Endless Encyclopedia Chef

The script sushichef.py downloads the Endless Encyclopedia content, converts it for use in Kolibri, then uploads it into Kolibri Studio so that later the content can be imported into Kolibri and used offline.


  1. Install the system prerequisites ffmpeg and imagemagick by following the prerequisite install instructions.
  2. Install Python 3 if you don't have it already.
  3. Make sure you also have pip installed by running the command pip --help in a terminal, and if missing install it.
  4. Create a Python virtual environment for this project:
    • Install the virtualenv package: pip install virtualenv
    • The next steps depends on whether you're using UNIX or Windows:
      • For UNIX systems (Linux and Mac):
        • Create a virtual env called venv in the current directory using the following command: virtualenv -p python3 venv
        • Activate the virtualenv called venv by running: source venv/bin/activate. Your command prompt should change and show the prefix (venv) to indicate you're now working inside venv.
        • Checkpoint: Try running which python and confirm the Python in is use the one from the virtual env (e.g. venv/bin/python) and not the system Python. Check also which pip is the one from the virtualenv.
      • For Windows systems:
        • Create a virtual env called venv in the current directory using the following command: virtualenv venv.
        • Activate the virtualenv called venv by running .\venv\Scripts\activate
        • Checkpoint: Try running python --version and confirm the Python version that is running is the same as the one you downloaded in step 2.
  5. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required Python libraries inside the virtual env.


To upload content using a ricecooker script, you must first obtain your Studio user authentication token. Save this token somewhere safe on your computer and treat it like a password: do not share it with anyone, don't send it in emails, and don't save it in git.


To run the Endless Encyclopedia content import script you can call the Python script sushichef.py as follows

python sushichef.py -v --token=<YOURTOKENHERE>

This will run the chef in verbose mode using the Studio token credentials provided. For more details about the various command line arguments and options, consult the docs.


A sushi chef script is responsible for importing content into Kolibri Studio. The ricecooker library provides all helper methods necessary for uploading the content to Kolibri Studio. The ricecooker docs can be found here.

This repo includes two sample chef scripts in examples/openstax_sushichef.py (json) and examples/wikipedia_sushichef.py (html). To find more code examples, search for [sushi-chef-* on github]https://github.com/search?q=org%3Alearningequality+sushi-chef-%2A) to see all the sushi chef scripts. They are all example of how to extract, transform, and upload content from various sources of openly licensed content.

Instructions and channel rubric

A sushi chef script has been created for you in sushichef.py to help you get started on the import of the Endless Encyclopedia content.

  1. Start by looking at the channel spec that describes the target channel structure, licensing information, and tips about content transformations that might be necessary.
  2. Add the code necessary to create this channel by modifying the construct_channel method of the chef class defined in sushichef.py.

Use the following rubric as a checklist to know when your sushi chef script is done:

Main checks

  1. Does the channel correspond to the spec provided?
  2. Does the content render as expected when viewed in Kolibri?

Logistic checks

  1. Is the channel uploaded to Studio and PUBLISH-ed?
  2. Is the channel imported to a demo server where it can be previewed?
  3. Is the information about the channel token, the studio URL, and demo server URL on notion card up to date? See the Studio Channels table. If a card for your channel yet doesn't exist yet, you can create one using the [+ New] button at the bottom of the table.

Metadata checks

  1. Do all nodes have appropriate titles?
  2. Do all nodes have appropriate descriptions (when available in the source)?
  3. Is the correct language code set on all nodes and files?
  4. Is the license field set to the correct value for all nodes?
  5. Is the source_id field set consistently for all content nodes? Use unique identifiers based on the source website or permanent url paths.

Code standards

  1. Does the section Usage in this README contain all the required information for another developer to run the script? Document and extra credentials, env vars, and options needed to run the script.
  2. Is the Python code readable and succinct?
  3. Are clarifying comments provided where needed?

Kolibri content development workflow

Running the sushichef script is only one of the steps in the Kolibri content development workflow. Here is the full picture:

                ricecooker      studio         kolibri demo server
  SPEC----->----CHEF----->------PUBLISH---->---IMPORT using token and REVIEW
   \  \         /                                                    /
    \  `clarif.´                                                    /
     \                                                             /
      `---------------- spec compliance checks -------------------´

It is your responsibility as the chef author to take this content channel all the way through this workflow and make sure that the final channel works in Kolibri. For details about each step in the workflow see the section Kolibri content workflows in the docs.