
Travel blog app - share your travel tips and stories

Primary LanguageHTML


A travel community for users to share tips about their favorite locations around the world.

Link to Wayfarer

Username: demouser | Password: Demo2020


🖼 Wireframes






🖍 Color Theme

1 - #FF9C20 #FF9C20 2 - #F72AEE #F72AEE 3 - #973DFC #973DFC 4 #01C9FF #01C9FF 5 #14ADFF #14ADFF 6 #0071FF #0071FF

💡 Features / User Stories

  • Splash Page with Login / Sign-up buttons
  • Redirect to Profile Page after login
  • Profile Page includes user's name, current city, join date, profile picture, and a list of their posts
  • All registered users are allowed to add tips(posts)
  • All registered users are allowed to edit / delete their own tips (posts)


Version 1



Registered users are:

  1. authorize to create posts / comments on threads (stretch goal)
  2. allow to edit their profile
  3. allow to edit and delete posts they created
  4. allow to browse other users's posts
  5. allow to browse other users' profiles
  6. allowed delete their account

🏃 Milestones

  • Working Server with Routes
  • Models with Schema setup
  • CRUD functionality
  • User Authentication
  • Views Styling

📆 Stretch Goals

  • allow user to add profile picture ✔️
  • show profile picture next to posts ✔️
  • like buttons
  • share buttons ✔️
  • Welcome-Email after creating an account ✔️
  • Verifying their email after signing up ✔
  • Prettier Urls ✔️

🖨 Technologies Used

Technologies 🖨🖨🖨🖨
Python Django
JavaScript HTML&CSS
BootStrap jQuery
Sweet Alert Simple-Captcha
FileSystemStorage Cloudinary
slugify Gmail
Stylish-Footer MapBox
GitHub CORS Header
Popper Crispy Form
Montserrat Light Filson Soft