
Powerful type-safe tool for UITableView. Swift 2.2 is required.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Alamofire: Elegant Networking in Swift


Build Status Swift 2.2 compatible Platform iOS CocoaPods compatible License: MIT

Tablet is a super lightweight yet powerful generic library that handles a complexity of UITableView's datasource and delegate methods in a Swift environment. Tablet's goal is to provide an easiest way to create complex table views. With Tablet you don't have to write a messy code of switch or if statements when you deal with bunch of different cells in different sections.


  • Type-safe cells based on generics
  • The easiest way to map your models or view models to cells
  • Correctly handles autolayout cells with multiline labels
  • Chainable cell actions (select/deselect etc.)
  • Support cells created from code, xib, or storyboard
  • Automatic xib/classes registration
  • No need to subclass
  • Extensibility
  • Tests

That's almost all you need to build a bunch of cells in a section:

let builder = TableRowBuilder<String, MyTableViewCell>(items: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])

Tablet relies on self-sizing table view cells, respects cells reusability feature and also built with performace in mind. You don't have to worry about anything, just create your cells, setup autolayout constraints and be happy. See the Usage section to learn more.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.0+
  • Swift 2.2



To integrate Tablet into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'Tablet'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Type-safe configurable cells

Let's say you want to put your cell configuration logic into cell itself. Say you want to pass your view model (or even model) to your cell. You could easily do this using the TableRowBuilder. Your cell should conforms to ConfigurableCell protocol as you may see in example below:

import Tablet

class MyTableViewCell : UITableViewCell, ConfigurableCell {

	typealias T = User

	// this method is not required to be implemented if your cell's id equals to class name
	static func reusableIdentifier() -> String {
		return "reusable_id"

	static func estimatedHeight() -> Float {
        return 255

	func configure(item: T) { // item is user here

		textLabel?.text = item.username
		detailTextLabel?.text = item.isActive ? "Active" : "Inactive"

Once you've implemented the protocol, simply use the TableRowBuilder to build cells:

import Tablet

let rowBuilder = TableRowBuilder<User, MyTableViewCell>()
rowBuilder += users

director = TableDirector(tableView: tableView)
tableDirector += TableSectionBuilder(rows: [rowBuilder])

Very basic table view

You may want to setup a very basic table view, without any custom cells. In that case simply use the TableBaseRowBuilder.

import Tablet

let rowBuilder = TableBaseRowBuilder<User, UITableViewCell>(items: [user1, user2, user3], id: "reusable_id")
	.action(.configure) { (data) in

		data.cell?.textLabel?.text = data.item.username
		data.cell?.detailTextLabel?.text = data.item.isActive ? "Active" : "Inactive"

let sectionBuilder = TableSectionBuilder(headerTitle: "Users", footerTitle: nil, rows: [rowBuilder])

director = TableDirector(tableView: tableView)
director += sectionBuilder

Cell actions

Tablet provides a chaining approach to handle actions from your cells:

import Tablet

let rowBuilder = TableRowBuilder<User, MyTableViewCell>(items: [user1, user2, user3], id: "reusable_id")
	.action(.configure) { (data) in

	.action(.click) { (data) in

	.valueAction(.shouldHighlight) { (data) in

		return false

Custom cell actions

import Tablet

struct MyCellActions {
	static let ButtonClicked = "ButtonClicked"

class MyTableViewCell : UITableViewCell {

	@IBAction func buttonClicked(sender: UIButton) {

		Action(key: MyCellActions.ButtonClicked, sender: self, userInfo: nil).invoke()

And receive this actions with your row builder:

import Tablet

let rowBuilder = TableRowBuilder<User, MyTableViewCell>(items: users)
	.action(.click) { (data) in
	.action(.willDisplay) { (data) in
	.action(MyCellActions.ButtonClicked) { (data) in


If you find that Tablet is not provide an action you need, for example you need UITableViewDelegate's didEndDisplayingCell method and it's not out of the box, simply provide an extension for TableDirector:

import Tablet

struct MyTableActions {
	static let DidEndDisplayingCell = "DidEndDisplayingCell"

extension TableDirector {

	public func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didEndDisplayingCell cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {

		invoke(action: .custom(MyTableActions.DidEndDisplayingCell), cell: cell, indexPath: indexPath)

Catch your action with row builder:

let rowBuilder = TableRowBuilder<User, MyTableViewCell>(items: users)
	.action(MyTableActions.DidEndDisplayingCell) { (data) -> Void in


You could also invoke an action that returns a value.


Tablet is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.