
Core functionality of tetra

Primary LanguageElixir


Dylan Cooper CIS 4900 Project

Use this to play Connect 4 against against people with similar clients over an IRC connection.

To Get Dependencies

mix deps.get

To Build Command Line Application

mix escript.build

To Run Command Line Application


Command line arguments:

Configuring the IRC server:

 --host=<host> IRC Server - defaults to chat.freenode.net
 --user=<username> IRC Username - defaults to tetrabot
 --nick=<nickname> IRC Nickname - defaults to tetrabot
 --pass=<password> IRC Password - defaults to tetrabotpass
 --name=<name> IRC Name - defaults to Tetra Robot

To play against the AI:



In addition to a command line application, this program can be used as a library in other Elixir applications, more documentation will be available shortly.

  1. Add tetra_core to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:tetra_core, git: "https://github.com/dylan-cooper/tetra_core"}] end

  2. Ensure tetra_core is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:tetra_core]] end

Primary uses as a library

Start an IRC Connection:

TetraIRC.ConnectionHandlerSupervisor.start_irc_connection(%{host: host, port: port, user: user, name: name, pass: pass, nick: nick, channels: channels})

Start an IRC Player:

TetraIRC.GameHandlerSupervisor.start_game_handler(client, channel, opponent, game_key)
TetraIRC.set_game(irc_handler, game)

Start a Game:

TetraCore.GameSupervisor.start_game(player1, player2)

Start an AI Player:

TetraCore.TetraBot.set_game(bot, game)