
💳 Learn how to process online payments in your web application (and in Elixir)! 💰

Primary LanguageElixir

Learn Payment Processing 💳

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Learn what payment processing is and how you can add it to your App to get paid! 🎉

Why? 🥕

Sadly, not all applications can be "free"; the people that build them need to be paid and the underlying infrastructure costs money too. Many App/Websites cover their costs through advertising. This is effectively selling [out] the "users" data, which we are not fans of ...


"When something online is free, you're not the customer, you're the product." ~ Jonathan Zittrain

We prefer to charge an affordable fee - enough to cover all our costs and continue building our roadmap - and fiercely guard the privacy of the people using the App.

The goal of this guide is to cover both the theory and practice of payment processing and to showcase payment processing in a standalone web app.

Who? 🤓

This guide is meant as both an internal reference for us @dwyl
and a fully Open Source resource that anyone can read and learn from.

As always, if you find it helpful/useful please star the repo on GitHub ⭐ 🙏 Thanks!

If you get stuck or have any questions/suggestions, please open an issue.

What 💭

Some Apps are sold via one time purchase others are subscription-based (recurring payments). Regardless of the type of payment, they share one thing in common: payment processing gateways are used to collect funds.

But what is "payment processing"...?

Payment Processor or Gateway? 🤷‍♀️


A payment processor functions as an intermediary between the customer's bank (or digital wallet) and the merchant (and their bank). It is the entity responsible for communicating between both parties in the transaction.

A payment gateway is a virtual point of sale for online payments. Similar to when a customer swipes/taps their card on a physical credit card terminal, online stores need a gateway to securely collect the customer's card details. A payment gateway acts like is a virtual credit card terminal.

The whole process of online payment usually assumes the merchant has a merchant account. A merchant account is simply a type of business bank account that allows a business to receive credit card and other electronic funds transfers.

Note: the terms payment processor and payment gateway usually fall under the same term; payment processor. This is because they work together to handle payment processing. So if you see platforms like Stripe being mentioned as a "payment processor", it's because it offers both payment gateway and payment processor bundled together alongside a myriad of other features such as fraud prevention.

Which Payment Processing Provider? 🤔

There are several Payment processing providers, the most recognizable are: PayPal, Stripe or Square.

We have used each of these in the past and they are fairly straightforward to integrate.

Let's do a quick rundown of the various payment providers we want to support in our App:

PayPal - the Original Payment Processor 💵

Started in 1998, PayPal is one of the original and most successful general purpose online payment processors.

If you've done much online shopping, you have probably seen a payment interface allowing purchases through Paypal:


If you want to alow people to purchase an through PayPal, you'd have to setup a PayPal account and use one of their SDKs: developer.paypal.com

This uses the PayPal E-commerce platform paypal.com/us/business/platforms to setup a payment gateway and processor for people to pay with Paypal on your site.

The biggest advantage of PayPal is that has been a "Digital Wallet" from the early days. Which means people store funds in their PayPal account as if it were a Bank. An individual can sell something online e.g. on eBay or etsy and collect payment with PayPal. These funds stay in their PayPal account unless they extract them to a Bank Account. Many people hold balances in their PayPal for future online shopping. People consider this to be their "spending money". We want to help those people invest the money wisely in themselves!

The history/evolution of PayPal is a fascinating success story, wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal#Early_history. We are only concerned about the present; PayPal has over 400 million people actively using their platform and can be used in more than 200 countries/regions. A significant proportion of people buying things online already use and trust PayPal. We want to offer the ability to checkout with a PayPal account as one of the lowest friction payment methods. For people who are signed into their PayPal account, checkout can be 2 clicks/taps. 🚀

Apple Pay 🍎

There are 1.2 Billion active iPhone users worldwide. iPhone recently surpassed 50% Smart Phone Market Share in the US and in some wealthier countries like Norway, it's as high as 68%. Many of the people using iPhone have a payment card associated with their Apple Account. Apple Pay has 500 million registered users worldwide: fortunly.com/apple-pay-statistics

To use Apple Pay directly we would need to create an account with Apple and use their SDK: developer.apple.com/apple-pay/implementation/

while we don't expect many of the people using our App to pay with Apple Pay (and we certainly won't encourage them as Apple takes a massive 30% cut ...)

Google Pay 🤖

Google Pay, originally called Google Checkout, then Google Wallet then rebranded to Android Pay and now back to Google Pay/Wallet (...🙄) is a payment service available to all people with a Google account - including everyone with an Android device - who have added a credit/debit card to their account. It's difficult to know exactly how many people have and use Google Pay because Google does not make the info public and the vast majority of people with an Android device either don't have a Credit Card (think children and the unbanked) ... But the most recent estimates are 200 million people in 47 countries. see: wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Pay_(payment_method)

To add Google Pay as a payment method you have to create an business account and use their SDK: developers.google.com/pay/api and integrate it in your App/Website.

