
The original code for my capstone project in school. This project won the favorite capstone project and presentation award out of the entire class of 2016 PCSE Department at Christopher Newport University. It is currently not live on the web because of some critical security flaws I discovered after working in the industry.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Hey Bartender Icon

Hey Bartender (Legacy)

The original code for my capstone project in school. This project won the favorite capstone project and presentation award out of the entire class of 2016 PCSE Department at Christopher Newport University.

The project includes my data design for cocktails that can be sorted by various criteria, a beautiful responsive front-end, and a very simple query string based API.

Project Icon

Hey Bartender Icon

Front Page

Hey Bartender Front Page

Selection Screen

Hey Bartender Selection

Project Poster

Hey Bartender Poster

Note: It is currently not live on the web because of some critical security flaws I discovered after working in the industry.