监控DOM元素是否曝光在可视区, 基于window.IntersectionObserver 实现,摒弃scroll的方式,理论上性能会好一些。不用绑定很多的滚动监听,在不支持的环境里会降级成scroll,使用者不用担心兼容性问题
import dyncExpose from 'dync_expose';
const exposeId = 'my_dom_isRepeat'; // If the id contains 'isRepeat', repeated exposure after the callback will still trigger the callback;
id: exposeId, // id it means your dom's id, and Id is the only one on this page;
parent: null, // null, it means document.body;
cb() {
// If the element is exposed, the callback function will be triggered
<div id="my_dom_isRepeat">xxx</div>