A simple Druid demonstration to motivate a few questions.
The demo lets you select one of three boxes (red, green and blue) and adjust its size.
When ViewSwitcher changes views, how can I reset the Scale slider? Currently it remains where it was in the previous view, making it difficult to fine tune the size of a box.
ctx.size() seems to be size of whole window. Probably because that's what layout() currently returns.
What should layout() return to create simple canvas that uses all available space? If I do it right, will paintctx.size() give me the size of my widget's actual drawing region?
(In this demo I have to make ad hoc corrections in paint, based on what seems to work on my Mac.)
- The BoxMaker widget needs to access state (BOXES) that persists between BoxMaker instances. Is there any alternative to lazy_static?
Maybe I could put a slider for each box in AppData, but I can't figure out how to make a Lens index into my array. A single example of Index would be nice.
- Is there a way to redefine the minimum window size?