
Link all your qubo instances together!

Primary LanguageJava


Link all your qubo instances together!

This was made for SpookyGriefing but I decided to release it since im quitting griefing (got bored)

Sorry for my grammar

Video of me scanning 65k ips on port 25565 with 9 VPS'es:


If you need help setting it up, join my discord server: https://discord.isnow.dev


  • Auto balancing an IP-Range
  • Auto reconnect on client when master server loses connection to internet or crashes, clients wont stop until they send all the results.
  • Sending all the output to the mastserver so no need to check output on each server
  • Auto connection thru the client start server module (requires it being online 24/7 on each client and providing client ips at vpses.txt)
  • Auto converting CIDR notation to an ip-range
  • Status & Stop command at the master server

How does this work?

  • Server creates a SocketServer and a REST api on the Master Server
  • Clients connect to the socket server and listens for scanning requests
  • When a client recieves specific string it beggins scanning
  • Each time a client gets a hit from the qubo output it will send it to the Rest API (Sockets are skipping output for some reason, im too dumb to figure it out)
  • After finishing a scan client will auto-disconnect from the server if all output has been sent, if not it wont stop until all output has been sent.
  • Master Server will save all the output to outputs/qubolinker-(iprange).txt

How to set it up:

  • Download java 11 on every single VPS including the Master Server.
  • Download quboscanner on each single VPS and name it as qubo.jar (https://github.com/replydev/Quboscanner/releases/download/0.3.7/quboscanner-0.3.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar)
  • (OPTIONAL) Download client start server on every scanning VPS and create a screen to run it 24/7 (java -jar ClientStartServer.jar vpsName)
  • (OPTIONAL) Create vpses.txt at the Master Server containing all the vpses ips splitted by new lines
  • Run Server.jar on the Master Server
  • Configure the options
  • (OPTIONAL) Type "YES" after configuring timeout to enable autoConnect feature (requires vpses.txt and client start servers running)
  • If you didnt setup autoConnect and you are at Waiting for clients to connect step, launch Client.jar on each VPS that you want to scan with
  • After connecting all the VPS'es type YES and it should start to scan.


  • Security is bad here. All security checks are strings that are hardcoded, make a pull request if you have time to fix it
  • Big IP-Ranges wont work since my IP-Range splitting code isnt perfect (make a pull request if you know how to fix it)
  • This project requires java 11 to work due to the socket api being java11+ only.
  • Any VPS provider will do (dont use famous hosts such as hetzner or ovh, they will term your VPS'es), digitalocean works the best (lasts 2 weeks with 10 VPS'es 8gb ram 4vcpu) for 5 usd
  • Do not close the master server with ctrl + c! type "stop" while scanning, if you accidentally close it you can restart the master server without providing an ip-range (clients will auto reconnect).
  • If you rescan an IP-Range it will delete the previous output so back it up first.