
WordPress Bootstrap blog theme with doeznes of options using WordPress Customizer

Primary LanguagePHP

/*========= About Theme =========*/

Theme Name: Activello
Theme URI: http://colorlib.com/wp/Activello/
Version: 1.0.0
Tested up to: WP 4.4

Author: Aigars Silkalns
Author URI: http://colorlib.com/wp/
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Activello theme, Copyright 2015 colorlib.com
Activello WordPress theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
Activello is based on Underscores http://underscores.me/, (C) 2012-2015 Automattic, Inc.

/*========= Credits =========*/
Unless otherwise specified, all the theme files, scripts and images are licensed under GPLv2 license

Activello theme uses:
* FontAwesome (http://fontawesome.io) licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
* Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/) licensed under MIT license (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
* WP-Bootstrap-NavWalker licensed under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* FlexSlider by WooThemes licensed under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
* Unless otherwise specified, all images are created by Colorlib

/*========= Description =========*/

Coming soon

For questions, comments or bug reports, visit Colorlib support forum (http://colorlib.com/wp/forums).

/*========= Installation =========*/

You can install the theme through the WordPress installer under "Themes" > "Install themes" by searching for "Activello".

Alternatively you can download the file, unzip it and move the unzipped contents to the "wp-content/themes" folder of your WordPress installation. You will then be able to activate the theme.

Afterwards you can continue theme setup and customization via WordPress Dashboard - Appearance - Theme Options. For detailed theme documentation, please visit http://colorlib.com/wp/support/activello

/*========= Theme Features =========*/

* Bootstrap 3 integration
* Responsive design
* Unlimited color variations
* SEO friendly
* Theme Options
* Image centric approach
* Internationalized & localization
* Drop-down Menu
* Cross-browser compatibility
* Threaded Comments
* Gravatar ready
* Featured slider
* Font Awesome icons

/*========= Documentation =========*/

Theme documentation is available on http://colorlib.com/wp/support/activello

/*========= Changelog =========*/

= 1.0 - 06.11.2015 =

* Initial release