
Snip will get the artist, track, and album information from Spotify, iTunes, Winamp, foobar2000, VLC, or Google Play Music Desktop Player and save the information to a text file.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Copyright 2012-2021 David Rudie d.rudie@gmail.com Project Page: Snip


This small application sits in the system tray and updates a text file with the currently playing audio track.

It supports the following media players:

If you choose to use iTunes, Snip will automatically launch it. (This is the behavior of the COM API and there's nothing I can do about it.) If you only use Spotify, you don't have to worry about it.

To switch between players just right-click on the icon in the system tray.

Snip will write a generic format output to a file called Snip.txt within the same folder as Snip.exe. If you choose to save information to separate files, the files will be called Snip_Artist.txt, Snip_Track.txt, Snip_Album.txt, and Snip_History.txt (track history).


There are a handful of variables you can use within the Output Settings.

These variables only affect the output of Snip.txt itself.

  • $$t = Track Title
  • $$ut = TRACK TITLE
  • $$lt = track title
  • $$a = Track Artist
  • $$ua = TRACK ARTIST
  • $$la = track artist
  • $$l = Track Album
  • $$ul = TRACK ALBUM
  • $$ll = track album
  • $$i = Spotify track ID
  • $$n = New line


  • Next Track: Ctrl, Alt, ]
  • Previous Track: Ctrl, Alt, [
  • Volume Up: Ctrl, Alt, + (iTunes Only)
  • Volume Down: Ctrl, Alt, - (iTunes Only)
  • Mute Track: Ctrl, Alt, M (iTunes Only)
  • Pause Track: Ctrl, Alt, P
  • Play/Pause Track: Ctrl, Alt, Enter (Pause iTunes Only)
  • Stop Track: Ctrl, Alt, Backspace (iTunes Only)


Snip is free; however, I've received a lot of requests from people wishing to donate. If you'd like to donate it's entirely up to you. You may donate here: PayPal