Credit/Debit Cards 💳

Last but not least are credit/debit cards, by far the most prevalent payment method both in the real world and online.

All the bran-specific payment providers such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay etc. assume you have a credit/debit card, so why bother with the others? Simple: most friction and perceived security. Many people are reluctant to use their credit/debit card because they fear fraud or identity theft.

These fears are mostly resolved in 2022 as the credit/debit card companies have sophisticated fraud detection/prevention systems. But we [@dwyl] still don't want to be storing any card details ourselves, we want a trusted PCI DSS compliant payment processor to handle the parts we don't have time to be experts in so that we can focus on the UI/UX of our App.

Do We Need a Merchant Account? 🛒

On top of managing accounts with each of the payment providers, we would need to create our own merchant account so each one of these services can connect to it and process the transactions.

Setting up and maintaining a Merchant Account is a heap of effort and can easily require a dedicated person or team of people just for running the checkout process in your App/company. This is where payment platforms like Stripe come into play.

Payment Platforms 😍

Payment platforms simplify the process of connecting to multiple third-parties. It offers more than a payment service so that merchants only have to liaise with one company rather than multiple ones.

This has a great impact on how an application is designed and implemented, and allows to for a better management and decoupling of responsibilities.

Instead of our own API having to manage different providers, we can use a platform like Stripe to do the work for us. This is how the application should be laid out!


As you can see, it is much simpler! By offering a bundle of essential payment technologies, these companies are reducing the merchant's work of having to manage each of them separately. In addition to this, there are a number of other advantages, such as security, data monitoring and reporting.

For example, Stripe is like having a multiple payment processors, payment gateways and merchant account bundled into one, along with a myriad of other features.

Stripe 🚀

Stripe is considered by many to be the de facto way of accepting credit cards and electronic payments on the web. Beyond collecting card payments it has a number of additional features, including: smart retries, automatic card updater, fraud tooling, and other add-ons.

Until we starting to research this in-depth, we were considering using Stripe because we've used in it previous projects. But then we discovered Paddle!

Paddle 😮

Paddle is a new class of payment processor that includes all additional services in their simple fee structure. Their slogan is: "The better way to sell software". Which immediately got our attention as that is what we are selling!

While Stripe can be compared to a payment gateway that deals with multiple channels, Paddle offers similar features but acts a reseller service - Merchant of Record (MoR).


A MoR is a term to describe the legal entity selling goods or services to an end customer: paddle.com/blog/what-is-merchant-of-record
It's who the end customer owes payment for their purchase, and it is who handles payments and tax liability for each transaction. This is great for tax handling, which is especially relevant in Europe: outseta.com/posts/startup-payment-processing and one of the reasons people consider Paddle in lieu of Stripe. Stripe is making strides in also having better tax compliance: stripe.com/newsroom/news/taxjar but it's not quite there, at the moment of writing.

So businesses can choose to be their own merchant of record and setup an infrastructure and processes needed to manage payments with Stripe and deal with liabilities and tax handling themselves. Or they can use MoR service providers like Paddle who take the burden of all of payment processing and legal compliance away. Of course, these usually incur higher fees than Stripe.

I'm confused ... Which one should I choose? 🤷‍♀️

That's a great question that has come up before: indiehackers.com/post/stripe-vs-paddle-89161b0d5c Paddle themselves have a good comparison: paddle.com/compare/stripe

Several others have reached the same conclusion, e.g: splitbee.io/blog/why-we-moved-from-stripe-to-paddle and reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/q3kao9/paddle_vs_chargebee_vs_stripe_any_recommendations

It's still early days for Paddle whereas Stripe has several years of head-start: https://stackshare.io/stackups/paddle-vs-stripe At present very few companies use Paddle, but those who do are quite vocal about it:


Depending on the use-case or your choice, each product provides different pricing plans, fees and features and you should make this decision based on the requirements of your project and how much you are willing to spend.

What's important here is you know how online payments work, what parties are involved and how you can leverage these platforms to make this process easier.

Remember, we are dealing with sensitive information. Credit card info should be handled with extreme caution amd these platforms makes it easier for us to do just that.

But implementation-wise, when designing and implementing your application, you should notice that the process is similar between providers. Your application will make use of their SDKs to integrate different channels and payment alternatives to process transactions.

And guess what, we are going to be doing that in the next section!

How? 💻

The demo/example has quite a few steps, so we split it out into it's own doc: example.md