:lock: Secure Hapi.js authentication plugin using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Headers, URL or Cookies
- 1
Bug in v11.0.0
#511 opened by lgraziani2712 - 3
logging failed requests
#332 opened by nitrocode - 7
Cryptic error messages if validation failed
#297 opened by aschekatihin - 15
Hapi auth jwt typescript bug
#310 opened by vforv - 2
- 4
custom verify with invalid JWT signature.
#328 opened by ankem - 5
Update devDependencies
#346 opened by nelsonic - 4
Catch verification error.
#357 opened by uwejan - 1
Getting errors during registering hapi-auth-jwt2 while Using hapi.js 20 server
#372 opened by abhilashdkadv - 4
scope based validation
#359 opened by tcurdt - 2
- 3
Chore: Replace `tape` with `tap` in tests
#432 opened by nelsonic - 6
Custom verify function - how?
#458 opened by jaclas - 1
Chore: Release New `Major` Version
#509 opened by nelsonic - 15
- 1
Cookie dependency has security advisory
#496 opened by camsteffen - 7
- 0
More details within errorFunc
#442 opened by joshkel - 3
authentication alway undefined
#381 opened by pepatcha - 0
update hapijs name
#370 opened by Arhell - 0
update links
#368 opened by Arhell - 0
update readme links
#366 opened by Arhell - 0
broken hitCount
#364 opened by Arhell - 2
Help Wanted
#363 opened by tinkeshwar - 4
- 1
Add request parameter to key method
#312 opened by jrpedrianes - 5
- 1
JWT Socket.io authentication
#301 opened by PavelKv - 1
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Add secure link to jwt.io
#309 opened by luqmanoop - 2
config: {auth: false} is not work
#314 opened by abao1981 - 0
My own redis server.
#356 opened by uwejan - 1
Optional auth throws "token is null" error
#353 opened by bfeliz - 4
- 2
How to delete token on client to logout?
#350 opened by Baka9k - 3
README - Quick Demo don't work out of the box
#348 opened by raunakkathuria - 3
- 6
- 3
- 1
⬆️ Update Dependencies
#336 opened by nelsonic - 1
Hapi v19 returns HTTP Status Code 204 "no content"
#339 opened by nelsonic - 3
Remove Mentions of Redis Cloud from README.md
#334 opened by nelsonic - 2
DevDependencies out-of-date
#323 opened by nelsonic - 2
Documentation: key function return object isValid field: field not used by implementation
#302 opened by dpmott - 7
8.7.0 alternative auth not working
#325 opened by dcharbonnier - 0
Dependencies @hapi/boom and cookie out-of-date
#321 opened by nelsonic - 5
NoJS support and JWTs passed on POST bodies
#319 opened by stevenleadbeater - 0
- 1
[Question] conditional auth key
#308 opened by cvandermeer - 3
Custom boom errors from validate function
#303 opened by BenMansley