
Is there an Open Source alternative to "F.Lux"?

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F.Lux is not Open and it appears that they have plans for a paid version:

We need to investigate if there is an Open Source alternative.

What is the Linux alternative...? ๐Ÿค”

redshift on linux.

Redshift is available on Windows as well, however it requires a bit of manual setup. Windows 10 features a built in Night Mode, which doesn't quite ramp the colors the same. Finally, an open source program made specifically for windows is LightBulb https://github.com/Tyrrrz/LightBulb/

EDIT 2018-11-08: Split up the content a bit better

LineageOS (for smartphones) has an open-source feature called LiveDisplay that allows to select screen temperature for night and day.

@sguillia thanks for sharing! haven't tried LineageOS yet ... https://lineageos.org looks good! ๐Ÿ’ก

I've edited my month old comment to clarify that LightBulb and Windows 10 Night Mode are different ๐Ÿ˜