🤖 Discord Bot

A simple Discord bot & command/event framework. Supporting slash and message commands.


  • Slash Commands
  • Message Commands
  • Full API coverage (using discord.js)
  • Runs on Node
  • es6 syntax

Run Locally

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/matta-official/bot.git

Go to the project directory

cd bot

Install dependencies

yarn install
npm install

Start the server

yarn start
npm run start

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

  1. BOT_TOKEN - Your bot token found at the Discord Developer Portal
  2. REDIS_URI - The URI to your Redis db instance. Usually redis://<user>:<pass>@
  3. GUILD_ID - The ID of the guild you want to run the bot in.


Contributions are always welcome!

See contributing.md for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.




All commands require the following data export:

export const data = {
	name: 'name',
	description: 'a description of what the command does',
	options: [], // optional - array of #ApplicationCommandOption
	defaultPermissions: false, // optional - boolean whether to allow access by default

export const permissions = []; // optional - array of #ApplicationCommandPermission


Message commands should be exported as shown below:

export const message = true;

export const execute = async (client, msg, args) => {
	// command logic in here


Slash commands should be exported as shown below:

export const slash = true;

export const interaction = async (client, interaction) => {
	// command logic in here


Components are are a framework for adding interactive elements to messages. All components require the following exports:

export const data = {
	id: 'id',

export const interaction = async (client, interaction) => {
	// component logic in here


Events have a different number of arguments passed, check the discord.js documentation for information on each. Always pass the client before any additional arguments.

export const name = 'name';
export const once = true;

export const execute = async (client, ...args) => {
	// event logic in here


Currently, the database only supports Redis. However, it is planned to support other databases in the future. This is due to the ease of using mulitple databases in Keyv. The database is accessed through the client.db object. It is not required to use a persistant database, but it is recommended. If REDIS_URI is not set, an in-memory store will be used.