In the process of learning, I thought it would be best to learn in a self-guided fashion and build a simple app from scratch.
- base auth routes
- create user (signup)
- base route
- login user
- match if credentials are valid
- encrypt passwords
- bcrypt
- validation - password must be at least 8 characters
- set up jwt
[ ] go-jwt- fiber middleware
- route protection
func restricted(c *fiber.Ctx) error { user := c.Locals("user").(*jwt.Token) claims := user.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims) name := claims["name"].(string) return c.SendString("Welcome " + name) }
organization / architecture
- proper organization of return statuses for routes
- find more efficient way to test
- controllers vs. repositories
- figure out docker and maybe kubernetes
- deploy on aws
- fix https certificate
- made env public for tests with docker
- successfully deployed to AWS though the public address do not work
- scaffold
- Next.js
- typescript
- scaffold