Scarlet is a web-application framework with simple MVC architecture.
- Ruby > 2.0
- gem bundler ( if ruby version > 2.2 )
- mysql server
install the dependencies
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
install cli command
$ rake install
config database setting
$ rake db:config
add database migration for some database modification.
$ scarlet generate db_migration_name
this will create a migration file in **db/migrate/**
after writing the migration file remember to migrate your database
rake db:migrate
after migrate your database, create a model file in app/model folder which would be a object for operating ORM
add your routing rules in then restart server
$ scarlet server start
to stop server
$ scarlet server stop
to restart server
$ scarlet server restart
you can start a console to validate the code for your ORM and your model
$ scarlet console
- wrap the framework into gem
- show all existing routing in CLI tool
The scarlet framework is released under the MIT license.