
:butter: Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format.

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT


A formatted and aligned table printer library for Zig. This library is an implementation of prettytable in the Zig programming language.


NOTE: Minimum Supported Zig Version: 0.12.0-dev.1773+8a8fd47d2. Any suggestions or feedback are welcome.

Table of Contents


  • Automatic alignment
  • Customizable border
  • Color and style

Getting Started

Let's start with an example. All example code can be found in the examples directory.

const std = @import("std");
const pt = @import("prettytable");

pub fn main() !void {
    var table = pt.Table.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer table.deinit();

    try table.setTitle(&.{
        "City", "Country", "Longitude", "Latitude", " Temperature", "Humidity",

    try table.addRows(&.{
        &.{ "Caconda", "AO", "15.06", "-13.73", "26.15", "35" },
        &.{ "Diamantino", "BR", "-56.44", "-14.4", "29.4", "74" },
        &.{ "Hirara", "JP", "125.28", "24.8", "21.77", "100" },
        &.{ "Abha", "SA", "42.5", "18.22", "14.03", "100" },

    try table.printstd();


| City          | Country | Longitude | Latitude |  Temperature | Humidity |
| Prince Rupert | CA      | -130.32   | 54.32    | 7.0          | 87       |
| Caconda       | AO      | 15.06     | -13.73   | 26.15        | 35       |
| Diamantino    | BR      | -56.44    | -14.4    | 29.4         | 74       |
| Hirara        | JP      | 125.28    | 24.8     | 21.77        | 100      |
| Abha          | SA      | 42.5      | 18.22    | 14.03        | 100      |

Row Operations

Add a row to the table.

    try table.addRow(
        &[_][]const u8{ "Kaseda", "JP", "130.32", "31.42", "13.37", "100" },

Insert a row.

    try table.insertRow(
        &[_][]const u8{ "Kaseda", "JP", "130.32", "31.42", "13.37", "100" },

Remove a row from the table.


Modify cell data

    try table.setCell(0, 5, "100");


The table is aligned to the left by default. You can change the alignment of the entire table.

    // table.setAlign(Alignment.left);
    // table.setAlign(Alignment.center);

Or you can change the alignment of a specific column.

    table.setColumnAlign(1, Alignment.right);

Read from file/stream/...

You can use the readFrom function to read data from Reader and construct a table. One scenario is to read data from a CSV file.

    var data =
        \\name, id, favorite food
        \\beau, 2, cereal
        \\abbey, 3, pizza

    var s = std.io.fixedBufferStream(data);
    var reader = s.reader();
    var table = Table.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer table.deinit();

    var read_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
    try table.readFrom(reader, &read_buf, ",", true);

    try table.printstd();

Get the table as string(bytes)

    var buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer buf.deinit();

    var out = buf.writer();
    _ = try table.print(out);

    // buf.items is the bytes of table

Change print format



| City           Country  Longitude  Latitude   Temperature  Humidity |
| Prince Rupert  CA       -130.32    54.32     7.0           87       |
| Caconda        AO       15.06      -13.73    26.15         35       |
| Diamantino     BR       -56.44     -14.4     29.4          74       |
| Hirara         JP       125.28     24.8      21.77         100      |
| Abha           SA       42.5       18.22     14.03         100      |

Change cell style

It supports bold, italic, underline styles, and can also set colors.

Color list:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

If the above names are capitalized, such as RED, it indicates a bright color.

    try table.setCellStyle(0, 0, .{ .bold = true, .fg = .yellow });
    try table.setCellStyle(0, 1, .{ .bold = true, .fg = .red });
    try table.setCellStyle(0, 2, .{ .bold = true, .fg = .magenta });

    try table.setCellStyle(1, 0, .{ .fg = .black, .bg = .cyan });
    try table.setCellStyle(1, 1, .{ .fg = .black, .bg = .blue });
    try table.setCellStyle(1, 2, .{ .fg = .black, .bg = .white });




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