Whippet Server launches a stand-alone web server for a specific WordPress installation. It makes WordPress easier to develop with, for example, by adding lots of debug information to the terminal without cluttering up or breaking your templates.
- adrianshort
- benmay@TheCodeCompany
- chrisheath
- dave1010Passenger Technology Group
- davidppOKAM
- dgmstuart@varvet
- DrewAPictureWestminster, CO
- duncanjbrownUK Government Incubator for AI
- evansolomonLinkedIn
- gyrusUK
- iwkn
- Japh@pagely
- jeherveAutomattic, Inc.
- jjeaton@reaktivstudios
- jkudish@MetorikHQ
- jubstuffDonux
- kadamwhite@humanmade
- loriBeeDragon
- mbijonNetRoadshow
- mrchrisadamsProduct Science
- nciske@LuminFire
- nmec@gener8ads
- ntwbnetweb
- phlbnks
- ProssBeaver Builder
- ragloverTempe, AZ
- rinatkhazievChicago
- samargulies
- scribuLondon, UK
- stefaneyr
- swalkinshawToronto
- taras@thefrontside
- thecancerusAmiWorks
- thejamescollins@Tectalic
- xeoncrossMoving littlebig/biglittle data globally
- yoavf@Automattic