
Splits are hard to see

jonascarpay opened this issue · 8 comments

Similar to #13.
It can be hard to see splits, as shown in the picture below. Is there an easy fix for this?


Having exactly the same issue? Any way to fix?

I made a PR for it, but essentially two attributes that you should look out for is "StatusLine" and "StatusLineNC".

HI @kyokeunpark -- thanks for your work on this. Unfortunately, for me, it has no effect. I use https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim -- it may be conflicting with this :/

Hi, it looks like your issue is just dependent on the lightline theme. I played around with the lightline theme for pywal and here's what I got.

It looks like this to me:

Let me know if it works for you as well.

Thanks again @kyokeunpark..

I get this


As a side effect, it doesn't seem to follow all of wal's colors either, but it does show splits a lot better...

Ah! Could you try using the wal.vim file from #26 ?

Also that theme is default lightline theme, which happens to have visible splits

I get the same error message... THis file looks a bit weird though:

is it this one: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylanaraps/wal.vim/f86eaff55b9cb8d618f9575f75402e16b75fc8ae/colors/wal.vim

Yes, that does seem to be the one I was referring to. But, I should clarify that that's the vim colorscheme, not lightline. Sorry, I should've clarified that.