
Information Management ++

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Simulated Memory


An information management experiment that combines a graph database to store information and an asynchronous control centre to manage large volumes of operations on the data.

Al information will in its simplest form be represented as a relationship between an object and a subject, for example:

dog                                    is_a                                     animal
  access_count: 5                         access_count: 123                        access_count: 43
  created_at: now.addYears(-5)   -->>     created_at: now             -->>         created_at: now.addYears(-8)
  created_by: Online article              created_by: data entry # 123             created_by: parent

This serves as a building block to construct vast volumes of interconnected nodes, that can be queried and checked for patterns.



Project Board#


Big ticket items include:

  • User sign on (need to determine best way to segment data).
  • Query section to have the app ask questions (are cats and dogs related? if not, why) to better understand data.


install node.js - I suggest using NVM for this, https://github.com/creationix/nvm

install coffeescript - npm install -g coffee-script

install and run neo4j - http://www.neo4j.org/install

run the app with npm start