
C/Fortran API that sits atop libyaml and provides simplified key-path access to document nodes. Includes routines to coerce node values to standard C/Fortran types.

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The yamlConfigFile library is an API constructed on top of libyaml. Its primary goals are:

  • Key-path access to document nodes

  • Coercion of scalar nodes to standard C and Fortran data types

  • A simple Fortran API

For example, consider the following YAML document:

    tolerance: 1.54e-2
    uses-bfgs: on

    order: [x, y]
      x: [ -3.14159, +3.14159 ]
      y: [ -6.28318, +6.28318 ]

      - C
      - H
      - O
    color-scheme: grayscale

The negative extent on the y axis is keyed by axes.range.y[0].


Coercion (or coversion to a data type) can be accomplished in the C API as follows:

yamlConfigFileRef     myConfFile = yamlConfigFileCreateWithFileAtPath("stm-config.yaml", yamlConfigFileOptions_doNotCache);

if ( myConfFile ) {
    double            yRange[2];
    bool              okay = yamlConfigFileCoerceSequenceAtPathString(
                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                      0, 1,
    if ( okay ) {
       printf("The y-axis range is from %lg to %lg.\n", yRange[0], yRange[1]);

The same code looks like this in the Fortran API:

Integer             :: myConfFile, yamlErrCode
Double Precision    :: yRange(2)

Call YAMLConfigFile_Open('stm-config.yaml', myConfFile)
If ( myConfFile > 0 ) then
    If ( YAMLConfigFile_GetDoublePrecisionArray(myConfFile, 'axes.range.y', 1, 2, yRange, yamlErrCode) ) then
        Write(*,*) 'The y-axis range is from ', yRange(1), ' to ', yRange(2), '.'

Building the library

CMake (version 3.0 or newer) is used to configure the source code for build. A C compiler is required. To use a specific C compiler, set the CC environment variable before configuring:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ CC=pgcc ccmake ..

There are several options that control aspects of the code that is generated:

Flag Default value Discussion
FORTRAN_INTEGER8 FALSE The Fortran API assumes the INTEGER type is 8- rather than 4-bytes
FORTRAN_LOGICAL8 FALSE The Fortran API assumes the LOGICAL type is 8- rather than 4-bytes
FORTRAN_REAL8 FALSE The Fortran API assumes the REAL type is 8- rather than 4-bytes
FORTRAN_NO_UNDERSCORING FALSE Do NOT append a trailing underscore on C functions that should be callable from Fortran
ENABLE_DEMO_PROGRAMS FALSE Also build all demonstration programs that make use of the library

The default Fortran API thus uses 4-byte (32-bit) INTEGER, LOGICAL, and REAL types and appends an underscore to C functions callable from Fortran (e.g. "yamlconfigfile_open_" and not "yamlconfigfile_open").