
🚀 A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 promptless

Packaging status

A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.


  • Fast
  • Minimal
  • Lightweight
  • POSIX sh (no external commands)
  • No dependencies
  • Works in all shells (that use $PS1).

Table of Contents


promptless follows the suckless philosophy and is simple by design. The codebase has a focus on elegance and clarity. The prompt is entirely hackable. Unnecessary and unworthy features need to be patched in.


Secure and Safe

curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylanaraps/promptless/master/install.sh" | sh


npm install promptless

Run with Docker

docker build -t promptless .
docker run -it promptless


  • Arch: promptless in the AUR.


# Inside your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.
. /path/to/promptless.sh


Run ./test.sh to run unit tests on promptless.

NOTE: The testing framework requires bash since it's ROBUST.


An array of intelligent patches are available in the patches/ subdirectory. Patches for color support are not available as just like scroll-back, colors are bloat.

Compile time options

You can customize the prompt character at compile time.

make CHAR=">"