
Generate the Docker image for a SESYNC training event.

Primary LanguagePython

SESYNC Cyberinfrastructure Teaching-Lab

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (www.sesync.org) offers short courses on the use of cyberinfrastructure in pursuit of the Center's scientific mission. Software for the course is bundled into a series of Docker images, and relies on two GitHub repositories (this README information is located in both).

  • This source repository on GitHub contains the Dockerfiles and additional data that provide instructions for a Docker daemon to build the images.

  • The handouts repository on GitHub contains the data and worksheets used in the course, as well as user and group files with teaching lab log-in credentials for course participants.

Releases of the source on GitHub will reflect the date and name of a past training event. Trainees at a current or upcoming event should use the default (i.e. "latest") tag, unless otherwise instructed.


This repository works in conjunction with the SESYNC-ci/handouts to provision a containerized, cloud platform providing software to participants during a workshop or short course.

  • The teaching-lab and handouts repositories must be cloned into your research-home space.

  • Create two text files with user and group information. users.txt contains a username for each workshop participant, with each name on a separate line. groups.txt contains a team name followed by team participants (space delimited), with each team on a separate line. Save these files in ~/path/to/handouts/root/tmp/lab/ on your research-home space. Note, these text files are in the .gitignore for the handouts repo.

  • Log in to docker01.research.sesync.org, and cd into the teaching-lab repository in your research-home space. Your user will need to be in the docker UNIX group on this host.

    • Build the docker images defined by the Dockerfiles in the teaching-lab repo. Use docker images to see existing images, and docker rmi <NAME> and docker image prune to clean out existing images as needed before building.
      icarroll@docker01:teaching-lab$ make 
  • Log into a host (eg. sshgw02.research.sesync.org) that can access /nfs and cd into the handouts repository in your research-home that you cloned earlier. Run make to get the data. One side effect of running make in the handouts repository is the creation of a data.zip, whose contents need to be made available to the docker-entrypoint.sh script that initializes the docker containers. A second side effect is processing the root/tmp/lab/users.txt file if it exits.

    icarroll@sshgw02:handouts$ make
  • Now, go back to the docker01 server, and type cd /srv to get to the built-in Linux folder called /srv. Create a different clone of the handouts repo so the docker daemon will be able to mount folders within it. If a handouts folder already exists, and therefore the clone fails, delete the handouts folder using sudo rm -r handouts before cloning.

    icarroll@docker01:srv$ pwd
    icarroll@docker01:srv$ sudo git clone https://github.com/SESYNC-ci/handouts.git
    • Unzip the data to that clone, so the docker daemon will be able to mount it.

      icarroll@docker01:srv$ cd handouts
      icarroll@docker01:handouts$ cp ~/path/to/handouts/data.zip /tmp
      icarroll@docker01:handouts$ sudo unzip /tmp/data.zip -d root/tmp/lab
    • Copy the user and group information to the same location

      icarroll@docker01:handouts$ cp ~/path/to/handouts/root/tmp/lab/*.txt /tmp
      icarroll@docker01:handouts$ sudo cp /tmp/*.txt root/tmp/lab/
    • Now start the lab

      icarroll@docker01:handouts$ make lab
  • The lab is made with docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml lab command in the Makefile. To stop the containers in the lab, use docker stack rm docker-compose.yml lab. Only then you can remove and rebuild the containers if needed.

Why is this so complicated. Well, there are some gotcha's having to do with the SESYNC cyberinfrastrucutre:

  • The docker server does not have access to /nfs.
  • The docker container cannot mount to folders in /nfs or /research-home, so the make lab target must be run from a clone of the repository in a local folder, e.g. /srv.