
The things I do know about JavaScript


Someone told me that I don't know JS, but ...

In all seriousness, these are the personal notes I took while learning JavaScript. I'll continue to occasionally add to them, and PRs are accepted if you want to add to them, too!


  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • null
  • undefined

Primitives are immutable

a = 'hello';
a.toUpperCase();    // "HELLO"
a;                  // 'hello'


You can compare strings, which is interesting

'a' < 'b';        // true
'Ant' > 'Falcon'; // false
Character Output
\n New line
\t Tab
\r Carriage return
\v Vertical tab
\b Backspace


Example of strange concatenation behavior.

JavaScript strings automatically concatenate Integers and Strings together without throwing an exception.

> 2 + "two"
< "2two"

Number => String

This also leads to the simplest way to convert a number

> 12 + ""
< "12"

Although it may be more explicit to do this


Other mathemetical operands will not work in this way

"123" * 3       //369
"8" - "1"       // 7

String => Number

> 12

Or you can use a shorthand

> 12

Formatting long strings

Concatenation is also useful for formatting multiline strings in JavaScript

var lipsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do " +
             "eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut "

This method uses escaping newline characters

var lipsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do \
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

ES6 - Concatenation

In ES6 you can use interpolation to combine variables and strings.

let name = "world"
console.log(`Hello ${name}`)


Use whole numbers (1 cent rather than .01 dollars) - division with floats is less precise.

0.1 + 0.2; // returns 0.30000000000000004, not 0.3!

  • Infinity: when you need a number that's greater than all other numbers
  • -Infinity: when you need a number that's less than all other numbers
  • NaN: typically a math function failed

Arithmetic operators


Often the % represents a modulo operator, but in JS it's actually [remainder] operator(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Arithmetic_Operators#Remainder_()). To demonstrate the differences between the two, let's look at how 10 % -3 would be treated in each case:

var a = 10;
var b = -3;
var remainder = a - (Math.trunc(a/b) * b);  // 10 - -4 * -3 => 2
var modulo = a - (Math.floor(a/b) * b);     // 10 - -3 * -3 => -2

The difference here is that a remainder is using trunc and a modulo would use floor.

> Math.trunc(-3.333)
> Math.floor(-3.333);

Objects basics


Removing a value

splice(index_of_first_value_to_remove, index_following_last_value_to_remove)

var arr = [0,1,2];
arr.splice(0,1)   // 0
arr               // [1,2]

Getting an object's keys

keys = Object.keys(obj)

Accessing object internals

Use bracket notation with variables and integers

The key in the [] must be a string value. If a variable is placed in the brackets, it will use the value of the variable (converted to a string if necessary) as the key to look up.

var obj = { a: 1, "b": 2, 1: 3, $1: 4 }
obj.a    // 1
obj[a]   // Reference Error
obj["a"] // 1

obj.b    // 1
obj[b]   // Reference Error
obj["b"] // 1

obj[1]   // 3

In the examples above, Referrence Error happens because a and b are not instantiated variables.

An integer can serve as an object key, but you cannot use it with the object dot notation. From the MDN docs

To use dot notation, the property must be a valid JavaScript identifier, i.e. a sequence of alphanumerical characters, also including the underscore (_) and dollar sign ($), that cannot start with a number. For example, object.$1 is valid, while object.1 is not.

// continued
obj.1     // Error
obj.$1   // 4

Access object property with a string

firstKey = "name";
var lead = { name : "Me", email: "me@domain.com" };
lead[firstKey]  // "Me"  (lead.firstKey would not work - it would like for firstKey as a key)
lead.name       // "Me"

Iterating through an object's keys

for (var property in obj) { ... }

Or if you need to return an array or make access the current index in a callback

Object.keys(obj).map(function(key, index) {
  obj[key] = ... ;


Falsy values in JavaScript

  1. 0
  2. NaN - Return value from a math operation involving undefined
  3. ""
  4. undefined
  5. null
  6. false

NaN vs. undefined vs. null

  1. NaN - never equals any other value, including itself, so to test for NaN use the function isNaN.
  2. ""
  3. undefined - a variable (or property or array item) hasn’t yet been initialized to a value.
  4. null - "no object"

Some ways to test this out are below:

!!(NaN)        // false
Boolean(0);    // false


Expression is any valid code that resolves to a value.

Incrementing & Decrementing shorthand

b = a++;    // equivalent of "b = a; a++;". so now b is 1 and a is 2
c = ++a;    // equivalent of "++a; b = a;". so now c is 3 and a is 3

Short circuting in Boolean operators

&& - Returns expr1 if it can be converted to false; otherwise, returns expr2.

In other words, if the first expression is falsey, then it doesn't need to evaluate the second value. If it's not falsey, returns the second value.

|| - Returns expr1 if it can be converted to true; otherwise, returns expr2.

var a = 1;
var b = false;
a || (b = true); // b is still false after this, because (b = true) is never evaluated
# => 1
b && (a = false); // a is still true, because (a = false) is never evaluated
# => 2


  • Not meant to return a value (help with logic if...else or instantiation var a;)
  • Cannot be part of an expression
  • Statements are expressions
// These both return errors. A statement cannot be part of an expression.
var c = (var a = 1);
var c = (a = 1);


Type coercion

Implicit type coercion is an interesting feature of JS:

If two operands have different types, the equality operator (==) will try to convert one of the operands into another type before testing for equality.

3 == "3"

3 === "3"

Object equality

Two variables containing objects are only equal if they reference the same object.

// Arays are objects, too
var array = [1];
array === [1]; // false

Here's how you might compare two objects by using JSON.stringify(). In this case, each object is info on a flight route

function isValidRoute(invalidRoutes, route) {
  var invalidRouteFound = invalidRoutes.filter(invalidRoute => {
    var invalidRouteValues = JSON.stringify(Object.values(invalidRoute));
    var routeValues = JSON.stringify(Object.values(route));
    return invalidRouteValues === routeValues;

  return invalidRouteFound.length > 0;




The primitives are: numbers, strings, booleans, null and undefined. Everything else is an object.

var name = "Dylan"; // string primitive
name.indexOf("D"); // temporarily an Object ???

Primitives are immutable, even in conversion (new value is returned)

alpha[0] = 'z';     // "z"
alpha;              // "abcde"

This is also the case with primitves passed to functions

function change(a) {
  a = 2;

var b = 1;
change(b);          // logs 2
console.log(b);     // logs 1

Variables don't hold values; they hold references to those values. A Function can't change the value of a variable that is passed to it as an argument.

An object can have its internal values changed within a function without having the reference change. Read more below.


Objects are mutable. Arrays are objects

alpha[0] = 'z';       // "z"
alpha;                // [ 'z', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]

Objects passed to Functions can be modified by those functions

function increment(thing) {
  thing.count += 1;

var counter = { count: 0 };
increment(counter); // { count: 1 }
count               // { count: 1 }

If a Function can't change the value of a variable passed in, how is this possible?

increment does not reassign thing (which is the same as counter). Instead, increment modifies a property of the Object: the count property. This alters the state of the object, but it does not create a new Object, so thing and counter continue to point to the same thing.


String => Number

> 12

Object => Boolean

Boolean('true')  // true
Boolean(0)       // false

Simpler method

!!('abc') // true
!!(0)     // false

Global object

Global variables are properties of the global window object

var foo = 1;
window.foo;       // 1
function bar() {
  return 1;

window.bar;       // function bar() { return 1; }

Variable hoisting

Read the code and the comments below and try to figure out the answer.

function help() {
  return a;        // This line returns undefined. Shouldn't it return a ReferenceError. Why is that?
  var a = "Help!"; // If you comment this code out, this function returns 123 instead of undefined.  Why?

var a = 123;  // undefined

When variables are declared in Javascript, they are hoisted to the beginning of their current scope. Therefore, this is equivalent code to the snippet below:

var a;

function help() {
  var a;
  return a;
  a = "Help!";

a = 123;

The function returns undefined because var a; was hoisted to above the return expression, shadowing the global 123. The function can access the global 123 because the global object is the implicit context.


Local variables are scoped to functions in JavaScript, not blocks. Therefore the same behavior will be present for the following code

function say(b) {
  if (b) {
   var a = 'hello from inside a block';

var b = 0;

say(b);   // undefined

Without understanding this rule one would expect the code to have a ReferrenceError for a missing variable a.

ES6 and variable scoping

ES6 variables, are not hoisted and will therefore throw a reference error if accessed too early.

console.log( a );	// undefined
console.log( b );	// ReferenceError!

var a;
let b;


There are four types of functions in JavaScript

  1. function invocation: alert('Hello World!')
  2. method invocation: console.log('Hello World!')
  3. constructor invocation: new RegExp('\\d')
  4. indirect invocation: alert.call(undefined, 'Hello World!')


Function vs. method invocation

If a receiver must be specified, it is a method. If no receiver needs to be specified, it is a function

Function Invocation

  • Invocation is executing the code that makes up the body of a function (simply calling the function). For example parseInt function invocation is parseInt('15').
  • Context of an invocation is the value of this within function body.


[1,5].join(',') is not a function invocation, it's a method invocation.

The fact that join is defined asArray.prototype.join means that join is a method on the Array prototype.

Function Definition

If a method is assigned in function expression, when it's invoked it counts as a function declaration.

var otherFunction = obj.myFunction;
otherFunction();     // function invocation

Return value

Functions without a return statement return undefined.

Function parameters

  • Calling a Function with too few or too many arguments does not raise an error.
  • Within a Function, an argument that wasn't provided in the call will have the value undefined.
function takeTwo(a, b) {
  console.log(a + b);


// logs out:


Scope of a function is a set of variables, objects, functions accessible within a function body.

var bunnyName = "Flopsy";

function hippityHoppity() {

hippityHoppity();  // "Flopsy"

Variables defined in the global scope are accessible inside methods without being expressly passed in

Variable local/global scoping

A local variable has a seperate scope from a global one.

var bunnyName = "Flopsy";

function hippityHoppity() {
  var bunnyName = "BUNSTER";

console.log(bunnyName); // "Flopsy"

If you remove the var, however, then the method will access the global variable and modify it

var bunnyName = "Flopsy";

function hippityHoppity() {
  bunnyName = "BUNSTER";

console.log(bunnyName); // "BUNSTER"

This 'global shadowing' behavior will not happen if you pass the variable to the function as a parameter.

var bunnyName = "Flopsy";

function hippityHoppity(bunnyName) {
  bunnyName = "BUNSTER";

console.log(bunnyName); // "Flopsy"

This is an example of JS's "pass by value" property in action. Passing variable bunnyName binds its value to the local variable bunnyName variable inside hippityHoppity function scope. Therefore reassignment doesn't affect the outer variable because they just reference the same value (not reference).

If you do want to make use of the global/nesting scope behavior, there needs to be an outer variable reference for the function scoped variable

function hippityHoppity(bunnyName) {
  bunnyName = "BUNSTER";

console.log(bunnyName); // Uncaught Reference Error

The rules are a bit different if you're passing in an object. JS is pass by value, but when passing in objects (i.e arrays) the value is the reference

var bunnyNames = ["Flopsy", "Mopsy"];

function hippityHoppity(bunnyNames) {
  bunnyName[0] = "BUNSTER";

console.log(bunnyNames); // "[BUNSTER, Mopsy]"

Function scope and params

Primitives: are passed in as reference-by-value - the function does not modify the passed in object.

function lessExcitable(text) {
  return text.replace(/!+/g, '.');  // replaces ! with .

var message = 'Hello!';
lessExcitable(message);  // "Hello."
message;                 // "Hello!"

Assign values to variables instead.

Objects: are passed into functions using pass-by-reference - (kinda, the value is the reference) modifications to objects inside the function are destrutive

Examples of global/function scoping principles

Functions can not only call global variables inside methods, they can also destructively modify global variables.

var a = 1;

function Foo() {
  this.a = 2;
  this.bar = function() {

var foo = new Foo();

a               // 1
foo.bar();      // 2
foo.a           // 2
a               // 1
Foo();          // 2
a               // 2

obj = {};
obj.bar();      // UndefinedMethod
Foo.call(obj);  // 2
obj.bar();      // 2


  • In foo.bar(), bar is called on the foo object which has access to a


  • Foo(); modified the global object so that window.a = 2
  • obj.bar(); will only return 2, because Foo.call(obj) permanently modified the obj already. If we would leave it out, then the result will be Uncaught TypeError: obj.bar is not a function.

First class objects

Functions are first class objects, meaning they can be passed into other functions like other primitive objects.

sort is a flexible example of this:

function compareSize(num1, num2) {
  return num1 - num2;

> [3,5,8]

The function could also be passed in as an anonymous function expression as well.

Function expressions vs. declarations

function outer() { return "hello world" }
var foo = outer;    // assign the function to another variable

Essentially, declarations are doing extra work by creating a variable behind the scenes. The variable obeys general scoping rules.

function quack() {

Expressions create a reference which needs to be handled (you usually assign it to a variable). You can assign functions to variables to invoke later.

var fly = function() {

Named function expressions can only access their name inside the function

var hello = function foo() {
  console.log(typeof foo);  // function


foo();                      // Reference Error

One important distinction between function expressions vs. declarations is hoisting.

Function Hoisting

Function declarations hoisting

Function declarations are defined first while function expressions are evaluated during code execution.

That's why line 2 (which is a call to a function declaration) does not throw an error.


function quack() {
  return "Quack"

Function expression hoisting

But not function expressions

console.log(fly); // undefined

var fly = function() {
  return "Fly!";

Function expression hoisting rules are the same as regular variables. The equivalent code looks like this:

var fly;


var fly = function() {
  return "Fly!";

The same hoisting behavior happens with function assignment.


var hello = function() {
  return 'hello world';

// "Uncaught TypeError: hello is not a function

Therefore as a rule you should:

  • Declare functions before calling them.
  • Declare variables on the top of the their scopes.


