
Updating GitHub web hook to point to Katacoda Jenkins - Bad Credentials

jwhite241 opened this issue · 10 comments

In Continuous Integration, step 1 of 8, when I click ./prepare.sh, I get the following message:

Updating GitHub web hook to point to Katacoda Jenkins...

"message": "Bad credentials",
"documentation_url": "https://docs.github.com/rest"
Waiting for Jenkins to come up...

Retry 1...
Retry 2...
Retry 3...

Where do I go to fix the bad credentials?

Thank you for logging your first issue in our repository. We shall review and revert in due course. In the interim feel free to Use the Dojo.

@jwhite241, looking at your pet-clinic repository, it looks like you have been able to solve that issue. Can you please confirm?

@jwhite241 - please do make sure that you generate a Personal Access Token and use that. Do not use your standard credentials: that will not work.

@jwhite241 I have just tested the module and it worked for me


Can you review your PAT and ensure it is created with the permissions specified in the Welcome module?

@jwhite241 I recommend deleting the token shared in your previous comment and recreating one following these instructions


of particular importance is ensuring the scopes underlined are set

@jwhite241 glad to hear that.

Enjoy the dojo.