
Spikes and experiments for Rockstar 2.0

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Rockstar 2.0 Roadmap

  • Interpreter built in C#
    • native Windows executable
      • on Chocolatey? NuGet? Windows App Store?
    • native macOS executable (on Homebrew?)     - native Linux executable (on Flatpak? https://flatpak.org/)         - native compilation, tree pruning
  • WASM compilation via Blazor
  • CodeMirror web-based editor
    • with syntax highlighting
      • ... lezer grammar
        • ..can I use the same file to generator the rockstar.peg AND the lezer grammar?
  • Abstract syntax tree visualisation
  • ...Rockstar Hall of Fame
  • Github sponsorship?

Spikes and experiments for Rockstar 2.0

OK, this is where we got to after spike 2.0:

Using Pegasus (https://github.com/otac0n/Pegasus), we can:

  • Create a grammar
  • compile it
  • run it

The problem is: the thing that does hot reload in Blazor doesn't/won't detect changes to the .peg file.

Which means you need to rebuild the solution to get Blazor to reflect changes to the grammar... which means hot reload doesnt' exactly cut it.

So, options are:

  • Figure out how to do this (can we watch the .PEG file?)
  • Don't use hot reload 😢
  • Don't use PEG grammar...
    • writing a recursive descent parser
    • using something like ANTLR to define the grammar
      • ...which probably has the same issues that PEG has, namely getting hot reload to pick up the file changes...?

Considerations here:

  • Anything that gives us a grammar we can also use for things like a VS Code language server, CodeMirror syntax highlighting, etc. is probably good 😁