Code first looks for function declarations, and sets the function to the return value.

Function expressions are evaluated with the rest of the code.


Short ciruiting loops

It's possible to short circut iteration in a for loop

function run() {
  for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
    if (i === 2) {
      return false;

// 1
// 2

The execution was short circuited before it could reach 3.

It's not possible in a vanilla JS forEach callback.

[1,2,3].forEach(function(v) {
  if (v === 2) {
    return false;
// 1
// 2
// 3

If it was, the code would never have reached 3. The reason this is is because a new function is invoked in each iteration. This isn't necessarily the case though for JS library's like jQuery or lodash. Read more here.


Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions

Useful for creating your own private scope. For example, say you need to do a for loop in a messy piece of code where i or the name of the function might be defined already.

(function() {
  for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {

IIFE don't have to use the function declaration style. Here's a simple example using a function expression and a parameter:

var message = (function(name) {  
   return 'Hello ' + name + '!';
console.log(message) // => 'Hello World!'

The first pair of parenthesis in (function(name) {...}) is an expression that evaluates to a function object. The second pair of parenthesis is the name parameter's argument 'World'.

Wrapping parens

It would seem like you wouldn't need always need wrapping parens as these two expression both return function objects.

var func = function() { console.log('Hi'); }   // [Function: fun]
var funct = (function() { console.log('Hi'); }) // [Function: funt]

However, when dealing with function declarations we need to pay attention to the wrapping parens. A clue to why we need wrapping parens is from looking at the return values from a function declaration vs. a function expression.

(function() {
  for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {
// => [Function]
function() {
  for(var i=0; i<100; i++) {
// => undefined

When assigned in a function expression as above, there is a return value (this strikes me as a little odd that declarations don't by default, but oh well), so we can avoid wrapping parens if we use a variable assignment to a function expression.

var func = function() { console.log('Hi'); }()   // Hi


Functions that take a Function as an argument.

This Function will be invoked for each element in the Array and allow the developer to define specifics about how the chosen abstraction should be implemented. Because it is "called back" later with each element, this Function is called a callback.

Gives you the ability not only to write a function to solve a specific problem, such as "iterate through an array and log out the elements", but to write an abstraction, such as "iterate through an array and do something". This allows you to focus on what to do with each element in the Array, and not concern itself with how to iterate through an Array.

Abstraction Used To Returns Array Methods
Iteration Perform an operation on each element in an Array nothing forEach
Filtering / Selection Limit to a subset of elements new Array filter
Transformation Compute a value for each element new Array map
Ordering Arrange elements by sorting new Array sort
Reducing / Folding Iteratively compute a result using each element single value reduce, reduceRight
Interrogation Determine if an Array's elements pass a test single value every, some

Reduce - A form reduction example

To demonstrate how reduce works, we'll go over a common task - gathering and manipulating form inputs.

In JS development you usually aren't going to rely on the form sending data to the server - instead you're going to grab it when an event handler fires. If you're using jQuery you might use serializeArray() to create an object for each input field inside your event callback.

<label> Starting Point
    <input type="number" name="startX" placeholder="x:">
    <input type="number" name="startY" placeholder="y:">

<label> Ending Point
     <input type="number" name="endX" placeholder="x:">
    <input type="number" name="endY" placeholder="y:">
$(function() {

  // Called from inside form callback
  function getFormObject($form) {
    var $inputs = $form.serializeArray();
// [Object, Object, Object, ... ]

Each object looks something like this { startX: 'foo', value: 'bar' }. This structure nests the data a bit too deeply for convenient access, so you might combine all these into a single object with unique key/value pairs; i.e { startX: 'foo', startY: ... }.

A common, and arguably still fairly readable way would be to iterate through and 'decorate' a new object.

var formObject = {};

$inputs.forEach(function(item) {
  formObject[item.name] = item.value;

return formObject;

But maybe we want to work with pure functions, so this gives us a chance to learn about reduce. Here's an example of how:

var formObject = $inputs.reduce(function(list, item) {
  formObject[item.name] = item.value;
  return formObject;


Reduce returns an accumulator, which is be default the object that calls reduce (in this case $inputs). However, the output looks like this:

{ endX : "3",  endY : "4", name : "startX", startY : "2", value : "1" }

But wait... why is startX a value instead of a key? Also, instead of 1 being the value pair to the startX, 1 is the value to key value. What's going on here?

As with many JS mysteries, the answer is revealed in the MDN documentation. In this example, it helped to look and what they wrote on reduce.

arr.reduce(callback, [initialValue])

The first time the callback is called, accumulator and currentValue can be one of two values. If initialValue is provided in the call to reduce, then accumulator will be equal to initialValue and currentValue will be equal to the first value in the array. If no initialValue was provided, then accumulator will be equal to the first value in the array and currentValue will be equal to the second.

So we fell for the trap of assuming our accumulator was one thing ( an empty object) when it was actually another the first object (the startX key-value pair) in our collection. To correct this issue we simply supply an empty object as the initial value.

var formObject = $inputs.reduce(function(list, item) {
  formObject[item.name] = item.value;
  return formObject;
}, {});

Which formats our values correctly this time :)

// { endX : "3", endY : "4", startX: "1", startY : "2" }

Meta-programming functions

An example of how you would iteratively create a number of methods on a specific object

var _ = function(element) {
  u = { .... }

  (["Boolean", "String", "Number"]).forEach(function(method) {
    _["is" + method] = function(obj) {
      return toString.call(obj) === ["object " + method];

  return u;

_.isBoolean(false) // true



  • refers to the current execution context of a function
  • is used to access properties defined on objects from inside that object
var car = {
 make: "Fiat",
 started: false,

 start: function () {
   this.started = true;

Cloning / copying objects

Shallow copies

Making safe copies of objects code is fairly straightforward.

object = { 'a': 1 };
newObject = Object.assign({}, first); //

newObject['a'] = 2;
newObject  // { 'a': 2 }
object      // { 'a' : 1 }

Here are the ways we could create new_object to accomplish this:

newObject = Object.create(first);

Deep nesting

Cloning deeply nested objects is a bit trickier.

object = { 'a': 1 };
array = [object];

newArray[0]['a'] = 2
newArray // [{ 'a': 2 }]
array     // [{ 'a': 1 }]

How do we make this code work? It depends on how we create (or rather, clone/duplicate) newArray. We could try these two ways

var newArray = array.slice(0);
newArray[0]['a'] = 2
array // [{ 'a': 2 }]

But this doesn't work. Here's a similar method

var newArray = Array.prototype.slice.apply(array)
newArray[0]['a'] = 2
array // [{ 'a': 2 }]

These both copy references so they won't work. The same thing will happened with Object.assign([], array). What does work is using JSON.

JSON deep object cloning

var newArray = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array))
newArray[0]['a'] = 2
array // [{ 'a': 1 }]


The splat operator replaces apply, so we could try using that one as well. However, it too copies references.

let newArray = [...array]
newArray[0]['a'] = 2
array // [{ 'a': 2 }]

Factory functions

function createPerson(firstName, lastName) {
  return {
    firstName: firstName,
    lastName: lastName || '',
    fullName: function() {
      return (this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName).trim();
var person = createPerson('Jon', 'Doe');
  • Help build objects using a template
  • Built with all methods, which may be duplicative
  • No way to know whether it's created from a factory function. Can't tell "type"


  • Blueprint for creating objects.
  • Do not need a return statement
  • Can take functions as properties
  • Use new and capitalization as conventions

When a function is called with the new keyword, the following happens:

  1. A new object is created
  2. this in the function is pointed to the new object
  3. the code in the function is executed
  4. this is returned if there's not an explicit return
function Dog(name, weight) {
  this.name = name;
  this.weight = weight;
  this.getSize = function() {
    if (this.weight > 20) {
      return "large";
    } else {
      return "small";

var pippin = new Dog('Pippin', 20)

new and the implicit context

We can tell that this in the above function was a new object because the window object was unmodified after execution.

window.getSize() // getSize is not a function

However the outcome is different if we leave off the new keyword

Dog("Sami", 30);
window.getSize();  // large

Object literals and constructors

Although constructors are very useful, object literals still have a place. In particular, when your constructor has many parameters and/or you are only making one object.

A constructor that needs changing could look like this:

function Car(make, model, year, color, passengers, convertible, mileage) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;
  this.color = color;
  this.passengers = passengers;
  this.convertible = convertible;
  this.mileage = mileage;
  this.started = false;

var cadi = new Car("GM", "Cadillac", 1955, "tan", 5, false, 12893);

Change the literal to this:

var cadiParams = { make: "GM",
                 model: "Caddilac",
                 year: 1955,
                 color: "tan",
                 passengers: 5,
                 convertible: false,
                 mileage: 12892 };

Now you can just pass in the literal to the constructor.

function Car(cadiParams)

And modify the constructor to make this work.

function Car(params) {
  this.make = params.make;
  this.model = params.model;
  this.year = params.year;
  this.color = params.color;
  this.passengers = params.passengers;
  this.convertible = params.convertible;
  this.mileage = params.mileage;
  this.started = false;


All objects have a prototype chain, and a prototype property. When an object is created, it receives an internal prototype property (although it's possible for it to be blank - Object.create(null)) - which references another object.

What does this linkage do? If a property or method is called on an object which doesn't have that property itself, it will look up the prototype chain for the first instance of that property.

For example, an object literal's prototype property is the Object.prototype object, which provides object methods to all objects.

var foo = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2
};                // created with object literal

foo.toString();   // [object Object]

toString() was not defined on foo, but it was defined on Object.prototype.foo. And as mentioned above, the fact that foos prototype is Object.prototype gives it access to these methods.

Object.getPrototypeOf(foo) === Object.prototype;  // true

Methods to test prototype relationships


function Foo() {};
var a = new Foo();
  • a object is the prototype object of the Foo object OR
  • object a is created with object Foo as its prototype

Using a constructor changes the returned object's prototype to the constructor function's own prototype

We'll use Object.isPrototypeOf(obj) - which returns the prototype of object - to test that hypothesis

Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === Foo.prototype // true

Each object created from calling new Foo() will end up (somewhat arbitrarily) [[Prototype]]-linked to this "Foo dot prototype" object.

Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf( a ); // true

This is essentially asking, in the entire [[Prototype]] chain of a, does Foo.prototype ever appear?


You can create prototype chains with Object.create as well.

Here's the inverse of the prototype relationship testing examples from above, using Object.create.

var foo = {};

var a = Object.create(foo);
Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === foo;   // true
foo.isPrototypeOf(a);             // true

Object.create(..) creates a "new" object out of thin air, and links that new object's internal [[Prototype]] to the object you specify (foo in this case).

Not using Object.create for cloning

You usually would not use Object.create for cloning because it modifies the prototype inheritance chain for the newly created object as described above.

// Continued from above ...
var b = Object.assign({}, foo);

Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === Object.prototype; // false
Object.getPrototypeOf(b) === Object.prototype; // true

Prototypes & "Inheritance"

Below are some stripped down examples that demonstrate a bit of the mechanics on how JS objects are linked along the prototype chain.

Prototype chain

var foo = { a: 1, b: 2 };
var bar = Object.create(foo);
Object.getPrototypeOf(bar) === foo // true
bar.__proto__ === foo;             // true

//  `foo` object is the prototype (object) of the bar object

var baz = Object.create(bar);

Object.getPrototypeOf(foo) === Object.prototype;  // true
Object.getPrototypeOf(baz) === bar;               // true
foo.isPrototypeOf(baz);                     // true - because foo is on qux's prototype chain

Prototypal inheritance

JavaScript objects inherit behavior from other objects. JS object linked on the prototype chain can share behavior. Below are some simple examples:

function Dog() {
  this.species = "Dog";

Dog.prototype.speak = function() {

var rover = new Dog();
rover.speak(); // Bark!

It's completely fine if a new method is assigned after the new object is instantiated since they refer to the same prototype object.

function Dog() {
  this.species = "Dog";

var rover = new Dog();

Dog.prototype.speak = function() {

rover.speak();  // Bark!

When speak() is called on rover, it looks for any speak() method on the instance. When it can't find one, it looks on the prototype for one. This same things is done for properties on instances (like rover.species). Here are other formats to use if you want to create multiple methods on the Dog prototype:

  1. To avoid repeating Dog.prototype, you might choose to assign an object literal to Dog.prototype:
Dog.prototype = {
  speak: function() {
  walk: function() {

However, to use this code safely you should first understand why the following code won't work:

function Dog() {
  this.species = "Dog";

var rover = new Dog();

Dog.prototype = {
  speak: function() {

rover.speak(): // Reference Error

The Dog prototype object was reassigned, and the speak method on rover still looks to the original prototype object for this method definition. Finding none, a ReferenceError is thrown.

There will be no error if:

  • a) rover is instead instantiated on a line after the method speak is added to Dog.prototype (and before rover.speak() is called), or
// ...
// Dog.prototype = { speak: function { ... } }

var rover = new Dog();

rover.speak(): // Reference Error
  • b) If the speak method was added to the existing Dog.prototype like above (i.e,Dog.prototype.speak = function () {}), rather than reassigning the prototype object. Even if rover was created before the speak method was defined, rover would still look to its original prototype object and find speak defined there.
  1. You can also pass in a (singleton / object literal) object to Object.create():
var dog = {
  say: function() {
    console.log(this.name + ' says Woof!');

var fido = Object.create(dog);
fido.name = 'Fido';
fido.say();             // Fido says Woof!

