
Mushroom App V2 (Lecture 14)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mushroom App - APIs & Frontend

In this tutorial we will setup three containers:

  • api-service
  • frontend-simple
  • frontend-react


  • Have Docker installed
  • Have VSCode or editor of choice

Setup Environments

In this tutorial we will setup containers to run python code for creating APIs and a container to run HTML web server.

Clone the github repository

  • Clone or download from here

Create a local secrets folder

It is important to note that we do not want any secure information in Git. So we will manage these files outside of the git folder. At the same level as the mushroom-app-v1 folder create a folder called secrets

Your folder structure should look like this:


Backend APIs

We will create a basic backend container to run our REST API. The FastAPI framework will be used for this.

The following tasks is what we will implement:

Go into the api-service folder

  • Open a terminal and go to the location where mushroom-app-v2/api-service

Build & Run Container

  • Run sh docker-shell.sh or docker-shell.bat for windows

Review docker container setup

  • Review Dockerfile for EXPOSE 9000
  • Review docker-shell.sh for -p 9000:9000 option
  • Review docker-shell.sh for -e DEV=1 option
  • Review docker-entrypoint.sh for dev mode vs production mode

Start API Service

  • To run development API service run uvicorn_server from the docker shell
  • What is the command uvicorn_server?
  • Test the API service by going to http://localhost:9000/

Download models

We need to download model experiments data from GCS bucket

  • Open api/service.py in your editor
  • Review the service.py file
  • Uncomment the following line:
# Start the tracker service
  • Save changes and wait for the experiments to be downloaded
  • Do we need to restart the API service?
  • Review api/tracker.py
  • Once experiments are downloaded, tracker.py generates a file called leaderboard.csv
  • Review leaderboard.csv opening the file using your host OS
  • If we shutdown the api-service container can we still access leaderboard.csv?

Build APIs

  • Open api/service.py
  • Uncomment the following line:
def experiments_fetch():
    # Fetch experiments
    df = pd.read_csv("/persistent/experiments/experiments.csv")

    df["id"] = df.index
    df = df.fillna("")

    return df.to_dict("records")
  • Test the API by going to http://localhost:9000/experiments

  • Also uncomment the apis @app.get("/best_model") and @app.post("/predict") to expose other APIs

View API Docs

Fast API gives us an interactive API documentation and exploration tool for free.

  • Go to http://localhost:9000/docs
  • You can test APIs from this tool

Frontend App (Simple)

We will build a simple frontend app that uses basic HTML & Javascript. We will consume the REST APIs exposed by the api service container

The following tasks is what we will implement:

Go into the frontend-simple folder

  • Open a terminal and go to the location where mushroom-app-v2/frontend-simple

Build & Run Container

  • Run sh docker-shell.sh or docker-shell.bat for windows

Start Web Server

  • To run development web server run http-server from the docker shell
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/experiments.html
  • If your API service is running, the page should show data from all mushroom model experiments

Review Frontend

  • Open experiments.html
  • Review HTML & Javascript code on how APIs are called

Now we have completed the following:

  • We read some data from a csv file in the persistent folder.
  • Converted the data to list of dictionary objects in Python
  • Exposed the results as a REST API using FastAPI
  • Called the API to get the experiments data
  • Displayed the data in a HTML table

Model Serving

Here we will implement model serving using two different techniques:

  • Self hosting our model in FastAPI
  • Utilizing a deployed model on Vertex AI

Make Predictions

  • Go to http://localhost:8080/
  • Upload an image of a mushroom and view results


  • Open index.html
  • Review HTML & Javascript code on how model serving is called
  • Review service.py and inspect the endpoint /predict
  • Review model.py

Frontend App (React)

Here we will use the React frontend framework to build a robust mushroom app. The app will have multiple components and navigation.

Go into the frontend-react folder

  • Open a terminal and go to the location where mushroom-app-v2/frontend-react

Build & Run Container

  • Run sh docker-shell.sh or docker-shell.bat for windows

Start Web Server

  • Run yarn start from the docker shell
  • Go to http://localhost:3000

Docker Cleanup

Make sure we do not have any running containers and clear up an unused images

  • Run docker container ls
  • Stop any container that is running
  • Run docker system prune
  • Run docker image ls