React Native Redux is tools help us create base project React Native, tools automatically add dependencies of Redux and add structure folder
Fast-growing create applications React Native
- Window
- MacOSX
- Linux
Install nodejs in your computer click here
npm i -g rn-redux
Now we will use tools rn-redux
, to create a React Native project quickly
rn-redux init AwesomeApp
rn-redux init AwesomeApp --version 0.55.3
Templates 1:
Templates 2:
1, templates in local workstation
2, templates in github
Example base project:
package.json file has format
"dependencies": {
"react-redux": "^5.0.7",
"redux": "^4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"vnrm": "0.0.11"
Use for custom templates with GitHub:
Redux base:
Redux-Saga base:
Video 1:
Video 2:
All dependencies will install to new project
Repository React Native Redux Cli click here