The say method is found on fido object's prototype object, then called with context of fido object itself. This is roughly the basis for the OLOO pattern, which we go into more later.

Benefits of prototype inheritance

Objects can be created directly from other objects. Behaviors (methods) and state (properties) can be shared via the prototype chain.

  • We can create dogs much more easily with the dog prototype - we don't have to duplicate say and run on every single dog object.
  • If we need to add/remove/update behavior to apply to all dogs, we can just modify the prototype object, and all dogs will pick up the changed behavior automatically.

Objects on the bottom of the prototype chain can "delegate" requests to the upstream objects to be handled.

Methods can be overridden locally

var dog = {
  say: function() {
    console.log(this.name + ' says Woof!');
dog.name = 'Tim';

var fido = Object.create(dog);

fido.name = 'Fido';
fido.say = function() {
  console.log(this.name + ' says Woof Woof!');

fido.say();             // Fido says Woof Woof!
dog.say()               // Tim says Woof!

Object.getOwnPropertyNames and object.hasOwnProperty

var foo = { a: 1 };
var bar = Object.create(foo);
bar.b = 2;

bar.hasOwnProperty('a');            // true
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(bar);    // ["b"]

Other prototype methods

Object.prototype.toString(): returns a string representation of the object Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj): tests if the object is in another object's prototype chain Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(prop): tests whether the property is defined on the object itself

Shadowing properties

Once you change the object's property, it is no longer a constructor (prototype?) derived property.

var foo = {
  a: 2

var myObject = Object.create( foo );

foo.a; // 2
myObject.a; // 2

foo.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true
myObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // false

myObject.a++; // oops, implicit shadowing!

foo.a; // 2
myObject.a; // 3

myObject.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true

Constructors have roughly the same delegation behavior - newly created do not "have" the property, but if the property is modified on that instance it changes"

function Foo() {}

Foo.prototype.a = 2;

var foo = new Foo();
var bar = new Foo();

foo.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // false
bar.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // false

bar.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true

However with constructors the use of this copies the properties directly on the new linked objects, making newly created project "have" the property.

function anotherObject() {
  this.a = 2;

var foo = new anotherObject();
var bar = new Foo();

foo.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // true  ... but should be false    
bar.hasOwnProperty( "a" ); // false

Prototype accessor/shortcut

Array.prototype \ []

  • Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) vs. [].slice.call(arguments)

Object.prototype \ {}

Does not work in all cases

Object.getPrototypeOf([]) === [] \\ false Object.getPrototypeOf([]) === Array.prototype \\ true

Constructors + prototype chain

  • Every function has a special prototype property.

A function's prototype property is only useful when the function is used as a constructor, in which case all objects that it constructs will have this special object set as their prototype. This is the reason why the constructor property of the constructed object points back to the constructor function.

pippin.constructor;                              // function Dog(...)
pippin.constructor === Dog                       // true

Dog.prototype   // Object {} - the constructor function's prototype object
new Dog() === Dog.prototype                      // true

Dog.prototype.constructor                        // function Dog(...)
Dog.prototype.constructor === Dog                // true

Object.getPrototypeOf(pippin) === Dog.prototype  // true
pippin instanceof Dog;                           // true

Evidence that function prototype property without new keyword is not useful

Object.getPrototypeOf(Dog)                    // function () {}
Dog.prototype                                 // Object {}
Object.getPrototypeOf(Dog) === Dog.prototype; // false

Object.getPrototypeOf(pippin)                                // Object {}
Object.getPrototypeOf(pippin) === Object.getPrototypeOf(Dog) // false
Object.getPrototypeOf(pippin) === Dog.prototype              // true

If we wanted to share the behavior of Dog with Poodle, you could manually set the constructor (prototype?).

function Dog () {}

function Poodle () {}
Poodle.prototype = Object.create(Dog.prototype); // Worse, but also new Dog();
Poodle.prototype.type = "Poodle";

var poodle = new Poodle();
console.log(poodle instanceof Dog);     // true
console.log(poodle instanceof Poodle);  // true

poodle.constructor;                                 // f Dog() {}
poodle.constructor === Dog;                         // false - should be true?
Object.getPrototypeOf(poodle) === Poodle.prototype; // true
Dog.prototype.isPrototypeOf(poodle);                // true

The Poodle prototype is an instance of Dog, so poodle is linked to Dog on the prototype inheritance chain.

Constructor vs. prototype

Note that poodles constructor is Dog but the prototype is Poodle.prototype. If you reset a constructor's prototype the constructor property won't always reliable.

Modify the constructor prototype, not the constructed object

We do Poodle.prototype = Object.create(Dog.prototype), not poodle.prototype = Object.create(Dog.prototype). An instance of the object is not writeable in this way. In ES6 you can use Object.setPrototypeOf.

Directly setting prototypes

Don't share prototype references

Poodle.prototype = Dog.prototype => not good

If you you start adding functions onto Poodle.protoype you'll be modifying Dog.prototype.

Be careful of Obj.prototype = new AnotherObj()

Poodle.prototype = new Dog() creates a separate, linked object but may execute unplanned code or delegate certain properties that you don't want attached.

Using Object.create

Poodle.prototype = Object.create(Dog.prototype) is a good way to go

Using Object.create "make[s] a new 'Poodle dot prototype' object that's linked to 'Foo dot prototype'."

Use Object.setPrototypeOf in ES6

// modifies existing `Bar.prototype`
Object.setPrototypeOf( Bar.prototype, Foo.prototype );

Constructor prototypes

Object.getPrototypeOf(Dog) // function () {}

Every function is a Function object created from the Function Constructor and as such also has a prototype (Function.prototype). Note that the prototype of a Function Object (i.e Dog) can not be modified, unlike objects constructed (i.e dog) from it.


  • __proto__ is an [[Prototype]] accessor
  • __proto__ returns Object.getPrototypeOf

Object literal & prototype

What do you do if you want to add a , well since obj.prototype is undefined you could use the __proto__ method

Constructors and prototype internals

function Foo() {
    // ...

Foo.prototype.constructor === Foo; // true

var a = new Foo();
a.constructor === Foo; // true

The Foo.prototype object by default (at declaration time on line 1 of the snippet!) gets a public, non-enumerable property called .constructor, and this property is a reference back to the function (Foo in this case) that the object is associated with.

Moreover, we see that object a created by the "constructor" call new Foo() seems to also have a property on it called .constructor which similarly points to "the function which created it".

This is just unfortunate confusion. In actuality, the .constructor reference is also delegated up to Foo.prototype, which happens to, by default, have a .constructor that points at Foo.

The .constructor property on Foo.prototype is only there by default on the object created when Foo the function is declared. If you create a new object, and replace a function's default .prototype object reference, the new object will not by default magically get a .constructor on it.

function Foo() { /* .. */ }

Foo.prototype = { /* .. */ }; // create a new prototype object

var a1 = new Foo();
a1.constructor === Foo; // false!
a1.constructor === Object; // true!

a1 has no .constructor property, so it delegates up the [[Prototype]] chain to Foo.prototype. But that object doesn't have a .constructor either (like the default Foo.prototype object would have had!), so it keeps delegating, this time up to Object.prototype, the top of the delegation chain.

Frozen non-writeable methods & properties


This function returns an object with an un-writeable log property

function newPerson(name) {
  return Object.defineProperties({ name: name }, {
    log: {
      value: function() {
      writable: false
var me = newPerson('Shane Riley');
me.log();     // Shane Riley
me.log = function() { console.log("Amanda Rose"); };
me.log();     // Shane Riley


  • Object property values cannot be reassigned
  • Internal property object values can be reassigned
  • Unreversible operation on an object.

OLOO vs Pseudoclassical

The Pseudo-classical Pattern

The Pseudo-classical pattern is a combination of the constructor pattern and the prototype pattern. With this pattern, we:

  • use a constructor to set object states, and
  • put shared methods on the constructor function's prototype:
var Point = function(x, y) {            // capitalized constructor name as a convention
  this.x = x || 0;                      // initialize states with arguments
  this.y = y || 0;                      // 0 as default value

Point.prototype = {
  onXAxis: function() {  // shared behaviors added to constructor's prototype property
    return this.x === 0;
  onYAxis: function() {  // can reassign prototype object (watch instanceof changes) or can add one by one, Point.prototype.onXAxis = function() {...}
    return this.y === 0;

var pointA = new Point(30, 40);     // use new to create objects
var pointB = new Point(20);

console.log(pointA instanceof Point);            // use instanceof to check type
console.log(pointB instanceof Point);

console.log(pointA.distanceToOrigin());          // 50
console.log(pointB.onYAxis());                   // true

OLOO Pattern

Here JavaScript sheds its pretense to be a "class oriented" language, where it uses constructor functions as fake classes. Instead, it embraces its prototype based object model. With the OLOO pattern, we

  • define the shared behaviors on a prototype object, then
  • use Object.create() to create objects that inherit directly from that object, without going through the roundabout way that involves "constructors and their prototype properties" at all.
var Point = {                       // capitalized name for the prototype as a convention
  x: 0,                             // default value defined on the prototype
  y: 0,

  onXAxis: function() {            // shared methods defined on the prototype
    return this.y === 0;

  onYAxis: function() {
    return this.x === 0;

  init: function(x, y) {          // optional init method to set states
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    return this;

var pointA = Object.create(Point).init(30, 40);
var pointB = Object.create(Point);

Point.isPrototypeOf(pointA);        // use isPrototypeOf to check type

pointB.onXAxis();                   // true

Functions Pt. II (contexts)

Execution contexts

First-class Functions initially have no context when created; they receive a context when the program executes them.

In other words, this changes based on how a function is invoked, not how it was defined.

Global Object

The global object window is the implicit function execution context for global functions and expressions

var foo = 1;
function bar() { return 1; }

window.foo;       // 1
window.bar;       // function bar() { return 1; }

Global functions are defined on it such as isNaN()

window.isNan() // function isNaN() { ... }


Properties defined on window cannot be deleted (sorta). You can delete global variables that you don't define, but NOT those that you did.

var foo = 1;
bar = 2;

delete window.foo;    // false
delete window.bar;    // true

window.foo;           // 1
window.bar;           // undefined

ES6 globals

let and const variables aren't accessible by writing window.variable name.

Implicit function execution context

var object = {
  foo: function() {
    return "this here is: " + this;

object.foo();         // "this here is: [object Object]"

bar = object.foo;
bar();               // "this here is: [object Window]"

This is an example that shows that the binding of a function and context object happens when the function is executed, not when the function is defined.

Explicit function execution: call, apply, and bind

JavaScript provides tools to manipulate function context.


Simple example

var obj = {
  a: 1,
  foo: function() {

obj.foo();          // 1
var bar = obj.foo;
bar();             // undefined

var context = {
  a: 2  

bar.call(context); // 2

Using call to give a function context with mutliple parameters

var iPad   = { name: 'iPad', price: 40000 },
var kindle = { name: 'kindle', price: 30000 };

function printLine(line_number, punctuation) {
  console.log(line_number + ': ' + this.name + ', ' + this.price / 100 + ' dollars' + punctuation);

printLine.call(iPad, 1, ';');        // "1: iPad, 400 dollars;"
printLine.call(kindle, 2, '.');      // "2: kindle, 300 dollars."


The same example, except using apply

printLine.apply(kindle, [2, '.']);

Call: Count the Commas (you have to count the number of arguments to match the called function)
Apply: Arguments as Array

apply can reduce the length of function parameters by organizing them into an array.

null or undefined work for the thisArg when we don't have a specific object context to supply.

function add (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    return a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i;
var nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

console.log(add.apply(this, nums));             // 45
console.log(add.call(this, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)); // 45
console.log(add.call(null, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)); // 45

Here's a more realistic example with Math.max, which expects arguments of number like Math.max(10,20)

var numbers = [1,2,3]
Math.max(numbers) # NaN
Math.max.apply(null, numbers)
=> 3
Math.max.apply(this, numbers)
=> 3

ES6 version using the spread operator ...would simply be:



bind permanently binds the execution context so it cannot be reassigned

var a = 'goodbye';

var object = {
  a: 'hello',
  b: 'world',
  foo: function() {
    return this.a + ' ' + this.b;

object.foo();                         // 'hello world'

var bar = object.foo;
bar();                                // 'goodbye undefined'

var baz = object.foo.bind(object);
baz();                                // 'hello world'

var object2 = {
  a: 'hi',
  b: 'there'

baz():                               // 'hello world'; - baz context is still bound to object

The context of object has been permanently bound to baz() (the method object.foo). Therefore call has no affect.

bind is a good option for fixing the loss of context problem because you can call it multiple times without having to use call or self each time.

Bound functions

  • A bound function is a function bind with an object.
  • .bind() makes a permanent context link and will always keep it. A bound function cannot change its linked context when using .call() or .apply() with a different context. Even calling bind again has no effect.
function getThis() {  
  'use strict';
  return this;
var one = getThis.bind(1);
one.call(2); // => 1  
one.bind(2)(); // => 1  
new one(); // => Object // Call the bound function as a constructor

Only new one was able to change the context.

