Welcome to the VS Code Java world. Here is a guideline to help you get started to write Java code in Visual Studio Code.
The workspace contains two folders by default, where:
: the folder to maintain sourceslib
: the folder to maintain dependencies
Meanwhile, the compiled output files will be generated in the bin
folder by default.
If you want to customize the folder structure, open
and update the related settings there.
view allows you to manage your dependencies. More details can be found here.
Form Generation Library:
A generic library that allows developers to create forms for any object in their Java applications. This library streamlines the process of generating user interfaces and data entry forms. -
Sorting Library
: A versatile sorting library that can be applied to any object type. It provides various sorting algorithms to efficiently organize data collections.
Your object should extends generic.Generic
Here's an example :
import java.util.Date;
import generic.Generic;
public class Person extends Generic<Person>{
String name ;
int age ;
Date dateDeNaissance;
boolean isDispo =false ;
Physic physic ;
public Person(String name,Physic physic) {
this.name = name;
this.physic = physic;
public Person(String name, int age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
public Person(String name, int age, Date dateDeNaissance) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.dateDeNaissance = dateDeNaissance;
public Person(){
There's two options for you:
getFormHTML (String action , String method , String... ignore)
: Each label for the form is the field's default name -
getFormHTMLSpecified (String action ,String method ,String [] fieldsName , String ... ignore)
: You can specify each label for the form
case 1:
new Person().getFormHTML( "Treatment.jsp", "GET")
case 2:
new Person().getFormHTML( "Treatment.jsp", "GET", new String []{"dateDeNaissance","age"})
case 3
new Person().getFormHTML( "Treatment.jsp", "GET", "dateDeNaissance","age")
case 4
new Person().getFormHTMLSpecified("traitement", "get" ,
new String[] { "Nom","Age" , "Est disponible" } ,"dateDeNaissance" )
case 5
new Person().getFormHTMLSpecified("traitement", "get" ,
new String[] { "Nom","Age" ,"Date de naissance" , "Est disponible" } )
Always extends Generic
case 1 : Similar to ORDER BY age, name
of SQL
Person[] ps = new Person[]{
new Person("Cocou", 19),
new Person("Sab", 456),
new Person("ali", 0),
new Person("bbe", 0),
new Person("John", 25),
new Person("Alice", 30),
new Person("Bob", 21)
Person.sort(ps, new String []{"age","name"});
case 2 : sort Person by Person.Physic.weight
Person[] pss = new Person[]{
new Person("Alice", new Physic(12)),
new Person("Bob", new Physic(10)),
new Person("Charlie", new Physic(15))
HashMap <String ,DeepField > map = new HashMap<String ,DeepField>();
map.put("physic", new DeepField(new String[]{"physic","weight"}));
Person.sort(pss, new String[]{"physic"},map);
case 3 : sort by Person.Physic.weight and Name
HashMap <String ,DeepField > map = new HashMap<String ,DeepField>();
map.put("physic", new DeepField(new String[]{"physic","weight"}));
Person.sort(pss, new String[]{"physic","name"},map);
Always extends Generic
import generic.util.Generic;
public class Prix extends Generic<Prix> {
String id;
Double prixCoca;
Double prixChoco;
public Prix()
public Prix(Double prixCoca, Double prixChoco)
this.prixCoca = prixCoca;
this.prixChoco = prixChoco;
Prix[] prixList = new Prix[] {
new Prix(10., 15.),
new Prix(5., 8.),
new Prix(12., 20.)
Test sum:
Prix result = new Prix().sum(prixList, new String[]{"prixCoca","prixChoco"});
sum prixCoca = result.prixcoca , sum prixChoco = result.prixChoco
Test average:
Prix p1= new Prix().average(prixList, new String[]{"prixCoca","prixChoco"});