Hackers of UMass

Code for our website

Building the project

  • Requirements
    • Ruby
    • Jekyll: gem install jekyll

To build, clone the repo and run:

$ jekyll s

Go to localhost:4000 to see the website.

Want to add your name to this list?

Here are the steps (using the branch workflow):

  1. Fork the repository (button up on the top right)
  2. Clone your fork: git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/hackers-of-umass.github.io
  3. Create a branch for your edits: git checkout -b <your-username>/<branch-name>
  4. Make your edits and commit them to that branch
  5. Switch back to the master branch and pull to see if any changes were made
  6. Switch back to your branch, and attempt to merge with master
  7. Fix conflicts if any, then push your changes
  8. Submit a pull request!