Loosing context

Method Losing Context when Taken Out of Object

var john = {
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  greetings: function() {
    console.log("hello, " + this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name);

var foo = john.greetings;
foo();   // "hello, undefined undefined"

foo.call(john) will work, but won't work if foo is passed somewhere where it doens't have access to john

function repeatThreeTimes(func) {
  func();       // can't do func.call(john), out of scope

function foo() {
  var john = {
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    greetings: function() {
      console.log("hello, " + this.first_name + ' ' + this.last_name);


// "hello, undefined undefined"
// "hello, undefined undefined"
// "hello, undefined undefined"

// ReferenceError: john is not defined

Solution 1: Passing context

You can also pass in context to functions as parameters

function repeatThreeTimes(func, context) {


  repeatThreeTimes(john.greetings, john);

// "hello, John Doe"
// "hello, John Doe"
// "hello, John Doe"

Solution 2: Binding the function

If you can't change the function context (for example passing it to a library method that you don't own), then bind is more useful:

function repeatThreeTimes(func) {  // Do not need to explicitly call context object




Solution 3: Add function as object method

The function below is missing the correct object context.

var temperatures = [53, 86, 12, 43];

function average() {
  var total = 0;
  for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    total += this[i];

  return total / this.length;

console.log(average(temperatures));  // NaN

We could provide a context with methods like call, apply, and bind. However, we can also add a method to the array (it's also an object), and simply call it from there

temperatures.average = average
console.log(temperatures.average());  // 48

Internal function losing method context

var obj = {
  a: "hello",
  b: "world",
  foo: function() {
    function bar() {
      console.log(this.a + ' ' + this.b);

obj.foo();        // undefined undefined

Nested functions (within an object) lose context, which is a problem.

Functions execute with their explicit context. The foo method is called on obj, which explicitly provides context for the foo method. However, the call to bar() on line 9 has no such explicit context - it's just a function declaration call bar(). Since how a function is invoked determines the context, and not where it is defined, the JS (compiler\engine?) sees that there's no explicit context for this call and therefore binds it to the default context - global object. As a result, this on line 6 is the global object, not obj, thus a and b are undefined within the bar function body.

Side note: Nested functions outside an object

The concept of closure in JavaScript makes it so nested function can avoid this problem. Obviously a and b will still be undefined, nested functions retain access to to variables defined in outer scopes so c and d will be available to any inner functions nested in foo.

var obj = {
  a: "hello",
  b: "world",
  foo: function() {
    var c = "bye";
    var d = "world"
    function bar() {
      function baz() {
        console.log(c + " " + d);

obj.foo(); // bye world

Solution 1: Preserve context with a local variable

A local variable in an outer scope is available to inner/nested functions. Therefore the self = this idiom will our context issue.

var obj = {
  a: "hello",
  b: "world",
  foo: function() {
    var self = this;

    function bar() {
      console.log(self.a + ' ' + self.b);

obj.foo();        // hello world

Solution 2: Pass context

Providing context

var obj = {
  a: "hello",
  b: "world",
  foo: function() {
    function bar() {
      console.log(this.a + ' ' + this.b);

obj.foo();        // hello world

Solution 3: Bind the context with a function expression

This will bind the bar function to its surrounding context when the function itself is defined. Note that we can only use bind with a function expression, not a function declaration.

obj = {
  a: 'hello',
  b: 'world',
  foo: function() {
    var bar = function() {
      console.log(this.a + ' ' + this.b);



Similar problem: Outer Function Referenced By Object Method Lacks Context

function logThis() {

var myObject = {
  objectMethod: logThis.bind(this),
  test: 1,

myObject.objectMethod(); // Window

This is confusing, but I think the trick is to think about when myObject.objectMethod() runs, it's effectively just calling logThis. Just because logThis is called within an object does not mean it gains the context of that object. This is a source of a lot of context / this confusion in JS.

One way to change context is to provide it. You can do this by 1) supplying a calling object directly or 2) explicitly provide it on execution

var myObject = {
  objectMethod: this.logThis,        // 1) Caller used
  anotherMethod: logThis.call(this), // 2) Calling context provided

myObject.objectMethod(); // myObject

Another way to work around the problem is to use the context that's provided inside of function execution

var myObject = {
  objectMethod: function() {

myObject.objectMethod(); // myObject

But can be bound to a new variable while executing a function expression.

var myObject = {
  objectMethod: function() {
    var bar = logThis.bind(this);

myObject.objectMethod(); // myObject

Without an expression, binding does nothing.

logThis(); // Window

Function as Argument Losing Surrounding Context

function repeatThreeTimes(func) {

var john = {
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  greetings: function() {
    repeatThreeTimes(function() {
      console.log("hello, " + this.first_name + " " + this.last_name);


// "hello, undefined undefined"
// "hello, undefined undefined"
// "hello, undefined undefined"

The this context is also not going to be preserved, because even though the function expression is defined within the object, it's not executed with the context of the object.

Solution 1: self = this fix

  greetings: function() {
    self = this;
    repeatThreeTimes(function() {
      console.log("hello, " + self.first_name + " " + self.last_name);

Solution 2: Bind the argument function with the surrounding context

The callback function within repeatThreeTimes is a function expression, and therefore we can use bind to set the context.

  greetings: function() {
    repeatThreeTimes(function() {
      console.log("hello, " + this.first_name + " " + this.last_name);

The same thing happens with certain built in iterator/callback methods

this.arg vs. context manipulation - forEach, some, every, map

  1. Use bind

Without bind, the function expression that contains console.log is executed in JavaScript's built in forEach method losses the obj context.

obj = {
  a: 'hello',
  b: 'world',
  foo: function() {
    [1, 2, 3].forEach(function(number) {
      console.log(number + ' ' + this.a + ' ' + this.b);

// 1 hello world
// 2 hello world
// 3 hello world

A function expression (the callback) occurs in the forEach loop, and therefore allows for the use of bind.

  1. thisArg

The optional param thisArg can be used as the value of this (reference Object) when executing the callback function. Otherwise, the value undefined will be used as its this value. Available on:

  • Array.prototype.forEach
  • Array.prototype.map
  • Array.prototype.every
  • Array.prototype.some
obj = {
  a: 'hello',
  b: 'world',
  foo: function() {
    [1, 2, 3].forEach(function(number) {
      console.log(number + ' ' + this.a + ' ' + this.b);
    }, this);


Nested object losing context

var myObject = {
  count: 1,
  myChildObject: {
    myMethod: function() {

myObject.myChildObject.myMethod(); // undefined

myMethod above is called on the myChildObject, so myChildObject is the execution context for myMethod. The object property count is in the myObject context, and therefore undefined when myMethod is invoked like it is above.

I believe the only way to pass internal information about a given object is through specifying context (using indirect invocation) when calling or binding the context. We can do this either with call

myObject.myChildObject.myMethod.call(myObject); // 1

or bind

var countPrint = myObject.myChildObject.myMethod.bind(myObject) console.log(countPrint()); // 1

Indirect invocation and constructor function

Passing around context can be used to create class hierarchies in ES5 to call the parent constructor. This is an interesting way to delegate behavior.

function Identify(name) {
  this.name = name.toUpperCase();

function Rabbit(name, countLegs) {
  Identify.call(this, name);
  this.countLegs = countLegs;
var myRabbit = new Rabbit('White Rabbit', 4);
myRabbit; // { name: "WHITE RABBIT', countLegs: 4 }

Identity.call(this, name) inside Rabbit makes an indirect call of the parent function to initialize the object.

For more about indirection invocation and an explanation of this in general, see here for a good blog post

Function closures

  • JavaScript functions create closures when they are invoked.
  • Closures allow code within a function to access any variable that was accessible at the time the function was declared.
  • Values that are no longer accessible from anywhere in the code will be garbage collected and any memory they were using can then be used by other parts of the program.
  • Closures can be used to make variables "private" to a function or set of functions and inaccessible from anywhere else.
  • Closures allow functions to "carry around" values for later use.
  • Every function declaration creates a new scope
  • All variables in the same or surrounding scope are available to your code.

Higher-order functions - functions that take a function as an argument, return a function, or both.

Another snippet about closures:

  • Code within a function can access any variables defined within the function.
  • Code within a function can also access any variables that can be accessed from the context where it was defined.

The first point is more obvious, the second may not be. What does it mean, the variables from the context from where it was defined?


To be more specific, an inner function has access to variables defined in any outer/surrounding scopes (includes function and global scopes). It doesn't matter how deeply nested a function is.

function beginGreeting() {
  var name = 'Julian';

  function rememberName() {
    function greet() {

beginGreeting();          // 'Julian'

This would still work if name was defined in the global scope, above beginGreeting().

Objects, functions, and closure

This same principle works for objects, and functions within objects

var b = 1;

function makeObj() {
  var a = 0;
  return {
    returnA: function() {
      return a;
    returnB: function() {
      return b;

makeObj().returnA();  // 0
makeObj().returnB();  // 1

Variables in upper (or parent) scopes are available to lower (nested) scopes.

Objects within functions have the same scope as the function are they are in.

Lexical Scoping

JS uses the structure of the source code to determine the variable's scope.

  • It can access any variables defined within it.
  • It can access any variables that were in scope code can access from the context where the function was defined.


When searching for a variable, JS searches this hierarchy from the bottom to the top. It stops and returns the first variable it finds with a matching name. This means that variables in a lower scope can shadow, or hide, a variable with the same name in a higher scope.

var name = 'Julian';

function greet() {
  var name = 'Logan';
greet();             // Logan

When greet() is invoked it looks in the function scope first for name, and does not look further so you can only access the inner scope name

A parameter would shadow the outer scope as well

var name = 'Logan';
function greet(name) {
greet('Sam');   // Sam

Persistent reference

The value of a variable can change after creating a closure that includes the variable. When this happens, the closure sees the new value; the old value is no longer available.

Outer reference

var count = 1;

function logCount() { // create a closure

logCount();            // logs: 1

count++;               // reassign count
logCount();            // closure sees new value for count; logs: 2

"Closed over" reference

Examples using global variables can sometimes just seem like "global magic", so here's an example that's a bit more abstract.

var Foo = function(value){
  this.bar = function(){
    return value;

var foo = new Foo("Hey");
foo.bar();    // ?

What does this return? It might not be apparent, but x returns "Hey" when baz is called. Let's look at something a little more familiar - a slightly re-worked example of the logCount function above except that we'll modify it to use a constructor and a method like the Foo example.

var Counter = function(count) {
  this.addOne = function() {
    count += 1;

var count = new Counter(0);
count.addOne(); // 1
  • When new Counter is called, 0 is set to count in the new execution context.
  • The anonymous function assigned to addOne now takes in all local / context variables from it's outer execution context to assign to its local execution context. In this case it's just count.
  • The count variable is incremented, and then logged on the next line.

It should now make more sense why foo.bar returned "Hey". There's more on closures below, but if you want to see some other people's thoughts on the subject here are two good articles.

https://medium.com/dailyjs/i-never-understood-javascript-closures-9663703368e8 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Closures#Closure

Factory pattern

function createAdder() {
  let value = 0;
  const add = (amount) => (value = value + amount);
  const getValue = () => (value);
  return {
  • value is a private variable. Only the functions declared inside createAdder have access to it.
  • value is inside of this closure, so the variable “lives on” between function calls.
adder.getValue(); // => 1
adder.getValue(); // => 2

Closure types

Pass a function to a function

function makeTimer(doneMessage, n) {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, n);

makeTimer("Cookies are done!", 1000);

Again, function INNER has access to vars in function OUTER if function INNER is nested in OUTER. No matter how deeply nested.

Return a function's return value

var secret = "007";

function getSecret() {
  var secret = "008";

  function getValue() { return secret; }
  return getValue();
getSecret();                    // "008"

Essentially getSecret() returns the result of executing the getValue() function.

Returning a function reference:

var secret = "007";

function getSecret() {
  var secret = "008";

  function getValue() { return secret; }
  return getValue;   // Note lack of parens - getValue was not invoked
var getValueFun = getSecret();
getValueFun();                  // "008"

Here getSecret(); returns a reference to the getValue function so it can be executed later.

Returning an anonymous function could work fine here as well

var secret = "007";

function getSecret() {
  var secret = "008";

  function getValue() { return secret; }
  return function() { return getValue(); }
var getValueFun = getSecret();
getValueFun();                  // "008"

Improving getSecret

What if you wanted to add a reveal method, and add a better user interface too?

  1. Change to return an object
function getSecret() {
  var secret = "008";

  return {
    reveal: function() {
      return secret;
var secret = getSecret();
secret.reveal();                  // "008"
  1. Add a set method

Hmm, this way doesn't seem to work.

secret.set = function(newSecret) {
  // there is no way to access the items from within this method
  // because the closure that contains them is inaccessible

  secret                  // => throws Reference error!
  this.secret            // => undefined

For the reasons in the comments in the code snippet above, we need to change the getSecret definition itself to get this to work.

function getSecret() {
  var secret = "008";

  return {
    reveal: function() {
      return secret;
    set: function(newSecret) {
      secret = newSecret;
var secret = getSecret();
secret.reveal();                  // "008"
secret.reveal();                  // "005"

b) Return an anonymous function which returns a value

var makeCounter = function() { // using a function expression here, but it's the same as above
  var count = 0;

  return function() {
    return count++;

var doCount = makeCounter();
doCount(); // 0  Can you tell why this isn't 1? :)
doCount(); // 1

Creating an IIFE closure

You can use a function expression (FE) to create an IIFE if you do not want to assign the function

var makeCounter = function() {
  var count = 0;

  return function() {
    return count++;

makeCounter() // 0
makeCounter() // 1

This also has the added benefit of making it so their scope is local. I.e a global count variable might cause problems in a large code base.

You could even avoid having to invoke the returned function

  return function() {
    return count++;

makeCounter // 0
makeCounter // 0
makeCounter() // TypeError makeCounter is not a function

However this returns a value, not a function.

