Pinned issues
- 46
Internal Server Error 😢 🔥
#325 opened by nelsonic - 0
Feat: Delegated Auth
#296 opened by nelsonic - 12
Email -> Magic Link Login 🔗
#223 opened by nelsonic - 8
- 7
Error `expected a binary but got: nil`
#266 opened by LuchoTurtle - 11
Proposal: Rebuild `Auth` App using `mix phx.gen.auth` when `Phoenix@1.7` Ships
#207 opened by nelsonic - 2
Feat: Re-create Login Screen Using Tailwind CSS
#286 opened by nelsonic - 4
- 2
Chore: Generate ERD for `mix phx.gen.auth`
#284 opened by nelsonic - 0
Feat: Allowed List of URLs for each `AUTH_API_KEY`
#281 opened by nelsonic - 5
Tech Question: Do we even Need an `AUTH_API_KEY`? 💭 🤷♂️
#277 opened by nelsonic - 0
Feat: Copy `AUTH_URL` to clipboard
#279 opened by nelsonic - 0
Review how auth application works
#240 opened by SimonLab - 0
Feat: Use `Gmail` to send Email!! 📧 🤯
#271 opened by nelsonic - 0
Feat: Auth Setup Wizard `#discuss`
#270 opened by nelsonic - 5
- 10
- 7
Bug: GitHub Username Not Returned by Auth ... 🤦♂️
#248 opened by nelsonic - 11
Auth: Deploy Demo Version to
#246 opened by nelsonic - 1
Simplify/Split auth_controller
#168 opened by nelsonic - 1
phx.gen.auth --live
#222 opened by nelsonic - 0
Chore: Use `statuses` [in-memory] in `auth`
#245 opened by nelsonic - 3
- 1
Groups UI/UX
#232 opened by nelsonic - 3
Chore: Fix Failing Auth Tests
#235 opened by nelsonic - 1
Phoenix.Template.UndefinedError Could not render "live.html" for AuthWeb.LayoutView
#233 opened by nelsonic - 5
- 1
- 0
Cloudflare error
#221 opened by nelsonic - 1
Select authentication method
#183 opened by SimonLab - 1
Add Dependabot to Update Dependencies
#190 opened by nelsonic - 2
- 4
Chore: Update License identifier in mix.exs
#188 opened by nelsonic - 1
Update dependencies
#181 opened by SimonLab - 8
Update Dependencies and Docs
#186 opened by nelsonic - 1
Github Oauth scope
#182 opened by SimonLab - 2
Images not appearing on
#178 opened by nelsonic - 3
Auth Application Error
#180 opened by nelsonic - 4
Clarity on how `Fields.EmailHash` can be used to look up a user by their email address.
#169 opened by tadasajon - 37
Deploy Auth to PROD
#172 opened by nelsonic - 1
Setup subdomain
#177 opened by nelsonic - 7
- 18
INIT: Auth App Deployment Init Page [MVP]
#176 opened by nelsonic - 2
Create `/logout` endpoint
#158 opened by nelsonic - 0
Restrict Who Can See List of People in Prod
#171 opened by nelsonic - 10
Updated instructions needed for readme -- this app immediately crashes when I try to run it locally
#157 opened by tadasajon - 8
Internal Server Error at
#165 opened by tadasajon - 11
Include auth_url in AUTH_API_KEY ?
#162 opened by nelsonic - 4
Tests fail on `main` 🤷♂️
#164 opened by nelsonic - 5