🚀 Detailed description + diagram of the Open Source Technology Stack we use for dwyl projects.
- des-desedyn care
- dwylbot@dwyl
- gabrielperales@cabify
- hzlmnKyiv, Ukraine
- innov8tor3Blue Oyster Business Growth
- iteles@dwyl
- ivernalooaloo
- jdwangwell
- JoseCageLuanda, Angola
- jwcastilloSantiago de Chile, Chile
- kaoussiArtisoft
- m-mahan
- madeleinelLondon, UK & Stockholm, Sweden
- martylouisDestin, Florida
- mhaidarhanif@bearmentor @bearmentor-community
- mitchellporterOrion Labs, Inc.
- mk4111
- mrphishxxx
- msmichellegarTwitter
- nelsonic@dwyl
- neo4reoRenesas Mobile
- newswim@Atlassian
- nogainbar
- patrlHeinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
- Peripona@Scout24
- quiet324
- rakeen
- samhstn@uswitch
- SarthakS93Bangalore, India
- SimonLab@enzai-technologies
- sofer@foundersandcoders
- timkrins@InfuseGroup
- tunnckoCoreOpen Source & @nodejs since 2014
- UgurAldanmazVerilogy OÜ
- upa8CRED
- YvesMuyaBenda