Pinned issues
- 0
#169 opened by nelsonic - 12
- 0
Email explained from first principles
#86 opened by nelsonic - 2
2023 Rebuild?
#77 opened by nelsonic - 2
Investigate using Swoosh for Email
#52 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 0
update links
#57 opened by Arhell - 0
update links in readme
#55 opened by Arhell - 4
- 12
- 1
Invoke Lambda Function ("ping") for Pixel Route
#35 opened by nelsonic - 0
Add auth_plug to Enable Authentication
#34 opened by nelsonic - 2
Create /bounce-list Endpoint
#33 opened by nelsonic - 0
Display Email Address in Dashboard?
#32 opened by nelsonic - 6
ExAws: HTTP ERROR: :nxdomain
#31 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 3
- 10
How to test handle_info/2 in Phoenix LiveView
#26 opened by nelsonic - 3
Write fixture with multiple names and emails.
#14 opened by nelsonic - 7
Track open rate for HTML emails?
#1 opened by nelsonic - 3
Add "Send Test Email To Myself" Buttton
#7 opened by nelsonic - 1
Add Personalised Signature to End of Email?
#8 opened by nelsonic - 1
Template Selector/Switcher?
#9 opened by nelsonic - 2
- 1
- 1
Publish Demo App on Heroku
#4 opened by nelsonic - 1
Create Email Dashboard
#23 opened by nelsonic - 0
- 2
LiveView not working on Heroku
#24 opened by nelsonic - 4
- 1
- 1
Decouple Tests from Hapi?
#11 opened by nelsonic - 1
How many emails can gmail send per day?
#2 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 0
Update Dependencies
#19 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 1
transfer to dwyl
#16 opened by nelsonic - 0
Update Dependencies to Latest Versions
#17 opened by nelsonic - 0
- 0