
"Dotnet with Dylan" sessions at Founders and Coders

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"Dotnet with Dylan" sessions at Founders and Coders

Session 1: .NET Fundamentals


Our First .NET App

dotnet new console.


Variables - use console.readline to store the user's name.

String interpolation


Collections and loops

Understanding Types

Exercise: Build a calculator

Your program should ask the user to enter two numbers, and then display the sum of those numbers.

C:\dotnet\Calculator>dotnet run
Enter first number:
Enter second number:
23 + 45 = 68
  • Somebody will probably end up with 23 + 45 = 2345
  • Introduce Int32.Parse

Exercise: build a better calculator

Your program should ask the user to enter a simple equation, or enter quit if they're finished calculating.

Your program should support four operations: addition (+), multiplication (*), division (/) and subtraction (-).

Tip: String.Split will break a string into substrings

C:\dotnet\BetterCalculator>dotnet run calc
Enter expression:
Sorry, I can't parse that expression. (Did you put spaces around the operator?)

Enter expression:
23 + 45
Result: 23 + 45 = 68

Enter expression:
15 / 3
Result: 15 / 3 = 5 

Enter expression:

Classes and objects

  • Create a class representing a Car
  • Make, model, doors, engine size, colour, year of first registration
  • Colours: introduce enumerations
  • Build a big old list of cars

Create a PricingEngine - this can be static.

Introduce LINQ:

  • Where - find all the red cars
  • OrderBy - most expensive cars first
  • GroupBy
  • First
  • Sum


  • Find the most expensive red car in the collection
  • Find the total price of all the brown cars in the collection
  • What's the average price of cars with engine size greater than 2 litres?
  • What is the most popular year for cars?