- David Kolesar, Jan '22
This is a bash script for Linux (Ubuntu distro) that automatically connects to a random node on NordVPN upon computer login. I am not liable for what you do with this script. That includes (but is not limited to) criminal behavior or damages.
It's offered as is.
Don't be an idiot.
0. Modify the existing service file in this repository -or- create a service file that will call the script. Your service file should look as follows:
Description=Automatically connect to randon NordVPN node on startup.
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/[username]/[pathToScript]/autoVPNConnect.sh
1. Save/Move the service file in:
2. Make your .service file executable by opening a terminal in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory and executing the following:
chmod u+x /[pathToScript]/autoVPNConnect.sh
3. Execute the script within the same terminal by calling:
sudo systemctl start autoConnect.service
4. Make it run on boot:
sudo systemctl enable autoConnect.service
Upon reboot, you should automatically connect to a random country. You should get a snackbar notification on your desktop, but can double-check in any terminal with:
nordvpn status