- 0
Dark and low contrast pop-up window
#41 opened by g1sbi - 0
cursorline highlight the line
#37 opened by 0xDagal - 0
add a configuration options to modify the theme based on the likening of user.
#40 opened by notshahzad - 2
Packer is better
#39 opened by YusufKhalifa1 - 0
Difference In Terminal and vim colors
#38 opened by vikomen - 1
Suggest reverse color of IncSearch
#28 opened by tkkcc - 2
disable transparent background?
#24 opened by prankousky - 4
- 1
Can one also use this with VSCode?
#36 opened by L1szt - 1
eol not showing when using wal colorscheme
#32 opened by execb5 - 1
neovim treesitter support
#33 opened by leaty - 12
- 0
COC Support
#31 opened by mikalcallahan - 2
termguicolors issues
#29 opened by typkrft - 8
Splits are hard to see
#19 opened by jonascarpay - 7
problem with lightline
#5 opened by pasau - 2
- 1
Transparent background broken by PR #21
#22 opened by Sciencentistguy - 0
Something to add to the readme
#20 opened by dadaurs - 2
Missing Conceal highlights
#18 opened by qTipTip - 0
:highlight keyword is not being emphasised
#17 opened by ashrasmun - 7
CursorLine makes some Identifier invisible
#12 opened by eupiteco - 1
- 0
Please add screenshot
#11 opened by PauloPhagula - 1
- 1
Command not found: Using
#8 opened by codecor - 0
- 0
- 3
- 2
No bold/italics fonts
#2 opened by indeedwatson