
A data platform for criminal justice reform

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Recidiviz Data Platform

Build Status Coverage Status

At the center of Recidiviz is our platform for tracking granular criminal justice metrics in real time. It includes a system for the ingest of corrections records from different source data systems, and for calculation of various metrics from the ingested records.

Read more on data ingest in /recidiviz/ingest and calculation in /recidiviz/calculator.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Data Access

The data that we have gathered from criminal justice systems has been sanitized, de-duplicated, and standardized in a single schema. This processed data is central to our purposes but may be useful to others, as well. If you would like access to the processed data, in whole or in part, please reach out to us at team@recidiviz.com. We evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis, in conjunction with our partners.

Calculated metrics can also be made available through the same process, though we anticipate publishing our analysis in various forms and channels over time.


The Recidiviz data system is provided as open source software - for transparency and collaborative development, to help jump-start similar projects in other spaces, and to ensure continuation if Recidiviz itself ever becomes inactive.

If you plan to fork the project for work in the criminal justice space (to ingest from the same systems we are, or similar), we ask that you first contact us for a quick consultation. We work carefully to ensure that our scraping activities don't disrupt other users' experiences with the public data services we scrape, but if multiple scrapers are running against the same systems, without knowing about one another, it may place excessive strain on them and impact the services those systems provide.

If you have ideas or new work for the same data we're collecting, let us know and we'll work with you to find the best way to get it done.


If you are contributing to this repository regularly for an extended period of time, request GitHub collaborator access to commit directly to the main repository. If you are contributing on occasion, fork this repository before making any commits.

Local Development

Environment setup

Option 1: Local Python installation

If you can install python3.7 locally, do so. For local Python development, you will also need to install the libpq PostgreSQL client library and openssl.

On a Mac with Homebrew, you can install python3.7, libpq, and openssl with:

$ brew install python3 postgresql openssl

On Ubuntu 18.04,openssl is installed by default, you can install python3.7 and libpq with:

$ apt update -y && apt install -y python3.7-dev python3-pip libpq-dev

You do not need to change your default python version, as pipenv will look for 3.7.

Upgrade your pip to the latest version:

$ pip install -U pip

NOTE: if you get ImportError: cannot import name 'main' after upgrading pip, follow the suggestions in this issue.

If you do not already have pip installed, you can install it on a Mac with these commands:

$ curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
$ python get-pip.py --user

On Ubuntu 18.04, you can install pip with:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Install pipenv:

$ pip install pipenv --user

Fork this repository, clone it locally, and enter its directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:your_github_username/pulse-data.git
$ cd pulse-data

Create a new pipenv environment and install all project and development dependencies

On a Mac, run the initial_pipenv_setup_mac script.

NOTE: Installation of one of our dependencies (psycopg2) requires OpenSSL, and as OpenSSL is not linked on Macs by default, this script temporarily sets the necessary compiler flags and then runs pipenv sync --dev. After this initial installation all pipenv sync/installs should work without this script.

$ ./initial_pipenv_setup_mac.sh

On a Linux machine, run the following:

$ pipenv sync --dev

NOTE: if you get pipenv: command not found, add the binary directory to your PATH as described here.

To activate your pipenv environment, run:

$ pipenv shell

Finally, run pytest. If no tests fail, you are ready to develop!

NOTE: If some recidiviz/tests/ingest/aggregate tests fail, you may need to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 7 or higher.

You can ignore those tests with:

$ pytest --ignore=recidiviz/tests/ingest/aggregate

On a Mac with Homebrew, you can install the JRE with:

$ brew cask install java

On Ubuntu 18.04, you can install the JRE with:

$ apt update -y && apt install -y default-jre
Option 2: Docker container

If you can't install python3.7 locally, you can use Docker instead.

Follow these instructions to install Docker on Linux:

Click the following links to directly download Docker installation binaries for Mac and Windows:

Once Docker is installed, fork this repository, clone it locally, and enter its directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:your_github_username/pulse-data.git
$ cd pulse-data

Build the image:

$ docker build -t recidiviz-image . --build-arg DEV_MODE=True

Stop and delete previous instances of the image if they exist:

$ docker stop recidiviz && docker rm recidiviz

Run a new instance, mounting the local working directory within the image:

$ docker run --name recidiviz -d -t -v $(pwd):/app recidiviz-image

Open a bash shell within the instance:

$ docker exec -it recidiviz bash

Once in the instance's bash shell, update your pipenv environment:

$ pipenv sync --dev

To activate your pipenv environment, run:

$ pipenv shell

Finally, run pytest. If no tests fail, you are ready to develop!

