

  • Script Starts an EC2 Micro Server
    • Using the aws cli you successfully launch a free tier eligible linux server
  • Script adds appropriate firewall rules to security groups
    • using the AWS CLI you add your current external ip to the allowed section for port 22 in your security group
  • Script successfully pushes and executes kickstart file
  • Script produces a functional cloud based website
    • by navigating to the automatically generated url or the public ip address you website is viewable over the internet
  • Scripts are all commented
    • You script accurately describes what is happening as the script progresses

Script Use:

Ensure you have proper ~/.aws/credentials setup. aws-cli credentials docs

From a Linux command line run:

git clone
cd it254-midterm/
chmod +x src/*.sh

SSH Key:

This script will create a keypair and put the private key in: ~/.ssh/aws-xxxxx.pem (where the x's are a randomly generated string per script run)


  • auto cleanup of instance and custom resources