
Old project I wanted to stash for continuity. Not much of a Wordpress guy but I wrote this plugin years ago to capture feedback on a website I managed.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: dyerrington
Donate link: http://www.vervetype.com/
Tags: feedback, social, voting
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.3.1
Stable tag: 1.0

WP Social Feedback is a plugin that allows your users to submit feedback, view what other users have submitted and vote on 
other feedback submissions.  

== Description ==

WP Social Feedback is a plugin that allows your users to submit feedback, view what other users have submitted and vote on 
other feedback submissions.  There are many externally hosted solutions that do this for free, but don't offer much 
in the way of features, branding or customization.  So we decided to write a plugin that might solve this problem but 
we also wanted something that we might actually use. Essentially, we also need an easy to use feedback system that 
will help us decide which features are most interesting to our users.


*   Registered users can submit feedback
*   Registered user comments per feedback entry
*   Users can vote on the feedback they like the most
*   Feedback can be displayed and sorted by date, popularity and votes
*   Integration by Shortcode
*   jQuery UI Theme support
*   Customization via templates

== Installation ==

The easiest way to install WP Social Feedback on your site is to search for it from the "add new" menu item from the admin "Plugins" dashboard.

However, if you're feeling adventurous:

1)  Download the latest version from our downloads page
2)  Extract the contents of the WP Feedback archive into your ./wp-content/plugins/ folder
3)  Log into WordPress as an admin
4)  Click "Plugins" from the admin dashboard
5)  Find "WP Social Feedback" from the list then click on "Activate"

Also, you may:

1)  Download the latest version from our downloads page
2)  Log into WordPress as an admin
3)  Click "Plugins" from the admin dashboard
4)  Click "Add new"
5)  Click "Upload"
6)  Select the WP Social Feedback archive that you previously downloaded (step 1)
7)  Find "WP Social Feedback" from the list then click on "Activate"

Because every installation of WordPress is not alike, you may encounter issues with installing plugins.  The most 
common issue is usually related to file permissions so double check those before posting in our support forus.  Also 
keep in mind that this is free software produced with free time :)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I allow anonymous users to submit feedback? =

There are plans to have this feature in future versions.

= What about this awesome feature I want to have? =

Check out our feedback page ;)

== Screenshots ==

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* First stable release!