A node-based WeMo emulator intended for use with the Amazon Echo. Largely ported from the python fauxmo.
MeWo is the jumping off point for building custom on/off home automation scripts in node. It provides an interface for connecting to an Amazon Echo and performing whatever (on/off) tasks you want.
You will need to be running node 6 or later as MeWo makes use of ES6 features.
npm install --save mewo
const { UPnpBroadcastResponder, MeWoDevice } = require('mewo');
class MyUPnpDevice extends MeWoDevice {
constructor(...args) {
// Super must be called
// Called when "alexa turn 'device' on" is said
on() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Called when "alexa turn 'device' off" is said
off() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do something when the device is turned off
const responder = new UPnpBroadcastResponder();
// These are the default options
port: 1900,
iface: 'eth0',
// You may need to play around with this...
multicastAddress: ''
}).then(() => {
// Create the new device with a name that will show up in the Alexa app
const myDevice = new MyUPnpDevice('my-upnp-device', responder);
// Register with the UPnP responder