Closures, callbacks & additional arguments

Or, passing arguments to callback functions. Closure functions can take arguments

function makeCounterLogger(start) {
 // Inner function also takes an argument here, but sometimes scoping means it doesn't need to.
  return function(stop) {   
    for (var i=start; i <= stop; i++) {


Persistent reference

An idea we touched on earlier was that you can pass in params that can be accessed later. The idea is also called currying, or partial application. Let's see it applied to our counter logger.

var countFromFiveTo = makeCounterLogger(5);
var countFromFiveTo = makeCounterLogger(7);

countFromFiveTo(8);  // 5 6 7 8
countFromFiveTo(8);  // 7 8

This behavior allows callbacks to take arguments, which can be useful when dealing with callback heavy libraries such as jQuery or standard library methods that take a callback, like filter.


Passing additional arguments to filter

To shorten up some code, I wanted to pass in a function as a callback to filter

this.activeFilters = this.activeFilters.filter((filterName) => {
  return filter.name !== filterName;

Extracting the filtering work to this function works, but doesn't feel great.

const removeFilter = (filter) => {
  return this.activeFilters.filter((filterName) => {
    return filter.name !== filterName;

this.activeFilters = removeFilter(filter)

So we looked at closures to pass in to our filter. The problem was we needed an outside value, something like this array.filter(removeItem(12)).

const removeItem = function(item) => {
  return function(currentItem, index, array) => {
    return item !== value

This looks a bit better, but notice that there's a couple areas we can improve. 1) We included several extra parameters here for illustrative purposes we don't need. 2) Also, we can use ES6 to make this more terse. The result is this:

const removeItem = item => currentItem => currentItem !== item;
this.activeFilters = this.activeFilters.filter(removeItem(filter.name))

Accessing variables in other scopes

Sometimes another function will have a variable your function wants access to. Local scope is hard to share especially between methods, so passing functions that take callbacks can help here.

function otherFunc(mainCallback, local) {
  var otherVar = 2;
  return mainCallback(local)(otherVar)

function main() {
  var local = 1;

  var callback = function(local) {
    return function(otherVar) {
      return local + otherVar;

  // able to access to otherVar here
  return otherFunc(callback, local)


If you didn't want to pass in local, and instead "close" over it

function otherFunc(mainCallback) {
  var otherVar = 2;
  return mainCallback(otherVar)

function main() {
  var local = 1;

  var callback = function(otherVar) {
    return (function(local) {
      return local + otherVar;

  // ES6 version of `callback`
  const callback = otherVar => (local => local + otherVar)(local);
  // ...

You do an IIFE on the inner closure function. Which allows mainCallback to retain access to any local variable passed to it’s inner function. In this case we passed in local. So when the mainCallback is invoked in the new scope (otherFunc) you can take in additional params without worry about passing in your previous local ones.

Closures & OOP

This is some normal JS OOP code

function Person() {
  this.name = "Bob";
  this.age = 47;

Person.prototype.info = function() {
  console.log(this.name + ' ' + this.age);

var bob = new Person();
bob.info()                 // Bob 47

A problem arises if you try to use a method as a callback.

setTimeout(bob.info, 100); // undefined

This is because specifying a method of an object as the callback function will cause the function by itself to be the callback, not the object associated with it.

this is assigned on function call (it's not something tied to the function itself), so binding the function manually will work

setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);

Variables from the closure, however are part of the function itself, no matter how it's called. Therefore if we change our code to using 100% closures the behavior will work.

function newPerson() {
  var name = "Tim";
  var age = 28;

  return {
    info: function() { console.log(name + ' ' + age); }

var tim = newPerson();
tim.info()                 // Tim 28
setTimeout(tim.info, 100); // Tim 28

This works the same if you're referencing a function expression assigned to a variable from within the closure

function worker() {
  var title = 'garbage man';
  var logTitle = function() { console.log(title); };

  return {
    publicLogTitle: function() { logTitle() }

var newWorker = worker();
newWorker.publicLogTitle();                    // 'garbage man'

setTimeout(newWorker.publicLogTitle(), 1000);  // 'garbage man'

Partial application

Call certain arguments ahead of time to be called later. Here's a very simple example:

function later(func, arg) {
  return function() {

var logWarning = later(console.log, 'The system is shutting down!');

Here's a slightly more complicated example

function greet(greetString, nameString) {
  return greetString[0].toUpperCase() + greetString.slice(1) + ', ' + nameString + '!';

function partial(primary, arg1) {
  return function(arg2) {
    return primary(arg1, arg2);

var sayHi = partial(greet, "hi")

sayHi("Sarah");                   // "Hi, Sarah!

Garbage collection

JS allocates memory when new variables or properties are declared, and deallocates the memory when those variables go out of scope or are deleted.

Go out of scope means no closures still in the system that contain a reference to the memory.

Variables defined at the top level of a JavaScript program remain accessible for the duration of the program's execution. They are also accessible within any functions defined in the program.

This would be garbage collected:

function logName() {
  var name = "Sarah";    // Declare a variable and set its value. The JavaScript runtime
                         // automatically allocates the memory.

  console.log(name);     // Do something with name

This would NOT be garbage collected:

function makeHello(name) {
  var question = "how are you";
  return function() {
    console.log('Hello, ' +question + name + '?');

var helloSteve = makeHello('Steve');

When you create a closure, it stores a reference to all variables it can access.As long as the closure exists, those variables remain in existence, which means that the objects or values they reference must also endure.

Until you do something like this message and question will be accessible, as the function will no longer be availabe in the global scope.

helloSteve = null;


DOM - an in-memory object representation of an HTML document. It provides a way to interact with a web page using JavaScript

DOM Structure

The DOM is a hierarchy of nodes. Each node can contain any number of child nodes.

  • All DOM objects are Nodes.
  • All DOM objects have a specific type that inherits from Node, which means they all have properties or methods along with those they inherit from Nodes.
  • The most common DOM object types you will encounter are elements and text nodes.

Node types

  • EventTarget - provides the event-handling behavior that supports interactive web applications.
  • Node provides common behavior to all nodes.
  • Text and Element are the chief subtypes of Node.
  • Text nodes hold text.
  • Element nodes represent HTML tags.
  • Most HTML tags map to specific element subtypes that inherit from HTMLElement.

Testing node types

toString is a good way to test a node's type

var t = document.querySelector("p").firstChild
t.toString() [object Text]

instanceof is better when writing code

var p = document.querySelector('p');
p instanceof HTMLParagraphElement;  // true
p instanceof Element;               // true

Useful node properties

  • nodeName - Caps name of a html tag (or #comment / #text)
  • nodeType - Integer value representing a node's type
  • nodeValue - contains the textual content of the Node
  • textContent - returns Element's textual content of every Text node that is a child of the Element Node.
  • tagName - same as nodeName, except that it only works with Elements (which can also use nodeName)

Traversing DOM


Nodes have properties that traverse the DOM tree. All elements have both parent and child nodes, and therefore all methods below.

Parent Node Properties Value
firstChild childNodes[0] or null
lastChild childNodes[childNodes.length-1] or null
childNodes Live collection of all child nodes
Child Node Properties Value
nextSibling parentNode.childNodes[n+1] or null
previousSibling parentNode.childNodes[n-1] or null
parentNode Immediate parent of this node

A given DOM element may return a null value, depending on the DOM.

Walking the dom

This is similar to how you would write your own forEach method.

function walk(node, callback) {
  // do something with node

  // for each child node
  for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
    // recursively call walk()
    walk(node.childNodes[i], callback);

// log the nodeName of every node
walk(document.body, function(node) {


Elements have properties to traverse the DOM tree:

Parent Element Properties Value
firstElementChild children[0] or null
lastElementChild children[children.length-1] or null
children Live collection of all child elements
childElementCount children.length
Child Element Properties Value
nextElementSibling parentNode.children[n+1] or null
previousElementSibling parentNode.children[n-1] or null

In IE, use these methods on document.body instead of document.

Searching by CSS selector

  • document.getElementById(id) finds a single Element with the specified id
  • document.querySelector(selector) returns the first Element that matches a CSS selector.
  • document.querySelectorAll(selector) is similar but returns all matching elements.

HTMLCollection or NodeList

  • Array like objects
  • HTMLCollections provide no support for forEach
  • NodeLists on some browsers do support forEach

Searching for sub-list of elements

You can call get and query method on any element, document is usually the most common. Calling these on elements down a specific DOM branch will restrict the results.

Interacting with the DOM

Element Attribute

Method Description Returns
getAttribute(name) Retrieve value of attribute name Value of attribute as String
setAttribute(name, newValue) Set value of attribute name to newValue undefined
hasAttribute(name) Check whether element has attribute name true or false
> p.hasAttribute('class');         // true
> p.getAttribute('class');         // "intro"
> p.getAttribute('id');            // "simple"
> p.setAttribute('id', 'complex'); // <p class="intro" id="complex">…</p>

Attribute properties

JavaScript exposes these certain attributes as gettable and settable properties of the DOM Element: id, name, title, and value

p.id;       // "complex
p.className // "intro"

JavaScript doesn't provide all these properties on every Element type: the name and value attributes, in particular, are invalid on most elements.


Understanding attribute properties is helpful when working with the href attribute.

If you have selected an a tag element and try to access it's href property, most browers will supply the host and port and well.

console.log(e.target.href) // http://localhost:3000/checkout

Say you were trying to test if you had a relative link - this wouldn't make things easier.

However using getAttribute(href) gets you the href content, which is more helpful.

> console.log(e.target.getAttribute(href))
< /checkout

Incidentally, pathname seems like will also work here as it also gives you /checkout. Be careful though if you were checking for a leading / to see if the link was relative. An href like this, href="#", will return a pathname of /.

jQuery makes this process a bit easier, allowing you do to something like this a[href=^'/'].


Working with the class attribute via className is inconvenient when elements have more than one class.

Name Description
add(name) Add class name to element
remove(name) Remove class name from element
toggle(name) Add class name to element if it doesn't exist, remove if it does exist.
contains(name) Return true or false depending on whether element has class name.
length The number of classes to which element belongs.



The style attribute on an Element references a CSSStyleDeclaration Object:

h1.style;      // CSSStyleDeclaration {alignContent: "", alignItems: "",
h1.style.color = 'red';

Setting RGB vs. hex

container.style.backgroundColor = '#ff1212';
container.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255,0,0)";

Removing a CSS property

To remove a CSS property*, set the property to null with the style property

h1.style.color = null;

    • I'm not sure this is possible with jQuery :)

Dasherized properties

Use camel case instead line-height vs. lineHeight

Modifying element text

Element properties do not include textNodes, so use textContent to element text.

  You can <a href="?page=2">step backward</a> or <a href="/page/3">continue</a>.
var p = document.querySelector('p');
p.textContent // \n      You can step backward or continue.\n
p.textContent = "Hey";
p.textContent;  // "Hey

Be careful, because this removes all child nodes


Therefore wrapping editable sections in span or div is safer.

Creating nodes

Node Creation Method Returns
document.createElement(tagName) A new Element node
document.createTextNode(text) A new Text node
node.cloneNode(deepClone) Returns a copy of node, or all children if deepClone is true

Adding nodes to DOM

Parent Node Method Description
parent.appendChild(node) Append node to the end of parent.childNodes
parent.insertBefore(node, targetNode) Insert node into parent.childNodes before targetNode
parent.replaceChild(node, targetNode) Remove targetNode from parent.childNodes and insert node at its former position
paragraph.textContent = 'This is a test.';
  • No Node can appear twice in the DOM.
  • You can't call document.appendChild; it causes an error. Use document.body.appendChild instead.
Element Insertion Method Description
element.insertAdjacentElement(position, newElement) Inserts newElement at position relative to element
element.insertAdjacentText(position, text) Inserts Text node containing text at position relative to element


position must be one of the following String values:

Position Description
"beforebegin" Before the element
"afterbegin" Before the first child of the element
"beforeend" After the last child of the element
"afterend" After the element

Removing nodes

node.remove() and parent.removeChild(node) remove nodes from the DOM.

Loading JS

window.onload = function() {}

Selecting elements

If you need to select an element by id do


However you can write your own jQuery-esque selector

function $(id_selector) {
  return document.getElementById(id_selector);


Asynchronous code

  • setTimeout(callback, delay) - used to invoke a Function after the specified number of milliseconds.
  • setInterval(callback, delay) - used to repeatedly invoke a Function, returns an id. clearInterval(id) can be used to prevent future invocations of the Function.

Event - an object that represents some occurrence and contains a variety of information about what and where it happened. Events can be triggered by the browser as it loads a page, by a user as they interact with the page, and by the browser as it performs work as directed by a program.

Adding event listeners

Event listener - callbacks that will be invoked whenever a matching event is detected (The code that is run in response to an event firing)

Setting up an event listener

  1. Identify the event you are interested in. This can be an event caused by a user action, page lifecycle, and more.
  2. Identify what element the event will occur on. Depending on the event, the object could be a button, the page, or anything in between.
  3. Define a Function for the event . The function should be called when this event occurs. The Function will receive a single argument, which will be an Event object.
  4. Register the Function as an event listener. This is where the first three steps come together into a working system.

element.addEventListener or GlobalEventHandlers like element.onclick are used to register listeners.


<button onclick="console.log('clicked', event)">
  Click me


  • You must refer to the event as event. Passing in an e will not work.
  • You can also technically pass in this to grab the target element, but event.target is probably more standard
  • You can also use an IIFE (but it still need to use event)
<button onclick="(function(that) {
  console.log(event.target);          // <button onClick="(function) { ... }"
  console.log(that === event.target); // true
  Click me


  function(e) { console.log('clicked!', e) };

Removing EventListeners

Event listeners must be removed according to the approach by which they were added to the node.


For event listeners registered with addEventListener, the DOM node method removeEventListener must be used:

eventTarget.removeEventListener(eventType, eventHandler);

Following this pattern, we would remove the event listener we set above as follows:

document.removeEventListener('click', handler);

It's important to note that, because handler must refer to the same Function object used when it was registered, an event listener added with an anonymous function expression cannot be removed with removeEventListener.


