🤯 beginners tutorial building a real time counter in Phoenix 1.7.14 + LiveView 1.0 ⚡️ Learn the fundamentals from first principals so you can make something amazing! 🚀
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Capture Adopt LiveView Notes 📝
#226 opened by nelsonic - 8
Feedback on tutorial (from a beginner's perspective)
#227 opened by j-n-f - 2
Learn Liveview
#223 opened by ndrean - 3
`Map.pop!3` not a recognized function
#221 opened by MikeRund - 5
GenServer issue
#220 opened by MikeRund - 2
initial_present needs to be run before subscribing to @presence_topic to pass the test
#213 opened by rizdarmwn - 24
Why `present` increase when refresh the page?
#216 opened by Frid-Yuandu - 1
- 1
Feat: Update to Phoenix LiveView 1.0-rc
#211 opened by nelsonic - 3
Images/assets not loading when running the finished app on my localhost (step 0)
#185 opened by danielrachi1 - 7
Distributed version
#179 opened by ndrean - 6
Opening an issue to be closed :)
#172 opened by ndrean - 3
- 6
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- 1
Optimizing User Experience with LiveView
#74 opened by nelsonic - 1
TDD with Liveview
#77 opened by nelsonic - 1
Real-Time Form Validation with Phoenix LiveView
#76 opened by nelsonic - 3
Update to Phoenix 1.7.0
#103 opened by chargio - 4
- 0
- 1
Which pubsub?
#89 opened by ndrean - 0
Learning components
#90 opened by ndrean - 3
- 0
update links
#82 opened by Arhell - 2
Update "Create the App" section
#52 opened by SimonLab - 2
Finished project broken
#44 opened by leephillips - 4
- 5
2022 Update
#71 opened by nelsonic - 4
Broken link for server hanging section
#24 opened by iteles - 1
Add Dependabot to Update Dependencies
#57 opened by nelsonic - 0
update readme links
#55 opened by Arhell - 0
- 3
5.1 Update the Failing Test Assertion - different test code with Phoenix v1.6.2
#48 opened by angrycandy - 1
Heroku Build/Deploy Fails
#31 opened by nelsonic - 1
- 2
cd into app folder before running the tests
#22 opened by iteles - 4
- 7
Update to Phoenix v1.5.3 and LiveView v0.13.2
#17 opened by nelsonic - 3
- 3
Initial render renders without styling
#14 opened by ivymarkwell - 0
New Version of Phoenix and LiveView!
#11 opened by nelsonic - 2
- 6
Switch step 4 and step 5?
#7 opened by SimonLab - 6
Update to phoenix_live_view 0.9.0
#5 opened by nelsonic - 9
Why? What? How?
#1 opened by nelsonic - 13
Deploy to Heroku
#3 opened by nelsonic