Set up a single VPS in Hetzner Cloud

This terraform script sets up a single VPS in Hetzner Cloud ready to be used with Kamal.

Why a single VPS?

I love the Django, SQLite, and Redis combo. So I like setting up a single VPS where I can have everything I need.

How to use it

  1. Generate two SSH keys, one for the root user and one for the kamal user using make generate-ssh-key USER_NAME=root and make generate-ssh-key USER_NAME=kamal
  2. Generate a new API key in Hetzner Cloud and save it in a secure place
  3. Create a file terraform.tfvars at the root of the repository with your Hetzner API key and SSH keys, it will look like this:
    hetzner_api_key = "your-api-key"
    ssh_vps_root_key = "<your-ssh-root-public-key>"
    ssh_vps_kamal_key = "<your-ssh-kamal-public-key>"
  4. Run terraform init to initialize the terraform environment
  5. Run terraform plan to see the changes that will be applied
  6. Run terraform apply to apply the changes


This script is based on the great work of luizkowalski in terraform-hetzner.