The object-property style of GlobalEventHandler makes removing an event listener added with this approach somewhat easier: simply set the desired eventProperty to undefined.

eventTarget.eventProperty = undefined;

Following this pattern, we would remove the event listener set above like this:

document.onclick = undefined;

Page life-cycle events


Code that needs access to the DOM should be invoked after the DOMContentLoaded event is fired on document. For example, adding an event listener to one or more page elements.

// https://codepen.io/dylankb/pen/PmazLp
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  document.querySelector('.button-container').addEventListener('click', logger);

Like DOMContentLoaded, but not

Another, non event-driven way to execute JS after the DOMContentLoaded loaded event fires would be to include it in a script tag just before the closing </body> tag.

load event - fires after all assets are loaded

User events

Event Type Example Events
Keyboard keydown, keyup, keypress
Mouse mouseenter, mouseleave, mousedown, mouseup, click
Touch touchdown, touchup, touchmove
Window scroll, resize
Form submit

Mouse events

Property Description
button Which button was pressed (null for events unrelated to mouse clicks)
clientX The horizontal position of the mouse when the event occured, relative to the visible area of the page.
clientY The vertical position of the mouse when the event occured, relative to the visible area of the page.

Keyboard events

Property Description
which The ASCII key code, which is a Number that specifies the key that was pressed.
key The String value of the pressed key. Not supported in Safari.
shiftKey Boolean value indicating if the shift key was pressed.
altKey Boolean value indicating if the alt (or option) key was pressed.
ctrlKey Boolean value indicating if the control key was pressed.
metaKey Boolean value indicating if the meta (or command) key was pressed.

keypress event doesn't fire when certain keys are pressed, such as Shift and the other modifier keys

More events here

Event object

Property Description
type The type of event.
currentTarget The object that is currently being targeted as the event bubbles up the DOM. This will be the object the event handler was attached to.
target The object the event originally was fired upon.

Capturing and bubbling

Event phases

There are three phases to events being fired: capturing, target, and bubbling.

By default, event listeners will listen for events that are triggered during the target and bubbling phases

  • Capturing - The browser starts at the outermost element, which will be the window, and fires the event on each element it encounters on its way down to the target element.
  • Target - fires on the target element
  • Bubbling - (Reverse of capturing) event is fired on each parent element , working through containing elements until the window is reached.

Controlling default behavior

  • event.preventDefault() - used to prevent default browser behavior in response to an event
    • Submit event browser reset! - If you don't preventDefault when a form is submitted, the whole browser will refresh which acts can make you think something unrelated is wrong with your app :S
  • event.stopPropagation() - stops the event from being triggered on other containing or contained elements

It is a good practice to call preventDefault() or stopPropagation() as early as possible in an event handler to show clear intent.


Event delegation - a technique used to handle events triggered by multiple elements using a single event handler.

Benefits of event delegation

  • Don't have to wait for DOMContentLoaded event - reduces timing complexity
  • New elements will have listeners
  • Reduces number of event handlers => increases performance

You can do this as opposed to adding an event listener to every button on the page.

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  var target = event.target;
  if (target.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
      var text = target.textContent;
      alert('Button ' + text + ' was clicked.');    


  • Code that has to handle multiple situations will become more complicated

Event loop

Event loop / closure bug

function delayLog() {
    for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1) {
        }, i * 1000);
// ... logs 8 more times

JavaScript runtime has to finish executing one piece of code before it goes on to execute other code like the function you pass to setTimeout. A piece of code or a function that has to be executed asynchronously is stacked up in something called the event loop. So the for loop has to finish before your anonymous function gets called even if the timeout is 0 seconds.

After the loop is finished and after the given time out the anonymous functions are executed one by one. However since every anonymous function refers to the variable i via closure, and the value of i is now 11, 11 is logged ten times.

There are two main ways to stop that from happening:

IIFE solution

One is to make a new scope so that a new variable is declared in each iteration.

for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1) {
  (function(j) {
    }, 0);

ES6 solution

The other solution is based on the ES6 let keyword. If you use let instead of var in your for loop, what effectively happens is that in every iteration the variable i is redefined for you.

for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i += 1) {
    }, 0);

XML HTTP Requests

Use the XMLHttpRequest object to send a HTTP request with JavaScript.

var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Instantiate new XMLHttpRequest object
request.open('GET', '/path');       // Set HTTP method and URL on request
request.send();                     // Send request
Method Description
open(method, url) Open a connection to url using method.
send(data) Send the request, optionally sending along data.
setRequestHeader(header, value) Set HTTP header to value.
abort() Cancel an active request.
getResponseHeader(header) Return the response's value for header.
Property Writable Default Value Description
timeout Yes Maximum time a request can take to complete (in milliseconds)
readyState No What state the request is in (see below)
responseText No null Raw text of the response's body.
response No null Parsed content of response, not meaningful in all situations




location.hash - URL params after #

location.pathname - current root url + dir paths

e.originalState.state ? - not sure what data structure is


 // $('windows').on('popstate', function(e) { // Commented out due to markdown syntax problem https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
  var state = e.originalEvent.state;

  if (location.hash) { switchPage(location.hash) }


Make a copy of something (like an object)

var thing = thing.slice() // ES5

Make N length string**

new Array(3).join('x') // ES5
'x'.repeat(3) // ES6

Make an N length array of letters

First, you could append .split() to each of the above two string creation examples.

// ES5 - If you wanted some flexibility
Array.apply(null, new Array(2)).map(function (x) { return 'x' });
// ES5 - more terse example
new Array(2).fill('x');

Make an empty iterable array

For example you can't map over new Array(2) since it is an array of 2 elements without pointers. [undefined, undefined] is an array of 2 elements with pointers to undefined.

Array.apply(null, new Array(2)) // ES5  
new Array(2).fill() // ES5
[...new Array(2)] // ES6

Make an N-1 length array of integers

You could map over the result and collect the index to create a 1..N array of numbers.

new Array(3).join('x').split('').map(function(x, i) { return i }); // ES5
'x'.repeat(3).split('').map((x, i) => i); // ES6

toString() to determine an object's type**

> document.toString() // "[object HTMLDocument]"


console.table() - displays an object in a table. (even table() works)

console.dir() - displays a tree expandable object

copy() - copies to your clipboard

$(element)[0] - returns the DOM element

inspect(DOM element) - opens up the inspector to that element

values(object) / keys(object) - keys/values for an object

$$(selector) - array of dom elements (works w/out jQuery)

$_ - last returned value (in Chrome)

$0 - last selected element (at least in Chrom)

getEventListeners(obj) - object of event listeners on element


  • Check console for load issues
  • Turn on exception pauses in the Sources tab
  • Alerts debugging
  • Enter debugger; into the script and debug from console
  • Enter console.log(someVariable) and debug from console
  • Nested breakpoints: Create a breakpoint/enter a debugger and disable breakpoints (tab icon in devtools) until, for example, the sixth iteration. Then re-enable them. Beats clicking continue X number of times.
  • Node debugging - set debugger and run node debug script.js

Preventing errors

  • Guard clauses

Use when you can't trust input

  • Consider edge cases
  • Error catching
  • Simple guard clause is not possible
  • Error could be thrown by built-in JS method



Loading the dom

$(document).ready(function() {
  // DOM is now loaded

$(window).load(function() {
  // DOM is loaded, img tags are loaded

Shortcut for loading the dom

$(function() {
  // DOM is now loaded


As long as a jQuery object is returned, you can keep chaining additional jQuery methods.

$ul.append($("<li />").text('1'));


Not chaining


An error is thrown "<li></li>".text is not a function, so nothing is appended.


Creating elements

You can create an HTML element by supplying the html as the first argument, and then an object of html attributes and/or inline CSS properties

var $element = $("<div />", {
  "class": 'shapes ' + data.shapeType,
  data: data,
  css {
    left: +data.startX,
    top: +data.startY

jQuery vs. vanilla JS

Action jQuery JS
Select elements by id $('#ID) document.getElementById("ID")
Add class $element.css('class', 'some-class') element.setAttribute("class", "some-class");
Add class (ii) $element.addClass('some-class') element.classList.add("some-class");
Add other attribute $element.attr("alt", "string") element.setAttribute('alt', 'string')
Remove attribute $element.removeAttr("style") element.removeAttribute("style")
Get class $element.attr('class') element.getAttribute("class")
Get text $element.text() element.innerHTML/textContent/innerText
On submit `$form.on("submit", function(e) { form.onsubmit = function(e) {`
Get value $element.val() element.value

Accessing jQuery vs. DOM objects

  • Use eq to access the jQuery object
  • Use [] or get() to retrieve the DOM element
var content = $('li');
> <li>​…​</li>content[0].jquery
> undefined

> [li]
> "1.11.2"


  • Generally uses CSS selector rules, but some jQuery specific ones
  • Selectors inside [] are element attribute selectors (class, data-id, etc.)

jQuery specific selectors

Multiple selector - $('.class', '#id', ...) - Can selector multiple different, non-related elements

jQuery specific pseudo-selector

  • :contains
  • :odd
  • :text - input elements type text
  • :even - zero based index
  • :input - includes textarea, button, etc., not just <input>
  • :checked


You can select certain items in a collection using the filter method and passing in a valid CSS selector or jQuery psuedo-selector


The return value is a jQuery collection, so it is of course chainable

$('article li li').filter(":contains('ac ante')").next();

Other search methods



CSS attribute matchers

Find (specific) parent


Fuzzy match


Selects an element if the selector's string appears anywhere within the element's attribute value



Grabs all elements with an ID that begins with 'blind'.

Ends with


Grabs all elements with an ID that ends with 'blind'.

closest() vs. parents()

closest - Begins with the current element, and travels up the DOM tree until it finds a match for the supplied selector

parents - Travels up the DOM tree until it finds matches for the supplied selector

<ul class="level-1">
  <li class="item-i">I</li>
  <li class="item-ii">II
    <ul class="level-2">
      <li class="item-a">A</li>


  1. $( "li.item-a" ).closest( "ul" ) // [ul.level-2])

closest travels up DOM tree to find first matching element

  1. $( "li.item-a" ).parents( "ul" ) // [ul.level-2, ul.level-1])

closest travels up DOM tree to find parent elements

  1. $( "li.item-a" ).closest( "li" ) // [li.item-a])

closest searches by beginning with the current element, and therefore it returns itself as the result.

  1. $( "li.item-a" ).parents( "li" ) // [li.item-ii]

.parents() does not search the current element, so it returns the next matching element(s) up the DOM tree


index() can be used in several ways. Refer to the examples below:


<div class="parent">
  <p class="child">Child</p>
  1. $element.index('selector') - Element's index relative to other elements matched by the selector
`$('p.child').index('p'); // => 3`

Index of p.child tag compared to all other p tags in the document

  1. $element.index() - Index of $element relative to other siblings
var $firstP = $('div.parent').find('p').eq(0); // Get first p tag in .parent - p.child
$first.index() // => 1

Index of p tag in relation to all siblings (span, etc.)

  1. $collection.index($element) - Index of $element relative to collection elements
$('div.parent').find('p').index('p.child') // => 0  OR
$('div.parent p').index('p.child')         // => 0  

Index of p.child relative to other p elements in the collection (relative to other p elements inside parent)

A modified version of this last one is useful for finding the element's index you clicked on relative to the parent element and by element type. Using jQuery it might look something like this:

$(div.parent p').index($(this))

each() method

Iterates over a collection, setting this to the current DOM element (not a jQuery object)

  <li data-id="1">Apple</li>
  <li data-id="2">Apricot</li>
  <li data-id="3">Banana</li>

DOM vs jQuery element

each() returns a DOM element and therefore you would have do something like this to get the data-id attribute value

$("li").filter("[data-id]")[0].attributes[0].value // "1"



To make accessing attr values a little bit easier using jQuery, pass the element into a jQuery object using $()

$("li").filter("[data-id]").each(function(index) {
  console.log( "Index: " + index + " data-id: " + $(this).attr("data-id")); // data properties can also use $(this).data('id');

// Index: 0 data-id: 1
// Index: 1 data-id: 2
// Index: 2 data-id: 3
// [li, li, li]


  • Return item by passed in index as jQuery object.
  • Negative indexes work similar to Ruby (returns item n.length - 1)

Form management

Grabbing input from an input field

All input elements return value from the .val() method.

$("form#some-form").submit(function(event) {
  var someInput = $("input#some-input").val()


Like many jQuery methods, it's also a setter

Resetting a form

The DOM form element has a reset method. Accessing it from a jQuery method looks like this

$form.get(0).reset(); or $form[0]

The get method is useful if you need to get a specific DOM element in a collection $('li').get(-1)

If you were in the element's context, you would already have access to the DOM element and could access it like this


This resets the form's input values to their values on page load. So if we had an input with a default value of 1, <input type="text" value="1">, reset() would provide a "1" for that form field.

Getting data from a form


requires name attribute on input elements

prop() - setting a checked radio

$(:radio).eq(0).prop(checked, true)

You could use attr, but checked isn't an attribute of input element - it's a property.

Other traversal methods

nextAll() - grab all of the sibling elements that come after the current one prevAll() - grab all of the sibiling elements prior to the current one

DOM display values

position() vs. offset()

position() - relative to nearest parent with position: relative

  • will not reflect other position-influencing factors (margin)

offset() - offset from 0,0 of the window

height() vs. innerHeight()


  • element content dimensions


  • includes padding (not border)


  • optionally can include margin
  • includes padding and border


jQuery dimensions vs. CSS dimenstions may be different because jQuery takes into account box-sizing

DOM manipulation

css() method

  • Can set multiple CSS properties at once
  • Needs dasherized properties as cameCased (font-size => fontSize)

When using the CSS convenience method be sure to convert your values into Number type. Like so:

  function resetElement($e) {
    var data = $e.data();

      top: +data.startX,
      right: +data.startX,

Without this it won't treat the css as a px, just a string.

