:octocat: Minimalist GitHub OAuth Authentication for Elixir Apps. Tested, Documented & Maintained. Setup in 5 mins. 🚀
- 2
Heroku not Working
#68 opened by zjian107-su - 1
- 3
Redirection after callback
#63 opened by ndrean - 0
- 11
Post to Github defaults to port 4000
#62 opened by ndrean - 0
Fix Template Attribute Interpolation in Readme
#60 opened by Consofine - 6
- 8
Sign in with GitHub Button
#33 opened by nelsonic - 2
Replace Poison with Jason
#54 opened by nelsonic - 3
Update HTTPoison + Publish New Version
#52 opened by nelsonic - 19
GitHub profile.email: nil
#46 opened by nelsonic - 1
Implementation plan
#1 opened by finnhodgkin - 2
Spike on plugs/Phoenix
#3 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
Export TestDouble Function in Hex Package
#44 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 3
Update dependencies
#40 opened by SimonLab - 3
Update Docs and Re-publish
#32 opened by nelsonic - 1
github_auth/2 function not used
#39 opened by nelsonic - 4
Use Environment Variables and Avoid Config Step
#35 opened by nelsonic - 1
login_url_with_scope/2 function not used
#38 opened by nelsonic - 3
- 2
Valid Scopes
#36 opened by nelsonic - 0
Add option for scopes to the initial url
#30 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
Set up test coverage pre-commit hook
#4 opened by finnhodgkin - 1
Set up travis and codecov
#25 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
Write login redirect
#6 opened by ZooeyMiller - 2
- 0
Add the module to Hex
#8 opened by finnhodgkin - 0
Spike on creating new Hex module
#5 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
Write module and function docs
#18 opened by finnhodgkin - 1
Build callback request for user data
#7 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
Work out appropriate error handling
#11 opened by ZooeyMiller - 1
get 100% coverage
#16 opened by ZooeyMiller - 3
Spike on how configs work in Elixir.
#9 opened by ZooeyMiller - 11
Spike on HTTPoison
#2 opened by ZooeyMiller