
make keith numbers & primevals

Primary LanguageC

Implementations of simple finders for Keith Numbers and Primeval Numbers.

For example, the Primeval numbers, along with the number of primes they decompose to, was calculated by primeval.c up to 10 digits:

      number      nth
           1        0
           2        1
          13        3
          37        4
         107        5
         113        7
         137       11
        1013       14
        1037       19
        1079       21
        1237       26
        1367       29
        1379       31
       10079       33
       10123       35
       10136       41
       10139       53
       10237       55
       10279       60
       10367       64
       10379       89
       12379       96
       13679      106
      100279      122
      100379      153
      101237      188
      102347      248
      102379      311
      103679      349
      123479      402
     1001237      421
     1002347      547
     1002379      705
     1003679      812
     1012349      906
     1012379     1098
     1023457     1162
     1023467     1268
     1023479     1662
     1234579     1738
     1234679     1953
    10012349     2418
    10012379     2920
    10023457     3133
    10023467     3457
    10023479     4483
    10034579     4517
    10123457     4917
    10123469     5174
    10123579     5953
    10123679     6552
    10234567     6799
    10234579     8938
    10234679    10219
    12345679    10542
   100123379    12515
   100123457    15346
   100123469    16632
   100123579    18686
   100123679    20661
   100233479    20734
   100234567    22157
   100234579    28837
   100234679    32608
   101234567    34674
   101234579    42797
   102334679    46139
   102345679    64905
  1000345679    66351
  1001233469    67745
  1001233579    72949
  1001233679    80845
  1001234567   101253
  1001234579   123080
  1002334679   128922
  1002345679   170804
  1012345678   181413
  1012345679   272113
  1023456789   373316
 10002345679   417993
 10012234579   418683
 10012334569   453129
 10012334579   528915
 10012345678   646066
 10012345679   849731
 10023456789  1268626
 10123456789  1786163