Scroll position - scrollTop()

Retrieves current position of scroll window.

Example below sets element top value to current screen position + 30px

  top: $(window).scrollTop() + 30

prepend() vs. prependTo()

Inserts the specified content as the first child of each element in the jQuery collection

  • contentToPrepend.prependTo(matchingElementsToBePrependedTo)
  • containerToPreprendTo.prepend(matchingOrSuppliedContentToPrepend)

Besides syntax order, the main difference is that each method allows for multiple elements or an array to be supplied to the parameter. This means that prependTo can prepend content to multiple target arguments*,

$("<p>Prepend Test</p>").prependTo([".inner", ".inner-last"]);

and prepend can prepend multiple content arguments*

$( ".inner" ).prepend( "<p>Prepend Test</p>", "<p>Also</p>" );

Multiple argument format

prependTo() requires multiple arguments to be passed in as a single array. prepend can take an array or multiple arguments.

* - A jQuery selector can select multiple elements, I was just emphasizing multiple selectors or arguments could be passed to each. This is also a slightly untrue in the case of ... ?

jQuery patterns

Modal toggling

Using pure jQuery, one way to close a modal you would first filter for visibile modals, then hide or fade those modals out while revealing the newly clicked one.

Tabular navigation

Hide all other tabs besides the first

ele + ele { display: none }

On click, hide all tabs and display the one you clicked on

  //$('parent').on('click', 'a', function(e) { // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
    var $e = $(e.target),
        idx = $e.attr('href');


You might also want to toggle the active class



Animations are chainable methods

fade animations

  • Can be called without arguments (except fadeTo)
  • Default 400 (millisecond) duration
  • Two speed keywords: "slow" (600ms) and "fast" (200ms)
  • Optionally take a callback that executes on animation completion
$p.fadeIn(250, function() {
  $(this).addClass('visible');  // animating item (context) not a jQuery object, so using $()
$p.fadeTo(400, .5);

slide animations

$p.slideToggle(400, function() {
  console.log('Sliding complete!');
  • Can take linear as an argument to change animation style
  • Can take properties instead of arguments
  duration: 400,
  easing: 'linear',
  complete: function() {
    console.log('Sliding complete!');


  • First argument - Object that represents the CSS properties to be animated and what values to end on for each.
  • Second argument - duration, then the optional easing method, then the callback.
  • Third arg - callback on completion
  left: 500,
  top: 250
}, 400, function() {
  $(this).text('All done!');

Two objects way

  • First arg - Same CSS object
  • Second arg - Duration, easing, and callback
  left: 500,
  top: 250
}, {
  duration: 1000,
  complete: function() {
    $(this).text('All done!');

Delay animation

.delay() - Useful for delaying between different animations - $p.slideUp(250).delay(500).slideDown(250);

Stoping animations

Useful for controlling animations queue.

  • stop() - Stop current animations and starts next one. Pass true to stop all in current/future queue. Pass second true to skip to last frame.

I.e, you have a menu with fadeIn and fadeOut animations and a users skips over many of them frequently


  • .finish() - Equivalent to running stop(true, true) for each animation.

Stoping all animations

Set $.fx.off to true. You can do this on other sites.


jQuery DOM interactions

Some examples below:

  • blur - clicking out of a form field

Page load vs. events

An example of why we need pay attention to under which event a piece of code fires.

This does not highlight green elements as they appear:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("button#hello").click(function() {
  $('li').css('background-color', 'green');

$(document).ready looks at the page when it's initially loaded, not on each click. When the page loads there are no li (we're adding them via jQuery on each click).

Adding this to a click action will work

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("button#hello").click(function() {
    $('li').css('background-color', 'green');

Event types

.submit() - Can only be attached to a form


  • The event callback context (this) is the DOM element
  • The event is an optional parameter
  • event.currentTarget === this
function highlight(e) {
  console.log(e.target === this); // true
`$('.simple a').on("click", highlight)`;

If you want to use the this keyword in the event handlers, it’s good to bind it explicitly. Sometimes e.currentTarget === e.target

Delegated events

The handler is not called when the event occurs directly on the bound element (the element calling the .on() method, but only for descendants (inner elements) that match the selector (the selector passed into the on() method call.

jQuery bubbles the event from the event target up to the element where the handler is attached (i.e., innermost to outermost element) and runs the handler for any elements along that path matching the selector.

Automatically listen for new elements

Dynamically creating new elements with jQuery can cause a problem when the newly created events need to have associated event handlers.

<p><a class="simple" href="#">A simple click event</a></p>
function highlight() { ... }

  $('.simple a').on("click", highlight);


The second line of JS would create a new DOM element, but it would not have a click event bound to it, and therefore we would not be able to trigger the highlight function.

Delegated events have the advantage that they can process events from descendant elements that are added to the document at a later time. Below is an example of how to solve this issue:

<div id="example">
  <p><a href="#">A delegated click event</a></p>
`$('.example').on("click", "a", highlight)`;


The example above uses event delegation to all a tags nested in .example, and would work.


  • Directly bound events - this is the element where the event was attached
  • Delegated events - this is the element which matches the selector
$('section > header').on('click', ".actions a", function(e) { ... }

In this case, this inside the on callback would be the a tag.

e.currentTarget vs. e.target

Typically, e.currentTarget his property will be equal to the this of the function.


  1. Opportunity to reduce code duplification

like and favorite do very similar things, with only the url being different

  like: function(e) {
    // $.ajax({ // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
      url: "/photos/like",
      type: "POST",
      context: this,
      data: "photo_id=" + photosJSON[currentIndex].id,
      success: function(json) {
        photosJSON[currentIndex].likes = json.total;
  favorite: function(e) {
    // $.ajax({
      url: "/photos/favorite",
      type: "POST",
get: function(e) {
      //var $e = $(e.target); // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304

      // $.ajax({
        url: $e.attr("href"),
        type: "POST",
        data: "photo_id=" + $e.attr("data-id"),
      }).done(function(json) {
        var socialTypePlural = this.url.substring(this.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "s"; // returns either favorites or likes
        photosJSON[currentIndex][socialTypePlural] = json.total;
        $('section > header').html(templates.photo_information(photosJSON[currentIndex]));
Efficient event handling

Creating an event hanlder for many elements is a bit expensive.

    <a href="#">Remove</a>
  <!-- 29 more list items, each with a remove anchor -->
// This callback is bound to each anchor, making 30 event handlers in memory
$('a').on('click', function(e) {

Using delegated events can help

$('ul').on('click', 'a', function(e) {

This uses one event listener that checks for anchor clicks

Cleaning up conditional logic

Open external links in a new window

$("#list" ).on( "click", "a[href^='http']", function( event ) {
    $( this ).attr( "target", "_blank" );


The context of a delegated event callback (this) will be the parent element. In the above example that would be #list. The event will be the actual element acted upon, so you can get the specific element through something like e.target.

Namespaced events

You may have multiple click events bound to an element, but you only want one of them fired. Calling this $(this).off would remove all events.

  $("#namespaced").on("click", function(e) {
    alert("Removing all events");

  $("#namespaced").on("click", highlight);

However you can use namespacing to only remove certain events. Below, the alert event will now only fire once and the highlight functionality will remain

$("#namespaced").on("click.alert", function(e) {
  alert("Now removing only the alert event");

If you wanted to remove mutliple different events with the same namespace, you could leave off the event type

// $("#namespaced").on("click.alert" ... // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304

If you did not want to use namespacing at all you could also could specify the handler using the event from the callback

  $("#namespaced").on("click", function(e) {
    alert("Now removing only the alert event");

Clearing events

It's often a good idea to remove previously bound events when creating new ones

$(document).off("keypress").on("keypress", function(e) {

Stopping event propogation

It's common to want to stop the click event action from happening

// $('a').on('click', function(e) { // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304

The event will continue to travel up the DOM tree, and might travel on a path that looks similar to this

<ul #list>
<div #container>
document root

To stop the event from propogating further you can call e.stopPropogation()

If you wanted to prevent default and stop propogation, you could return false from the function. Here's an example of doing so in a one-liner.

$('a').on('click', false)

Specifying a default event on page load with on()

This method executes a click event on page load.

  <li><a class="drawing-method">Circle</a></li>
  <li><a class="drawing-method">Square</a></li>
$('a.drawing-method').on('click', function(e) {


on() returns a jQuery object, which is a collection of a tags in this case. The default event fires by selecting the first tag with eq and manually triggering a click event.



Takes a function and returns a new one that will always have a particular context.



  • url
  • success method OR done chained function


  • type (default is GET)
  • data (appended as query param)

Organizing ajax calls in objects

To get a better high level understanding of the code it's often helpful to organize code into objects.

Say you have a comments object with a method getCommentsFor that returns the comments for a specified object. If we want to take advantage of other methods defined on the comments object inside the success callback we'll have to manually set the context.

var comments = {
    getCommentsFor: function(id) {
      // $.ajax({ // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
        url: "/comments",
        data: "photo_id=" + id,
        context: this,
        success: function(commentJSON) {
          this.bindEvent();   // Ensure that binding occurs after successful rendering of content
    display: function () { ... },

By default the context will be a response object, and we need to set the context to the comments object. Therefore we use the context setting, set to this. Now when comments.getCommentsFor is called the context will comments within the callback.

Binding ajax method calls as event handlers - extending objects

If an object method containing an Ajax call is bound to an event, there is some added complication

  • the method's context must be explicitly bound to this
  • the ajax call must use this as the context setting
var socialInfo = {
    bindEvents: function() {
      $('section > header').on('click', ".actions a", socialInfo.get.bind(this));
    renderPhotoInformation: function(index) { ... },
    get: function(e) {

        url: $e.attr("href"),
        type: "POST",
        data: "photo_id=" + $e.attr("data-id"),
        // comments methods and properties copied to the event,
        // which will be the callback context
        context: $.extend(e, this),

      }).done(function(json) {
        var $e = $(this.target);
        var url = $e.attr("href");
        // returns either favorites or likes
        var socialTypePlural = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + "s";
        photosJSON[currentIndex][socialTypePlural] = json.total;

If you need to access the DOM element in the success callback as well, then you need to extend either the comments object to include DOM event data or vice versa.

Good jquery code

Variable naming

Prepend variables with $ to denote it's a jQuery object.

Meaningful function names

Add names to document ready functions

Helpful if you are using multiple large functions.

$(function calculateStudentInterests() ... });

Reduce function calls

If efficiency is important for you, then this can be a good thing to do. Also, more function calls means slower code execution and a more tangled debugging process.


var $lis = $("li");

last is a convenience call to eq(-1)

  • Using eq may be less function calls
  • eq may not be as semantically clear as last()

Code brevity

  • Toggle classes, not CSS, in your jQuery JS
  • Make use of toggleClass (rather than add/remove class)


  • Store selectors as variables - don't search again.
  • Make use of find - If you do something once you don't need a variable, but find is faster than a new $() DOM search.


Loading issues

  • Check if jQuery is working in the browser console


This should return something

  • Always link any scripts files that use jQuery after you link the jQuery library itself.
<script src="js/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="js/scripts.js"></script>

HTML Data Attributes

Get or set the value of an HTML data attribute


Use the .attr() method. As a setter method, attr() will change the HTML markup.


attributes - e.target.attributes['data-id'].value

dataset - e.target.dataset.id

Set and retrieve custom data on an element after the page has been rendered

data() vs. attr()

.data() - As a setter method, data() will store the value on the node that can be retrieved with the data() method as a getter, but it will not update the HTML markup.

attr() - As a setter method, it will modify the page's HTML.

<article data-block="gold">
  <h1>Gold Sponsors</h1>

<article data-block="silver">
  <h1>Silver Sponsors</h1>

<article data-block="bronze">
  <h1>Bronze Sponsors</h1>

Note how attr() require a bit more verbose syntax.

<a href="#" data-block="gold">Gold Sponsors</a>
var $a = $('a[data-block=gold]');

console.log($a.attr('data-block')); // gold
console.log($a.data('block')); // gold

$a.data('block', 'silver');

console.log($a.attr('data-block')); // gold
console.log($a.data('block')); // silver

Hyphenated data properties

Data properties with hyphens are formatted as camel-cased, and therefore should be accessed this way using vanilla JS.

<div id="div" data-date-of-birth="28-02-1981"></div>
var date = document.getElementById('div');

However using jQuery this is not necessary.



Basic use case

  1. Compile HTML from script tag into Handlebars function (stored as a variable)
  2. Render template with context JSON
<!-- /test.html -->
  <script id="itemsTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars">
    {{#each items}}
    <ul id="list">
// /test.js
// Compile Handlebars function
var itemsTemplate = Handlebars.compile($('#itemsTemplate').html());
// Render template with context
var products = ['Apple', 'Banana'];
$('#list').html(itemsTemplate({ items: products }))


  1. Register partial
  2. Render template with JSON context
<!-- /test.html -->
  <ul id="list"></ul>
  <script id="itemsTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars">
  {{#each items}}
  	{{> basicTemplate}}
  <script id="basicTemplate" type="text/x-handlebars">
// /test.js
// Handlebars.registerPartial('basicTemplate, $('#basicTemplate').html()); // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
$('#list').html(itemsTemplate({ items: products }));

Handlebars codepen example

Checking for a partial

Type Handlebars.partials into the console to see registered partials

You could render an object item using a partial named item like so:


Handlebars keywords

> - tells Handlebars to look for a partial with the name basicTemplate
@key - current key of iteration
@index - current index of iteration
{{.}} - equivalent to {{this}} (current object in iteration)

A template could also just be a string of Handlebars code that's then compiled to a function instead of a script tag.

var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var template = '{{#each foo}}\n{{@key}}:{{.}}!\n{{/each}}';

var render = Handlebars.compile(template);
var data = {
  "foo": {
    "first": "Hello",
    "second": "World"
// first:Hello!
// second:World!

