Todo List Micro Frontend


This project is a React Micro Frontend (MFE) component that encapsulates a fully functional todo list application. It demonstrates the ability to design and structure a maintainable React application with TypeScript, focusing on code organization, testing, and integration with other host applications.


  • Todo Creation: Users can input a new todo task description and add tasks to a list.
  • Todo Status: Tasks have a checkbox to mark them as completed or incomplete, with visual distinction.
  • Todo Persistence: Todo items are saved using the browser’s localStorage to persist across page refreshes and sessions.
  • Filters: Buttons to filter the list by "All", "Active", and "Completed".

Design and Architectural Choices

  • React & TypeScript: Ensures type safety and maintainability.
  • React Hooks: Custom hooks (useTodos, useTodoForm) for state management and form handling.
  • LocalStorage: Utilized for persisting todo items.
  • Testing: Comprehensive unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library to cover core component logic and edge cases.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd todo-challenge
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Run the Development Server:

    pnpm run dev
  4. Build the Project:

    pnpm run build
  5. Run Tests:

    pnpm run test

Thought Process

  • Componentization: The application is divided into reusable components with clear responsibilities.
  • Custom Hooks: useTodos manages todo states and useTodoForm handles form validation and submission.
  • LocalStorage Integration: Ensures todos persist across sessions.
  • Testing: Focused on testing both the core logic and user interactions to ensure robustness.