
styles for writing with Vale


My collection of style-guide rules to use with Vale while writing.

Installation (Read All the Way Through)

  • install vale and confirm via vale -v
  • do cd ~/.config/
  • cd to ~/.config/ and clone the repo git clone git@github.com:dylan-k/MyVale.git vale. This will creat ~/.config/vale/ directory
  • hardlink the config file from the git repository folder to its required location. The hardlink ensures version-control for the file, while keeping it for Vale to use at the default location. (alternately: vale --config='some/file/path/.vale.ini )
    • mac/linux: ln ~/.config/vale/.vale.ini ~/.vale.ini
    • windows: New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Path "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.vale.ini" -Target "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.config\vale\.vale.ini"
  • note the value of stylespath in the .vale.ini file and revise as needed


  • alias in ~/.bash_aliases to edit Vale settings with Sublime Text: alias valestyles="cd ~/.config/vale/ && subl ."

Setup for Visual Studio Code

  "vale.server.serverURL": "",
  "vale.core.useCLI": true,
  "vale.valeCLI.path": "vale",
  "vale.server.lintContext": -1,
  "vale.server.provideFixes": false,
  "vale.valeCLI.config": "C:\\Users\\dylan\\.vale.ini",
  "vale.valeCLI.minAlertLevel": "suggestion",
  • Exclude the settings from VSCode's settings sync, because settings differ across environments.


Most of these styles come from other sources. Review each style's README file for instructions. The typical method: download the style's GitHub repository and copy its styles directory into styles.


To change a rule:

  • copy the rule's /yml file into the custom directory
  • modify the rule as needed
  • add the original rule to the ignores list in .vale.ini
  • delete the original rule file
  • commit/push to git repo

If you change a style's .yml file, turn the rule off in vale.ini file and copy the .yml file to styles/Custom. Otherwise, you run the risk of replacing a deleted rule during an update.

My goal is to merge and winnow the borrowed style sets until my custom set is the only one.


This is useful for testing a style rule https://vale-studio.errata.ai/



  • move these tasks to GitHub issues
  • remove redundant rules that occur across styles
  • remove contradictory rules
  • remove unwanted rules
  • combine into one custom style
  • make a rule for spelling exceptions
  • test readability rules
  • hyphen rules
  • exclude some rules at start of sentences
  • upgrade American-spelling.yml to include the ones I do...