Precompiled scripts

Compilation is the most expensive part of Handlebars, so we can do it ahead of time.

  • npm install handlebars -g
  • Follow the rest of these instructions for how to precompile your templates here

Handy command:

handlebars templates/ -f fileNameOfCompiledTemplates.js



  • No expiration - on desktop may remain indefinitely (mobile safari may delete)
  • Up to 5MB
  • Data as key-value pairs


  • Has expiration date
  • Holds 4KB
  • Data stored as a string

window.sessionStorage - only lasts the current session (tab / window closed) window.localStorage - stays around after the browser window or tab closes


localStorage.setItem(keyString, valueString)


localStorage.setItem(keyString, valueString)

Dealing with Objects/Strings

Non-string values will have toString() called on them. So how do you save objects? The solution is to use JSON.parse and JSON.stringify

When setting a value, pass the JS object into JSON.stringify(). When getting a value use JSON.parse which takes a string of JSON and converts it back to a JavaScript object.

var person = {
  name: 'Amanda Rose',
  bgColor: '#ff0000'

function setPerson(personToSave) {
  localStorage.setItem('person', JSON.stringify(personToSave));

function getPerson() {
  return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('person'));

Save on page close

unload event fires when the browser or tab closes.

$(window).on("unload", function() { localStorage.setItem("note", $("textarea").val()); });


let and const


let instantiates block scoped variables

let a = 2;
  let a = 3;
  console.log( a );	// 3

console.log( a );	// 2

Here's a slightly more common example

let a = 2;

if (true) {
  let b = 5;
  for (let i = a; i <= b; i++) {
    console.log(i); // 2, 3, 4, ...
  // console.log(i) // ReferenceError
// console.log(b) // ReferenceError

The for loop instantiating i with let reassigns on each iteration. var has no such restriction to block scoping.

let a = 2;

if (true) {
  var b = 5;
  for (var i = a;i <= b; i++) {
    console.log(i); // 2, 3, 4, ...
  console.log(i, 'hey') // 6 'hey'
console.log(b) // 5
window.i       // 6

for and let

Here's a bit of unintuitive ES5 code:

var funcs = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	funcs.push( function(){
		console.log( i );
	} );

funcs[3](); // 5

The problem is there is only one i in the outer scope that was closed over.

If you use for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {, let declares an i not just for the for loop itself, but it redeclares a new i for each iteration of the loop. That means that closures created inside the loop iteration close over those per-iteration variables the way you wouldd expect.1

The for shorthand can obscure some of this, but here is an equivalent to a let in a for header.

var funcs = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	let j = i;
	funcs.push( function(){
		console.log( j );
	} );

funcs[3]();		// 3

We are defining a let within a block scope, and let is a block scoped variable so it correctly closes over, making the correct i accessible to the function.


That variable reference cannot be reassigned, but object internals can be.

const a = [1,2,3]
a.push(4) # [1,2,3,4]
const a = 42 # ReferrenceError

Shorthand property declaration

// ES5
var a = 5;
var objA = { a: a };
// ES6
let a = 5;
let objA = { a };

Implicit return

var pushValue = function(ele, array) { array.push(ele); }
const arr = []
const val = 1
const result = test(val, arr)
console.log(res); // undefined

There's no return value, so this is expected. However in ES6 there's the concept of implicit returns.

(param1, param2, …, paramN) => { statements }
(param1, param2, …, paramN) => expression
// equivalent to: => { return expression; }
const pushValue = (ele, array) => array.push(ele)
// ...
console.log(res); // 1

I found this to be a bit surprising to be honest, and I can't explain why the result is an integer and not an array. Here's a link to more surprising uses, or omissions, of return keyword in arrow functions.

Destructured returns

elements.map(element => element.length); // [8, 6, 7, 9]

elements.map(({ length }) => length); // [8, 6, 7, 9]

Splat/spread operator

Combining / Gathering


Copying objects
  1. spread operator

Copy objects

// ES6
let objB = { b : 5 };
let objA = { a: 1 };

let c = { ...objA, ...objB }
console.log(c) // { a: 1, b: 5 }

The spread operator iterates over the properties in objA and objB and assigns them to the new object.

Copy + Overwrite

This is a useful tool in writing pure functions

const oldThread = state.threads[threadIndex];
const newThread = {

  messages: oldThread.messages.concat(newMessage),
  • ...oldThread copies all of the properties from oldThread to newThread:
  • messages: oldThread.messages.concat(newMessage) sets the messages property of newThread to the new messages array that contains newMessage:

Note that by having the property messages appear after oldThread, we’re effectively “overwriting” the messages property from oldThread.

  1. Object.assign()
let c = Object.assign( {}, objA, objB);

Copy + Overwrite

We can do the same thing in the ES6 example with Object.assign.

Object.assign({}, oldThread, {
  messages: oldThread.messages.concat(newMessage),


function foo(...args) {
	console.log( args );

foo( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);  // [1,2,3,4,5]

In ES5 apply

foo.apply( null, [1,2,3] );


Object properties

Both arrays and object can assign values to named variables:

const car = { model: 'Ford' };
const { model } = car; // const model = car.model;
model; // 'Ford'
let tenses = ["I", "you", "me"]
let [ firstPerson, secondPerson ] = tenses;
firstPerson // "I"

Using destructuring to make method invocations clearer

If can't see how a function is defined, then code like this is down right confusing.

Albums.set(albums, true, false)

We can probably intuit what the albums param is, but we have no idea what this darn false is.

ES6 brings some new features to the table that makes this situation a bit better.

Default params

You can do some type checking in ES5 to get the same affect, but it's not very clean looking. In ES6 it's very simple, just use the = sign in the method signature.

export default {
  set(albums, incrementId=true, explodeBomb=false) {...};

Default params / optional arguments are pretty cool, but they don't really help with making vague params like true make sense when you see them invoked.

Destructured params

To be a bit clearer with what arguments you were passing in ES5, you could pass in an object.

var personInfo = { weight : 170, height: 72, max: 25 };

The problem was your method signature would then be less clear, or at least a bit reptitive.

function calcBmi(args) {
  var weight = args.weight;
  var height = args.height;
  var max = args.max;
  var callback = args.callback;

  // the actual function ...

Now you can do something like this:

function calcBmi({ weight: w, height, callback, max }) {
  console.log(max); // 25
  console.log(w); // 170

Note that the number and order of the arguments are now flexible.

Optional args object

Options object can help provide flexible parameters to your function.

Albums.set(albums, { incrementId: true, explodeBomb: false });  

However, as is you need to pass in this options object every time. ES6 gives us some additional flexibility here.

set(albums, { initializeFooToOne: true, explodeBomb: false } = {}) {...};

Now we can leave off the options object if we want.

Albums.set(albums, { explodeBomb: true });
// Albums.set(albums, { {initializeFooToOne: true }); // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304

In the last three examples of set invocations, the variable initializeFooToOne is always true.

Background on this technique and dealing with destructred params in ES6 here


Rest gathers individual elements together into an array

const aTail = (head, ...tail) => tail;
aTail(1, 2, 3); // [2, 3]

This is useful for removing elements

const myObject = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3
const { a, ...noA } = myObject;
console.log(noA); // => { b: 2, c: 3 }



Collecting components

Spread does the opposite of rest: it spreads the elements from an array to individual elements.

let num = [1]
let largerNums = [2,3]
[num, ...largerNums] // [1,2,3]
const shiftToLast = (head, ...tail) => [...tail, head];
shiftToLast(1, 2, 3); // [2, 3, 1]

Which works as long as the second argument is iterable

num = 1;
[num, ...largerNums] // [1,2,3]

let largerNum = 3;
let nums = [1,2]
[nums, ...largerNum] // largerNum is not iterable


This technique is also useful for shallow cloning:

const moreNums = [...largerNums];
// [2,3]

Arrow functions

Abbreviated function syntax

Example of equivalent method calls

// do.something(function(a, b) { return a + b; } // ES5 - Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
do.something((a,b) => { return a + b; }) // ES6 - no function
do.something((a,b) => (a + b))           // ES6 - implicit return
do.something((a,b) => a + b)             // ES6 - minimum parens

More equivalent examples

[5,6].map(function(num, index) { return num + index }); // ES5
[5,6].map((num, index) => { return num + index });      // ES6 - no function
[5,6].map((num, index) => (num + index));               // ES6 - implicit return
[5,6].map((num, index) => num + index);                 // ES6 - minimum parens

Single argument functions can be made even terser.

[0,2,4].map((a) => { return ++a });  // ES6
[0,2,4].map(a => { return ++a });    // ES6 w/out extra parens
// [0,2,4].map((a) => (++a);            // ES6 w/out return statment // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
[0,2,4].map(a => ++a)                // ES6 single arg shorthand

Here's a nested loop example as well.

let arrays = [[1,2],[3,4]];
// ES5
// arrays.forEach(function(nums) { // Commented out because of problem w/ syntax highlighting https://github.com/atom/language-gfm/issues/21#issuecomment-299510304
  // nums.forEach(function(num) {

// ES6
arrays.forEach(nums => nums.forEach(num => console.log(num)) )

Function declarations still require the function keyword, and can't make use of ES6 arrow function syntax.

function sum(a, b) => a + b;
sum(1,2) // SyntaxError
function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }
sum(1,2) // 3

Using a function expression to an anonymous function lets us take advantage of the new terser syntax.

const sum = (a, b) => a + b
sum(1,2) // 3

Automatic context binding

This code will now work without manual binding, which is convenient.

var person = {
  age: 29,
  intro: () => { console.log("I'm" + this.age) }

var intro = person.intro()
intro() // 'I'm 29'

When it is not helpful

Watch out when using the arrow syntax with something like jQuery - you may lose jQuery this or the current element in an event handler.


Is this ES2017/ES7?

class Me {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

  sayHello() {
    console.log('Hi ' + this.name);
    return 1;

const _Me = new Me('Dylan');

console.log(_Me.sayHello()); // 'Hi Dylan'

More examples

class Parent {
 constructor() {}
 bar() { console.log('bar'); }
 static foo() { console.log('foo') }

var parent = new Parent()

class Child extends Parent {
  baz() { console.log('baz') }

var child = new Child();
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor(props) {

    // The rest of the implementation

Function Bar() {

  // the rest

Module import / export

Simple example.

// myModule.js
export default {
  module: 'a module',

// other file
import myModule from 'myModule';

Exporting a function

export function createTodo(text) {

import * as Actions from 'Actions';

A bit more complicated.

export const routeByWindowWidth = (props, nextProps, route, maxWidth) => {
    const { router, windowWidth } = props;
    if (nextProps.windowWidth !== windowWidth && nextProps.windowWidth < maxWidth) {

import { routeByWindowWidth } from './utils/routeByWindowWidth';

Generator function

Generator function which returns a promise which is thenable.

async function() {
  var friends = await $.get("http://somesite.com/friends");

Running babel from the command line

Based off an existing repo's package.json, but it should work.

First install babel-cli npm module, and then you should be able to execute babel through the node modules.

./node_modules/.bin/babel-node app.js


Airbnb rules (ES5)

Setting up ESLint with Airbnb rules in Atom for ES5

Reference this comment to learn about ES5 linting:

Basically make sure you're:

  1. Installing eslint-config-airbnb-base
  2. Extending airbnb-base/legacy in your .eslintrc
  3. Install package dependencies and the package itself like so with Node 5+:
npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-airbnb

Other options and additional details at eslint-config-airbnb npm installation instructions.

  1. Install linter-eslint for Atom.


Instead of using airbnb-base/legacy you might be able to use this package, but I haven't tried it: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-config-airbnb-es5

Library syntax errors

Make sure your tests are specified in the env option. Same goes if you're using something like jQuery. tlvince/eslint-plugin-jasmine#56


Once you've done all of the above, you can also use ESLint as a CLI if you wish. Here's how you'd do that in the context of your local directory/project.

./node_modules/.bin/eslint yourfile.js


You could also do a global install, but then you'd also have to do a global install of eslint-config-airbnb, and following that pattern could get messy as you switched global ESLint configs over time and across projects.

Functional ideas

Avoiding reassigning params (even with accumulators)

Many ESLint setups flag param reassignment and mutation (modifying object internals). This issue even comes up when you using reduce, which IMO isn't a big issue. The problem is that ESLint has no way to recognize the reduce accumulator param as something safe to mutate.

Say you had an inputs variable that looked like this:

  0 : {name: "progress", value: "0.0"},
  1 : {name: "level", value: "2"}

and you wanted to turn it into object whether the "name" value's key was "values" value. I.e

[ { "progress": "0.0" }, ... ]

This is how you'd normally do this with reduce, but ESLint doesn't like the param re-assignment that's happening (again, as an accumulator it's probably a pretty safe object to mutate).

return inputs.reduce((formObject, item) => {
  formObject[item.name] = item.value; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
  return formObject;
}, {});

What you can do instead is return a new accumulator each time.

return inputs.reduce((formObject, item) => (
  { ...formObject, [item.name]: item.value }
), {});

Note the need for brackets when setting the key.




  • Uninstall any previous node installations here
  • Use one of the nvm install scripts
  • nvm install --lts
  • nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION (preserves default between sessions, see here


  1. https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/master/es6%20%26%20beyond/ch2.md#let--for