Using this Docker container, you can edit your local repository files and use git as usual within your local shell environment, but execute code and run tests within the Docker container's shell environment.

Adding secrets

Recidiviz depends on sensitive information to run. This data is stored in Cloud Datastore, which should be added manually to your production environment (see utils/secrets for more information on the Datastore kind used).

Data model updates

The two main data models used in the system are the IngestInfo object and the database schema, defined in various schema.py files.

When updating IngestInfo be sure to update both the proto and the python object. Then, re-generate the proto source: protoc recidiviz/ingest/models/ingest_info.proto --python_out . --mypy_out .. Be sure that mypy-protobuf is installed when compiling the protos. If it is not then pull it in from the dev packages using pipenv install --dev. If you do not have protoc installed, follow instructions to install here.

When updating any schema.py file in the schema, follow the directions on the database wiki page to create a schema migration.

When updating either, it may be necessary to update the converter code that handles converting between the two models.

Running tests

Individual tests can be run via pytest filename.py. To run all tests, go to the root directory and run pytest recidiviz.

The configuration in setup.cfg and .coveragerc will ensure the right code is tested and the proper code coverage metrics are displayed.

A few tests (such as sessions.py) depend on running emulators (i.e. Cloud Datastore Emulator). These tests are skipped by default when run locally, but will always be tested by Travis. If you are modifying code tested by these tests then you can run the tests locally. You must first install the both emulators via gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator and gcloud components install cloud-pusub-emulator, which depends on the Java JRE (>=8). You will also need to install the beta command to execute these emulators, with gcloud components install beta. Then run the tests, telling it to bring up the emulators and include these tests:

$ pytest recidiviz --with-emulator

A bug in the google client requires that you have default application credentials. This should not be necessary in the future. For now, make sure that you have done both gcloud config set project recidiviz and gcloud auth application-default login.

Checking code style

Run Pylint across the main body of code, in particular: pylint recidiviz.

The output will include individual lines for all style violations, followed by a handful of reports, and finally a general code score out of 10. Fix any new violations in your commit. If you believe there is cause for a rule change, e.g. if you believe a particular rule is inappropriate in the codebase, then submit that change as part of your inbound pull request.

Static type checking

Run Mypy across all code to check for static type errors: mypy recidiviz.

Running the app

There are two ways to run the app - on your local machine, or deployed to the cloud.


A scraper can be run locally using the run_scraper.py script. See that file for instructions on how to run it.

By default the scraped entities will be logged. To persist data during a local run, set the PERSIST_LOCALLY environment variable to true.

The full application can also be run locally using flask run and talk to the local emulators for GCP services (as described in running tests). In practice, this is not particularly useful as there isn't a Cloud Tasks emulator at this time. The appengine documentation has more information about running locally.


Install the GCloud SDK using the interactive installer.

Note: make sure the installer did not add google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine or subdirectories thereof to your $PYTHONPATH, e.g. in your bash profile. This could break attempts to run tests within the pipenv shell by hijacking certain dependencies.

Deploying a scraper

The release engineer oncall should go through the following steps:

Note: The queue.yaml file is now generated using python -m recidiviz.tools.build_queue_config.

Push to staging

Typically on Monday morning the release engineer should:

  1. Verify that the tests in master are all passing in Travis.
  2. Tag a commit with "va.b.c" following semver for numbering. This will trigger a release to staging.
  3. Once the release is complete, run https://recidiviz-staging.appspot.com/scraper/start?region=us_fl_martin TODO #623 and verify that it is happy by looking at the monitoring page TODO #59 and also checking the logs for errors.
  4. If it runs successfully, trigger a release to production by running ./deploy_production <release_tag>

Push to prod

Typically on Wednesday morning the release engineer should:

  1. For every region that has environment: staging set, check the logs and monitoring in staging periodically to verify that they run successfully.
  2. For all regions that look good, set their environment to production and they will be ready to be deployed for the next week
  3. Be sure to file bugs/fixes for any errors that exist for other scrapers, and hold off on promoting them to production.


If you see a pipenv error (either during install or sync) with the following:

An error occurred while installing psycopg2==...

On a Mac:

  1. Ensure postgresql and openssl are installed with: brew install postgresql openssl
  2. Run the initial pipenv setup script: ./initial_pipenv_setup_mac.sh

On Linux: Ensure libpq is installed with: apt update -y && apt install -y libpq-dev