card and then tells you which charges are recurring.


Display Recurring Charges

  • return the number of charges for each service
    • filter out charges that are not recurring
  • return the amount of the recurring charge for each service


An array of charges with the following attributes:

  • name - A string that shows who the charge is coming from
  • date - The date on which the charge occurred
  • amount - The amount of money that the charge is for

Example Format:

  name: 'NextCapital Premium',
  date: '01/01/2019',
  amount: 9.99


An object containing:

  • Key - The name of the charge
  • Value - The number of times a charge with the respective name showed up on the statement

Example Format:

  Spotify: 12,
  'NextCapital Premium': 4