
A Tale of Four Gates | Privilege Escalation and Permission Bypasses on Android through App Components

Primary LanguagePython


A Tale of Four Gates | Privilege Escalation and Permission Bypasses on Android through App Components



There are 2 executable scripts in the project:

  • python3 ./apk_analyser.py [app.apk]:

    • works with either the apps listed in package_names.json or with local apks
    • with local apks, the path of the apk must be the first argument of the program
    • with package_names.json, the app are downloaded from the PlayStore by the script
    • stores analysis data in a MySQL database whose details are in the database_interface.py file or prints them to the console if the password env variable is not set
  • python3 ./scraper.py:

    • fetches app names from the PlayStore based on territory, category, and popularity


For the apk_analyser script, the system must have the following tools installed:

For the scraper script, the system must have the following tools installed:

How to run

For the apk analyser:

  • Edit the filter.json file as desired
    • possible targets are "providers", "services", and "activities"
    • the format for object filters is the canonical name of the class e.g. "java.lang.StringBuilder"
    • the format for the method filter is canonical name:method name e.g. "java.lang.StringBuilder:append"
  • Edit the package_names.json file with the apps you want to test
  • Normally the script saves the results on a cloud hosted db with the user password taken as an env var
    • if env var is not set, then the output should be printed